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Everything posted by RKCrowe

  1. My opinion about why this site is so great, is the fantastic diverse people on it. It's a pleasure and honor to be part of it. I am in the aviation industry as a pilot for a Fractional Ownership company. After college I joined the army as a Warrant Officer, flying the Apache attack helicopter. Which was a good machine to be in during combat operations, Desert Shield/Storm. After that I flew for a commuter airline in Florida for 6 years, before my current job for the last 16 years, flying the 1 percenters around on their business. Got into leather crafting while looking at forging metal. After watching some videos of knife sheaths being made decided forging would be too hot,loud,and dirty( plus would probably make the neighbors unhappy). Anyway that's what I do when not doing leathercrafting. I just married off one daughter and have two more to go, so another words, I'll never get to retire, but aiming for 2025.
  2. Spectre6000, Your enthusiasm and excitement on this topic is obviously genuine and it really makes me feel smile. I only had basic chemistry, but your explanations were placed on a level that even I could follow... sometimes. I would have liked to observe you and your friends discussion over cinnamon buns. And even more so after the beer came out! Thanks you
  3. I did this as an exercise for practice and improvement. The leather was 3-4oz. The scroll sections were too small and detailed for my skill level so ended up nothing like the picture I traced...but was good practice. I want to improve my efforts in the areas of use of color and scene layout and execution. Please, what do you think.
  4. I'm having trouble posting pictures. I keep getting "file too big" message. Any suggestions?

    1. TwinOaks


      If you don't have a photo editing tool, check out IRFANVIEW. It was free the last time I checked and had a very simple UI to resize pics to several presets

    2. Tannin


      You can also shrink images using Windows Paint (mspaint.exe). Use the .png format to resize your image & then re-save as a .jpeg - which will be smaller & more widely supported ((esp. on the Web).

      I would suggest that 800x600 is plenty big enough for most images.

      Hope that helps someone.

    3. LNLeather


      Sometimes, I have found that just cropping a picture is enough to make it small enough, if there is enough space around the object that you can remove… :)

    4. Show next comments  6 more
  5. I know he has been dealing with a family members health issue. And, I have his Johnny Ringo rig pattern
  6. Good day to all. I was looking for information on cutting quality and consistent 45 degree beveled edges, especially on a piece of leather cut round. As in the bottom/top of a cylindrical project. Any gadgets? diy or for purchase. Also, what constitutes a though search of the forum, before opening a new thread? Thanks again Richard
  7. Good day, To update all, again thank you for your help. I have made several koozies of different sizes, using the help I got here on the forum. I made templates and ready to make koozies at will. I attached a pic, I think, of the latest made. I made it for long neck bottles. Using what I learned here, it finished spot on. Take care, Richard
  8. Good day to all, I am looking for reference material for working with fur-on leather. I really like the way it makes a bag look, when used as either panels or accents. Also, if there are existing topics on the forum that I can be pointed to, I would thank you. I don't know about you, but I go looking for something specific but always seem to wonder all over the forum. About 30-45 minutes later, I remember I was looking for something. Take care Richard
  9. Well, I finished the koozie! I used the math formula and the strap method to come up with my measurements. I decided to use butted joint instead of the overlapped joint. The project came out great, the can goes in/out with just a hint of resistance from air pressure/vacuum. Thank you all for your advice, suggestions and experiences. Richard
  10. Please, I would like be granted access the adult section. Do I get a secret decoder ring!? Thank you Richard
  11. Yep, byggyns, I left out the step of multiplying the sum by pi. I will use it for initial project planning and verified by Jims strap method.
  12. Jim when I think real hard, I usually lube the brain with some Makers Mark. I think I will think hard tonight.
  13. I would like to thank all for their suggestions and support. I stumbled onto this site and I'm not letting go. I thought I had worked out a solution, but no, it must be a math formula above my pay grade so… I will use what I learned from you. Jim, awesome work there. On use of the strap; on the not so round projects, you just brought the strap around until it met back with itself and added some for the stitching? Thank you all again and good day!
  14. Good day to all, I am new to leatherworker.net and have really enjoyed it. So much info and talent here it's kind of overwhelming. Anyway, I am making a koozie for a 12 oz. can, it's going to have a 2mm foam sheet lining. The leather I am going to use is 3-3.5mm. So after hurting my brain relearning some math, I cut some test pieces of foam and leather and test fitted...I sat back and scratched my head and went huh! The fit was almost perfect, the leather ends butted up nicely, However, I meant to have a 10mm overlap to glue and rivet. I gave consideration to the thicknesses of foam and leather, My question is; Is there a formula, rule of thumb, etc. to determining dimensions for cylinder projects like my koozie?
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