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Everything posted by LonesomeLeather

  1. Very nice, I always enjoy your style as well. What stamp is the leaf background, near the ends? -if you dont mind my asking
  2. @fallequinox @RockyAussie @alpha2 @VYO Thanks for looking, and for the compliments
  3. My dog lost his collar so I had a reason to try something new. Notice also the custom tag made from a fender washer i found in my garage! I used two layers of veg tan with nylon tape between and looped around the hardware for strength. I would have liked stronger hardware but I just used what was laying in my drawer so nothin exceptional there. The dog likes it I guess but doesnt respect it- he’s got it all scratched and worn now.
  4. Nice job, I am a fan of the canvas and leather combo- keep meaning to buy some canvas material and try it out.
  5. Thanks! I used a matting stamp with a pebbled texture- @Sphinx @battlemunky @alpha2 I appreciate the compliments, thanks for checkin it out!
  6. Nice work, what brand stamps do you like to use? Seems like others’ stamp work is always sharp and crisp compared to mine
  7. Here is the pic I was missing, showing my attempt with the rope border stamp. I think next time I need to scribe a light guide line for the border.. this one I free-handed
  8. I guess the design is sort of a composite of a couple old scabbards the guys had before and some input on what else was needed. They seem to like them so far, but this fall will be the first hunting season of use so we shall see. Heres a pic with a rifle tucked in showing how the flap folds over
  9. Thanks! I didn't line these with anything, just rough side in. Some lining would help make it even more rigid though. 'Anku' is a nickname my brother-in-law ended up with somehow. Im afraid to dig into the exact meaning. I just build m..
  10. Thanks! The hole is where the bolt handle pokes through the flap- not sure if its narrow or not, I just made it all fit together... I'll look for a pic of it with a gun in too. The straps are nice and long for hangin it off a saddle, my inlaws do a lot of hunting with their horses. And I sorta wish I had made the retainers a little beefier but I do like how they look :-)
  11. Here is my second scabbard, similar to the one I posted previously- built with the same pattern but slightly different design elements. I wish I had remembered to take a shot of the piece at the end of the scope, I had some fun trying out the rope border on this one
  12. Thanks for the tips from you other folks as well, I think my biggest problem is getting too eager and not letting the leather rest after dying or whenever its still tender from tooling and stamping. Like was mentioned. And I need more dedicated workspace, so I can quarantine my leather a little from everything else that goes on around here.
  13. Thanks Judy :-) Yes the lacing is double loop, with 1/8" lace from some kangaroo I've been hoarding. If you mean the depressions around the letters, yes - that was done with a small smooth pear shader.
  14. Thanks! Help yourself, im glad you like it- I'm not worth much for carving yet so I stick with the stamps mostly..
  15. The first of two scabbards for my brothers-in-law. This is the biggest project I've tackled. Some of my first lace work... Just a little for now. I was a little disappointed with how scuffed up the piece got over the course of construction. I was thinking a carpeted work table might help protect it some- any ideas? I know I should be more careful with how I handle it, but any specific ideas you've used that help avoid collateral damage to your project when you handle and work it?
  16. Got moved in to our new house, this is my first project in a long while. For a Ruger Security Six...
  17. Thanks folks! Yeah, I have some questions about how best to attach straps... I was reading in the saddle construction section that a crossing row of stitches (like I did) is like sayin "tear at dotted line" The leather is from a utility side that was on sale at Tandy, sort of an oily waxy pull-up finish, maybe 3oz... no name for the color though, sorry
  18. Along these lines, would anyone mind Sharing preferred methods of attaching straps? I'm no expert, and I usually just do what looks good for my bags or shoulder holsters, but do you like to use rivets? Rivets and stitching? How about different applications like wrapping around hardware, attaching directly to the side of the article, or attaching at the edge of the article?
  19. That pouch would be nice for mushrooms... any thoughts on working in some sort of cross-body shoulder strap that would fold or roll inside as well? Maybe that's over-complicating it though
  20. Thanks, Chas! Ya it's something cheap from Tandy, veg tan and probably 7/9 oz. I did dye it myself with ecoflo; java Brown and coal black. I buff it out with Brown or black shoe polish and then use a couple coats of spray wax 'saddle sheen'
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