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Everything posted by verus22

  1. It's all done...the pictures of the finished product are here: http://leatherworker.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=63582 ...and thank you to everyone for your comments!!
  2. A gift I made for someone special. Top is Italian leather (shoulder), bottom lining is lambskin. Thread is 0.8 mm 'Tiger' thread, cream color. Stitching is all saddle stitch. All work done by hand.
  3. I'm making a couple gifts, and I spent some time playing around with designs...I thought this one was the best out of the bunch. Just finished stitching (all saddle stitch)...my hands are a bit tired now. I'll post more pics when it's all done.
  4. My sister told me it looked much smaller in the picture than in person...this should help show the size better.
  5. Beautiful...and looks pretty solid too! Looks great with that guitar
  6. I put some Fiebing's Aussie conditioner on the bottom to darken it up a little bit. I'm not sure if I like it lighter like it originally was, or darker...but I do like both. Anyway, here's a couple more pictures.
  7. Been working on layouts all weekend...needed to do something with leather instead of just paper. So I made a catch-all.
  8. You have some very nice work there! I especially like the pricking iron handle covers!!
  9. Thanks! I'm planning on adding it to my line-up...got a few more ideas in mind, but I don't want to over-do it.
  10. Another great video from Nigel!! A bit different than my method, but it gives me some ideas to help tighten up my layout, and of course, it works! Thanks Razmot for finding it! Jazzman and Avion, I hope that video helps more than my vague description! (It's tough to put into just words...)
  11. Avion, I went back to have another look at the belt picture you posted...I'd say you're stitching skills are there! Do plenty of practice on paper first with the layout, so you can get the proportions you want. I lay out 2 lines the width of the belt, then factor in the border stitching and creasing first, then play around with proportions till I get what I like. Once I'm there, I use the paper layout to help with putting the design on the leather. I take the measurements from the paper with the dividers and transfering to the leather, although I suppose you could do it the same way you would for tooling/carving with a tracing (something I'm not too good at).
  12. That is really sharp!! Really nice work
  13. It's not lined...and it's not quite a full belt either. lol Just a strip from a belt blank I picked up at Tandy. The design was done with a set of compass dividers and a straight edge, and layed out using the golden mean as a reference. I just did this for the practice, but everything was done by hand.
  14. Still have a couple bugs to work out, but it's getting closer to what I envisioned. (My Dad wants a belt like this, so I'm working on the design/technique. Hope to have it down by Christmas!)
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