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Howling Wolf Leather

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Everything posted by Howling Wolf Leather

  1. You can now Donate Online by using the following Link: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_...tton_id=6713381 Pictures of the devastation this fire caused: http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b389/San...20House%20Fire/ Please pass this on to anyone who may be able to help my family.
  2. The Antelope Valley Fair has not had a leather division in years, The Leathercraft Guild contacting the fair in regards to setting up a leathercraft division for adults that would have classes under it as it is with other fairs. BUT for the first year of them bringing back leather to the fair having a class in another division is a positive step forward. They made the decision to have 1 class called leathercraft in the handicraft department and division because they have not had many entries in the past the fair, BUT depending on the amount of entries and interest may add a division with many classes for leathercrafts next year. Let's show the fair administrators that there is a love for leatherwork in California and have them add this craft to the handicrafts department every year with it's own division and items broken down into classes such as books, pictures, holsters, etc. PLEASE find 2 items that you are interested in putting into the competition and get your payments for entries into the Fair by July 11th so we can show them there is an interest in a leathercraft division! The Fair runs from August 20th to August 30th. Entry Fee: $1.50 per entry per class Limit: Two (2) entries per class per exhibitor Exhibits Received: Friday, Aug. 7, 1 - 6 p.m. Exhibits Released: Monday, Aug. 31, 2 - 7 p.m. Size Limit: Not over 30 lb. or 36” high, unless prior approval is obtained from chairperson American System of Judging If exhibit is to be hung, must have wire, hook, etc., sturdy enough to hold. The link for entries is: https://antelo.fairmanager.com/login.aspx You must set up an account as a new exhibitor to process your payment for entries. When entering your items you will need to put Handicraft in both the Department and Division boxes, the class # is 16 Leathercraft This is an Open Class in the fair, so anyone in the county's surrounding the fair can enter, Please pick your 2 best leathercraft items and enter this fair, lets show our love for leathercrafting! For more information about the fair, directions etc. the fair website is: http://www.avfair.com/ The Entry Guide can be found at: http://www.avfair.com/avfair/guide-preminumbk.htm Handicrafts Portion is http://www.avfair.com/avfair/guide-preminumbk.htm
  3. First and foremost, I would like, on behalf of my family and myself to personally thank everyone who has sent prayers, thoughts, well wishes and donations of clothing and finances in order to assist our family during this current difficult time. It is appreciated more than words can say. As many of you know, my mother Beverly and Stepfather Richard were involved in a house fire on June 21st 2009. Media including KTLA, Inland Valley Daily Bulletin, San Bernardino Sun, Press Enterprise and High Desert Press all wrote articles regarding he fire, thank you to them for letting people know about this happening and to the members of those media organizations that have asked for follow up information in regards to the condition and status of my mother and stepfather, I have been told at least 3 of these media outlets will print a follow up in regards to the families current situation. Police officials helped my mother out of the home as she was trying to assist Richard in getting out; she was taken by ambulance to the hospital. Richard had to be pulled from his bedroom which was ablaze and was airlifted to the hospital. Members for both Hesperia and Victorville fire departments were able to extinguish the fire within about 20 minutes according to news reports. My mother was admitted to the hospital with smoke inhalation and was observed for cardiac issues and was released on June 24th. Richard remains hospitalized in the burn unit for 2nd and 3rd degree burns on just over 25% of his body and for smoke inhalation. Upon his hospitalization Richard was put on a ventilator to assist in removing soot from his lungs and later a conventional ventilator to assist his breathing as his lungs healed. He was taken off all ventilators and put on oxygen on June 27th. Richard underwent skin graph surgery on June 25th and a 2nd skin graph surgery on July 2nd. He is improving and doctors feel he may be able to be released as early as July 7th. The dogs that were rescued were not the only pets in the house; there were also 3 cats that were taken out of the house on June 22nd by the fire marshal. My sister and her husband are now caring for the cats and the Red Cross is assisting with sheltering the dogs for 30 days. The house was deemed unlivable and a notice not to occupy was placed on it. All of Richard's belongings were destroyed except for his Marine Dress Blue Uniform. Anyone who is or was a Marine can appreciate the fact this uniform belonging to an ex-marine withstood the fire and is still usable. The hat and belt from the uniform were singed but the rest of it seems to be OK according to my sister and her husband. Some items destroyed that must be replaced include Richard’s hospital bed, his wheelchair, his prosthetic leg, his crutches and all of his clothing and many other odds and ends we all take for granted as to having them. Pictures of the devastation this fire caused to the house can be viewed at: http://s23.photobucket.com/albums/b389/San...nt=87318147.pbw Because of not being able to return to their home and the costs it will take to replace the items that were destroyed the family has set up an account for people to be able to donate in order to assist with these costs. Those wanting to donate to the Brasen Fire Fund can do so at any Chase Bank branch nationwide. Be sure to provide the account number which is 344-3890228, as not all branches across the country may be able to access the account by name. Thank you again for all of you have done for our family during this difficult time.
