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Everything posted by treyman

  1. Sets are 21 pt times and not sure exactly on other 2
  2. I have some solid brass fish hooks and key rings available in antique brass, antique silver or black powder coat. Key rings at 1.25” and fish hooks are 2.75” Key rings $.75 ea over 100 $.65 fish hooks $3.75 ea over 100 $3.25 shipping is flat rate $7.50 from california
  3. Selling kiwi print machine with 3 complete sets of type $1200. Local pickup in Temecula California.
  4. I have the heritage dye box and hated it. It's sitting under the bench and now use sponge paint brush, and works like a champ. $100 and somebody can take it
  5. Last thing can you give us a tutorial on the camera, I mean you bought a 7d mark ii you have to be the expert there too. Should we use "L" glass or is it overrated, what is f stop. How about studio lighting, you have the connections to get better deal on cowboy studio lighting (no relation to cowboy sewing) for less than 150, elinchrom is just overpriced. Looking forward to your photography spam, sorry I mean tutorial.
  6. I don't come here to spam my site. also when you hire models, iyiu might want to use their face. Also on your site put on the front page we make and ship all our quality leather goods from mainland China and Hong Kong. I am sure that little tip will put you over the top. No need to hide that info on the back pages. Everybody knows the best leather comes from China. Next time be a little smarter. Spam your crap to people that are looking to buy your type of crap and not people that are looking to make their own.
  7. People may have taken your post a little more seriously if you actually used a successful example. But when you use an account with a bunch of fake followers, what do you expect. Should of just posted go to this site whatever one you went and buy 7500 followers, since that is the example you so proudly used. I know social media has a huge impact on marketing, but doesn't do a damn thing with 8000 bots following you getting your product seen by fake followers is a waste of time.
  8. Is Instagram not working out for you? Looks like no posts since May. Also less than 50 likes from 8k followers looks like the investment in buying followers wasn't worth it.
  9. Use it to cut small 18" length either 3/4 or 1/2 wide straps. Works ok
  10. Its yours answered your pm
  11. Have 1 - 1000 m spool of white tiger thread, I have used maybe 2 m of it. Selling it for $45 shipped in the USA.
  12. I have had it happen 4x in the last 8 months, matter of fact just got the latest replacement card today. Somewhere local to me has a skimmer set up or something a gas pump I am assuming. The biggest pia is the automatic monthly payments I have attached to cards, usually forget a couple then get a notice your bill is late.
  13. This is a free opportunity, I just don't make any of the stuff and might as well get some use out of the page. If you have an etsy shop or website dealing with steapmunk leather goods and want some free advertising pm me Your site. I have another website that I will be shutting down soon with a Facebook page about 80k fans, mostly femaie geared towards steampunk. I will send the link to the page to those that are interested.
  14. eBay is a waste of time. Anything listed gets lost in all the Chinese listing. It would be nice if they would open an eBay America site
  15. They should have mandatory training but then again they don't give the stores Internet access either only access to company network.
  16. Devils advocate to the post. So they let people tool leather on their dime, neglect stocking and organizing, sales calls etc. would you pay someone to work on their own side job on your time? eventually that is where it would lead. Now if a customer asks them to show them how to do something go for it. But I understand their policy.
  17. Another video.................
  18. I was there Tuesday and Steve just happened to be there, lucky for me as he told me they are closed this week. Call on Monday and you should be good.
  19. Cobra may be coming out with its own.
  20. Hats off to those that can keep customers with long lead times. If the lead times are volume related then sounds like pricing adjustment is badly needed. Why would you not raise prices. Higher prices= shorter lead time less work and same profit.
  21. We use it all the time. A great time saver. If you are doing more than just a few here and ther I would say get it. I thought it was under 1k when we bought it.
  22. Looking for an r74 rotary punch. Will considered weaver version. Pm me your details.
  23. It's interesting reading the responses. If you are a business, not a hobbyist making extra money, customer service is part of the business. If they gave you money for a product and are questioning the status, then it shouldn't be a big deal or cause a lot of stress to respond with we are still on schedule if answering your customers is taking too much time from production, then it sounds like you need to hire some help. Just my opinion.
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