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Sven WillIBeFamous

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About Sven WillIBeFamous

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    Newcastle, UK

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  1. Couple more guitar straps that I've done (my 2nd and 3rd straps completed so far). These are for 2 of the guys in my band. One likes Transformers and the other likes fishing... I made my own pattern for these as we wanted longer straps than we could traditionally find as it's a bit more "rock 'n' roll".
  2. Hi, I picked up your Growler pattern yesterday as a few friends are asking for me to make one for them and I'm looking forward to getting to grips with this. A couple of questions though: In the PDF that I originally downloaded it says that there will be some detailed instructions to follow, but I haven't had these sent to me. You also say that you use a Ladder stitch, but I've never seen this done before so wondering if you can point me in the right direction, or if the detailed instructions will include this?
  3. Awesome work. I've just finished my 1st 3 guitar straps for the guys in my band (I'll post some pictures in another thread) and looking at your decorative work is making me want to up my game. Quick question, do you treat the back of the strap with anything? I've been putting tan kote on mine just to try and seal the back but wasn't sure if there was a need, or if there is something better to be using?
  4. I'm just about to start on my first Guitar strap so I'm taking a lot of inspiration from your photos. Great work
  5. This has probably been asked before somewhere but I couldn't find anything suitable in my searches. I'm going to be making some guitar straps soon as I have an idea to have the majority of the strap black, and then have the tooled sections left with a natural, or maybe light tan, finish. I've done one other piece before using 2 different dyes and I found that when I applied a coat of resolene I had some transfer of the black on the tanned sections. Is the best option to carefully apply resolene or carnauba to the tooled sections before I apply the black? Or is there another technique which will serve me better? Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
  6. Still practising with putting these together and getting used to all the finishing techniques. This cover is for my Dad so it's got his initials on it. I can definitely see plenty of ways to improve in the future with the carving.
  7. I did take some photos of the inside but 1 was blurry and the other was really dark. I'll take some more tonight and add them to the thread.
  8. Picked up a pattern to make these and so decided to give it a bash. Still getting the hang of the stitching, especially where it's on a corner or a curved section (like the strap).
  9. Requesting access to this adult section as well please. Thanks
  10. I never considered a leather pick guard before. I love the idea though and I have some friends who'd probably appreciate such a thing.
  11. Here is a photo of the bracer assembled with the hand piece added on. It still needs a bit of shaping and wearing in. Now to start on making another one for the left arm...
  12. I so want to make some of these journal covers. It's definitely on my To Do list for the summer. Great work and I love the tooling and as everyone else has mentioned that inlay line. So straight and sharp!
  13. Trialling making some full bracers for LARP/Cosplay purposes, with a view to making some for friends who are players. Not fully complete as there is another piece to be attached to a half glove, and then attached to this. The top section needs to be shaped so that it wraps closer to the arm, and then curls out towards the top. I need to work on the buckles and straps in future, but I think most of my issues are that this is quite heavy, stiff leather. Any hints and tips to making buckles and straps will be appreciated. Really happy with the way the tooling has turned out. As always I welcome critique and comments.
  14. I have a bottle of super sheen I think. I'll give that a try on the next project.
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