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About firestormhcg

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  • Website URL
    http://Instagram: xjarrodxlw

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  • Interests
    Leatherwork, tattoos, mechanics, artwork, design.

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  • Leatherwork Specialty
    Wallets, Journals, Tattoo Aprons

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  1. There are quite a few guys in AZ. Myself for one, Justin (Whiskey Bent Leather), Drew (Drews Custom Leather) to name a few of my buddies. I know there are quite a few others as well. Kris Tanner is here as well.
  2. Thanks everyone! Thanks a lot! I appreciate that! I am no master but I try my best, haha!
  3. Thank you. Not sure about the snake, just something I drew up, nothing really in mind.
  4. Thank you guys!!!! Thank you! The leather is treated with some Fiebings spray sheen. I did't oil the leather so it would stay fairly stiff. I spray about 8 light coats of sheen over top to make it withstand some abuse.
  5. Wow those are incredible, nice work!
  6. Made this custom tooled leather pick guard for a client as a gift for his bandmate and his Fender Telecaster. Can't wait to see it put on and on stage!
  7. VERY NICE!! I like the inlay line. How do you do that? The tooling looks great! What leather did you use? Thanks, Phill Thank you Phill. The inlay line is done with a stitching groover. I use 6-7oz premium herman oak leather for these. Thanks! Thank you! Thanks! It's actually a very easy process using the stitching groover since it has a guide to run along the edge. Thanks a lot! Definitely make some, they're a blast! I used a guided stitching groover for all of it, even the bit along the corner shield. Makes it fairly easy to not make a mess. I used Fiebings Chocolate Oil Dye for this one. The light outside made it look purple for some reason, but it's a deep chocolate brown. I love the way the colors came out!
  8. Finished up this journal for a client as a gift to her manager at work. I love making these things! Very happy with the colors on this one!
  9. Looks to me that your leather was too wet, or not wet enough. Getting the proper moisture content in the leather is critical and takes time to learn. As for the marks, it just takes practice. You basically always want the beveler moving and that hammer tapping constantly. I basically grab my beveler and have it floating above the leather about a 16th of an inch, every tap should smack it down but your fingers should bring it right back up like a spring to that 16th of an inch. Walk it around your cuts, rather then move it. Good luck! It takes practice and is frustrating at times, but you'll get it!
  10. Finished up this for a ship captain in Northern California. Had a blast doing my first long wallet.
  11. To be honest, my round/head knife and skiver sit on my tool rack and collect dust. I mainly use a rotary cutter for long straight cuts and wide curves, and I use an olfa snap off 9mm box cutter to cut all the rest.
  12. Thank you! Yah its all about the experience and participation! It's always fun to put yourself up against other craftsman, makes you push harder next time. My buddy Rex who took first did an excellent job and will definitely push me harder this year. I appreciate the kind words!
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