  4. My stepfather continues to improve but remains hospitalized. I will do a full update next week as time permits as soon as I have gathered all more information so as to be able to post it all at once. Thank you all very much for your thoughts, prayers and donations to assist my family. Words cannot that you enough!
  5. Thank you again for your words and prayers. It has definitely been a difficult year thus far, losing my nephew in February (2 days before his 21st birthday) and then Richard (my stepfather) losing his brother two months ago, just to name a couple of things that have gone on. Harvey just said today... if it weren't for bad luck my family would have no luck at all this year! Updated information: My Mother was released from the hospital today, she will be staying with my sister for the time being. (My sister lives around the corner from my mom and stepfathers house. My Stepfather is still in a burn unit on a respirator in critical condition. his burns will require surgeries, the first of which is tentatively scheduled for tomorrow depending on how his vital signs etc are as of then. Attached is a picture of my stepfather's wheelchair which was next to the bed in his room where the fire started.
  6. Firefighters rescue elderly man, dogs from burning Hesperia home ~ Man airlifted with burns to 50 percent of his body June 22, 2009 - 9:42 AM San Bernardino County firefighters pulled a disabled elderly man and his three dogs from his burning Hesperia home on Father’s Day night, officials said. The man, who uses a wheelchair, was able to get into a hallway of his home, and that’s where rescuers were able to find the man, according to Megan Blaney, spokeswoman for the fire department. “When they pulled him out, he had fairly significant burns to 50 percent of his body,” she said. Rescuers airlifted the man to Arrowhead Regional Medical Center in Colton. The fire broke out in the bedroom of the home around 10:15 p.m., Blaney said. The man’s wife was able to escape the home and told rescuers her husband and pets were still trapped inside. Firefighters were able to contain the fire to the bedroom of the home and knocked it down within 20 minutes, Blaney said. The cause of the fire is still under investigation. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The above is the first newspaper in regards to the fire at the house of my Mother Beverly and Stepfather Richard. According to the doctors as of 5PM this evening Richard has 2nd and 3rd degree burns on just over 25% of his body. My Mother who is in a different hospital than Richard seems to be stable but has been admitted to the hospital and we are unsure when she will be released but as of now they do not expect her to be released until the end of the week. My mother and stepfather are elderly and due to the damage sustained to the house they were living in will not be able to live there and upon release from the hospital they will have to find a new home I am working on setting up a way for people who are able to donate to assist them in moving, so please know that I will send an update as more information becomes available. Please continue to pray for my Mother Beverly & Stepfather Richard who remain hospitalized at this time.
  7. WC said that he will come up with another pattern to be able to share with leatherworker.net and other groups as this pattern is being used on a project he is currently working on. He shared the pattern used in the workshop with members of The Leathercraft Guild but does not want it distributed to the public at this time.
  8. I will see what I can get, If you are looking for good information on "Swivel Knife Finesse" or Finger Cutting in leather Al Gould recently had an article in The Leather Crafters Saddlers Journal explaining how it is done. The basic thing that WC taught was that in doing Finger cutting you treat each cut as if it were a decorative cut in leather. You would start heavy and let the knife lift out at the base of the cut. Pictures will be posted on The Leathercraft Guild Myspace and Facebook by the end of the week and a link will be put on our Twitter I apologize for my delayed response, time does not allow me to be on leatherworker.net as much as I would like.
