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Scary Leatherworks

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Everything posted by Scary Leatherworks

  1. I started with the 138 thread and had some ok results but was then reccomended to switch to an 18 round point needle with 69 thread. haven't tried that yet was a bit of tensioning to work out had to back it off quite a bit due to the softness of the leather. make sure you try multiple scrap trials to get it right.
  2. Yes you may need to make the edge wider especially at the corner it's the worst to sew. Try some Barge cement to hold it together so it can't pull apart when you are trying to sew it together.
  3. needle and tension. I ordered some round point #18 from Steve so I could sew thinner stuff. No they aren't designed for it but I have and still use it to sew thin stuff. I have sewn 2 layers of lamb with my class 4. try smaller needle and thread. When I got mine my smallest needle was a #23 that I used with 138 thread. Also play with the tension to pull the knot in to the middle of the leather
  4. Here's the hat
  5. Yes, you may be mad for trying it wet forming might do the trick. the Gussets being only 4cm and 8oz may be overkill though. When you have to stitch the center (middle separator and 2 gussets) it's going to be 24oz thick. you could probably use much thinner material for the gussets but I also understand how it is when you get an idea and you want to MAKE it work. Make the bends on each side of your gusset a bit wider than you want them to end up partly because you lose some around the corners. Also with an 8oz gusset it and only 4cm wide it won't want to "accordion" in but then you were only hoping to gain a cm
  6. http://www.sewingmachineoutlet.com/ricetn.htm I've never ordered from them but click on the size you want "277,346, or 415" in the "colors" section click add to cart and then you can choose the size and color.
  7. DoubleC I wish Rancn2arena showed more on his website. I didn't see any buckles but do like small companies that make a good product. Also I see you are in VT. Alot of my family is there, but I wanted to let you know on Craigslist someone in Walden (yes I know it's quite a bit north of you) is selling deer hides in a few shades for $20 a piece.
  8. it's more expensive but looks to be exact. if you are in a pinch? http://www.moonshineleather.com/productdetailsbuckles.cfm?productcode=W001S-04
  9. Bob thanks, I'll check it out. Busted, I have no idea what size that would be. I don't really know the whole needle size thing. slowly learning though
  10. what is the smallest needle I can get in the 794 system for a cobra 4? I really want to sew some light leather and needles seem to be a real pain to find or figure out I never realized there were so many needle sizes/types
  11. Check Wicket& Craig maybe there English Bridle. You have to call them but they are helpful and they will skive to your thickness and finish the back. I always get nice leather from them http://www.wickett-craig.com/index.php/leathers/description-and-grading
  12. $26 for a tooling belly you want at least 5/6oz http://springfieldleather.com/25850/Belly%2CHermannOak%2C9-10oz%2CEach/ As said before you want veg-tanned leather if you want to tool it.
  13. about 2/3 down the page it's the closest I have ever been able to find for a buckle like that. http://www.hardwareelf.com/elf/buckles.jsp
  14. http://www.buckleguy.com/products/G7341-19-Links--Natural-Brass%2C-Swivel-Bolt-Snap-w%7B47%7DChain%2C-Solid-Brass.html he has different ones also. Ive always had good luck with him
  15. Call Abbey they may be able to tell you if this is the same. I can't find any info on it here in the states http://www.abbeyengland.com/Store/tabid/77/CategoryID/202/Category2ID/69/catpageindex/3/Level/2/ProductID/69360/Default.aspx
  16. Is this what you're looking for? http://www.bagsmith....d-Capsules.html says free shipping on this one http://www.ebay.com/itm/Sajou-Fil-Au-Chinois-Waxed-Linen-Sewing-Thread-CHOOSE-/130502048581
  17. Steve is very helpful and you should get some thread and 3 different sized needles with your machine. If you want to get different sized thread but dont want to commit to a full spool the thread exchange has small spools as well. So far I have 138, 207, and 277 size thread.
  18. Yes, you are totally wrong. your math is off a decimal point. I'm assuming with your calculation you were figuring on a 36" belt. 15sqft is 2160sqin but a 3/4" x36" belt is 27sqin, which means 80 belts but as stated above you won't be able to use the whole piece. You will have alot of uneven edges you will have to trim
  19. I had an excellent piece of Show Harness from them. Yup, it scratches easily. I found that if I rubbed my hand over the light scratches they would come out. I even got a fairly significant one out that way, it just took more time.
  20. I like the neon green. You can buy waxed thread dyed in lots of colors (except neon green) I agree Tandy's selection is a bit boring.
  21. you can get a fairly inexpensive airbrush and compressor to do that. I use my air-nailer compressor for my airbrush but the smaller ones work fine too. I spent $60 on my air-brush 5 yrs ago an it still works great and you can find them cheaper than that. just an example http://www.tcpglobal.com/airbrushdepot/9169.aspx
  22. I get quite a bit of my supplies from http://www.buckleguy.com/ he has some antique brass. Also do a google search and you'll find ways to antique brass yourself if you can't find what you want already antiqued. usually you have to clean the sealer off then hang it in a sealed container with a small amount of ammonia for a while then heat at a low temp for 20-60 min or something like that. as for waxed nylon thread are you hand-stitching or machine. If hand stitching I would suggest waxed linen, instead of nylon. for waxed linen try here http://www.royalwoodltd.com/cat14-17ar.htm I think 7ply for that bag if you really want the stitching to stand out. the waxed linen at Tandy is 6ply get royalwoods thread card for $2 it's worth it for nylon thread or other types http://www.thethreadexchange.com/miva/merchant.mvc?Screen=CTGY&Store_Code=TTE&Category_Code=nylon-thread
  23. As with anything I think there are some differences with brands of neatsfoot oil. I just thought I'd trow this out there. Fiebings medium brown has a reddish tint to it
  24. That leather in the link is 6-8oz, which would be a bit thick for a handbag. hidehouse does have some 2.5-3oz as well but still expensive. find a nice soft kip
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