  9. The June 14th 2009 from 1PM to 4PM at Standing Bear's it will be on the 2ND SUNDAY of June due to Father's day. Guests and members please park in the back of the store as the front is locked because Standing Bear's Trading Post is closed on Sundays. Standing Bear's Trading Post is located at 7624 Tampa Avenue in Reseda, CA. dead center between the 101 and 118 freeways on Tampa Avenue. This months meeting Wayne Christensen owner of Leather by WC and Standing Bear's Trading Post will be leading a Swivel Knife Finesse Workshop. The only thing you need to bring with you is a swivel knife, strop, stylus and a pencil. Leather will be provided by Standing Bear's Trading Post. Hope to see you all there!! Sandi The Leathercraft Guild
  10. Howdy Chris For your 3rd carving, that's not too shabby. I do think you are tring to work with your leather too wet. Also try to do your background last when the leather is much drier, it will stay down better. WC
  11. I wanted to take a moment and thank everyone who has sent kind words, called, came to see members of the family, and those that have made donations to the funeral for ALL that they have done during this devastating time. I am leaving today for my sisters for my nephews funeral. The rest of the family will be coming in tonight with the exception of my brother Randy who will get here tomorrow morning. I will be back on Saturday evening. Just wanted to let everyone know where I'll be and that I won't be able to check in while I am gone. Please keep my family in your prayers as we come together. The online donation site will be up until February 18th if anyone would like to contribute to the cost of the funeral. http://www.chipin.com/contribute/id/f5a544ecf92f7318 For those who may not know, my nephew Jesse Taylor died at the age of 20. He would have been 21 on February 3rd. My sister has been through breast cancer, cervical cancer and now she has to deal with the loss of her oldest child. This is the 2nd nephew I have lost just prior to their 21st birthday and 3rd nephew my family has lost at a VERY young age, with everything my sister and the rest of my family has been through in the past few years, I am taking life a moment at a time which is all that I can do. My family has suffered a hard blow as we thought that we would never again lose one of the younger members of our family... and it is a reminder that tomorrow is not promised... today is all we have so we must do all we can to live today, each day as if it were our last. I am not one to reach out to others for help or to ask for anything if I can get it for myself... my family are survivors so reaching out like this is difficult especially in the current economic times. My sister (Jesse's Mother) has battled cancer twice, with everything she has been through, I am hoping somehow others assisting with this will help her through this time as she struggles with the loss of her eldest son. Any donation, no matter how small would help, please donate what you can if you can and please share this link with your friends in order to help our family. http://www.chipin.com/contribute/id/f5a544ecf92f7318 If you prefer not to use Paypal and would like to donate please send checks or money orders payable to Paula Smith to Standing Bear's Trading Post 7624 Tampa Avenue Reseda, CA. 91335 If you are in the local you can drop it off during the hours of 10AM - 6PM Monday Thru Saturday. Please do not send flowers etc. to the above address, the address is just for cards and donations. Thank you VERY MUCH for taking time to read this, for your prayers and for your support our family greatly appreciates it. Take care, be good to yourselves and be good to each other... God Bless
  12. I am leaving today for my sisters for my nephews funeral. The rest of the family will be coming in tonight with the exception of my brother Randy who will get here tomorrow morning. I will be back on Saturday evening. Just wanted to let everyone know where I'll be and that I won't be able to check in while I am gone. Please keep my family in your prayers as we come together. The online donation site will be up until February 18th if anyone would like to contribute to the cost of the funeral. THANK YOU to EVERYONE who has been there for us through this difficult time. http://www.chipin.com/contribute/id/f5a544ecf92f7318 Take care, be good to yourselves and be good to each other... God Bless
  13. I am sorry for your loss, may peace surround you with the decision you needed to make and the hurt heal in time.
  14. Thank you Ann for posting this for me. I appreciate the support of everyone at this time... it is a minute at a time, sometimes as much as an hour, sometimes longer. To those that have sent up prayers, sent me messages and e-mails, called donated to the funeral etc. THANK YOU ALL! God Bless.
  15. Howdy Clay You are right. I have two of them for both my businesses. I had the floral done first then I had the meander boarder added when my father in law passed away, his initials are in the bottom of the meander. When Standing Bears Trading Post was given to me by Bears family after he passed I had the medicine wheel done. It is just about time to have the color redone on the floral WC
  16. Howdy Dave Great looking seat. One little note, be very careful of carving skulls with wings like that. It is way too close to the Hell's Angels Logo. If one of the sees that seat they will cut it to shreads. I've done work for them in the past and had to have permission on their letterhead before I did the work. I've seen them kick the crap out of a guy who had a TAT the was not even as close as your carving to their logo. Just a word of caution. WC
  17. Howdy All Al Gould was here Sunday doing a class. Here is the piece he demoed. WC
  18. The photos of the workshop led by Anne at The Leathercraft Guild meeting held 8-17-08 are currently posted on The Leathercraft Guild Myspace, facebook and on photobucket: http://www.myspace.com/theleathercraftguild http://www.facebook.com/pages/The-Leatherc...ild/28636993760 http://photobucket.com/TheLeathercraftGuild When photos by the members of the guild are taken of stones they have made I will update them on the above sites as well.
  19. OK Spider... when will I get to see these in person LOL Great designs, I really like them, I also thought the 1st one was a cake!
  20. I watched Al on a video from the Last trade show in Ventura and he drew in his main lines and free handed the rest. I drew my main scroll lines and transfered them to the leather just to make sure they were as balanced as possible. All other cuts were free hand. WC
  21. Rick Bean and Al Gould are two of the best at swivel knife work. Here are a couple of Al's pieces. WC
  22. Howdy All It's been a long time since I've posted to this group. Here is what I did today for the challange. WC
  23. GREAT work on the color, This is the one I saw last night right? Sometimes color takes away from a carving, but this really added to it... I like it! What did you use for color?
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