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Everything posted by jbird

  1. Wow I like it what did you do to it Josh
  2. very good Bruce I got a make some of those Josh
  3. jbird


    Welcome and good luck you have found the best place on the web or on the earth. Post some pics some time Josh
  4. I agree the hole way John Josh
  5. Thanks BEN Josh
  6. thats right on the money the advice you have gotten good luck Josh
  7. Welcome you dont know what your in for here at LW its a great place. Josh
  8. I here you pete on the pattern thing. sounds like we will stick with the system Josh
  9. What sort of lasers or people using, were can they be found. Josh Long Live Cowboys and Cowgirls!
  10. Nice Work I like the color and the design Josh
  11. How about a subforum Josh
  12. I was wondering what the thought would be on adding a spot where we could give kudos to people, there's lots of times folks share patterens or give a member a needed tool or some other thing, and it would be kind of nice to thank them on the big board, also you could add a place for members to give a little short on how they got to were they are and how they were helped. Josh
  13. Does any one now how to make leather gloves I am needing to learn any help is wanted thanks a lot Josh
  14. Thanks Kate sounds good My camera is lacking its a Panasonic Lumix DMC TZ3 Josh Wow Tina I am printing this out its priceless Josh
  15. Thanks bree yes I know I need a light box bad working on it soon I hope. Josh
  16. Ok and this. Josh
  17. Ed That's very nice thanks for sharing Josh
  18. Oh cool thats way neat Josh
  19. Howdy My fellow leatherworkers are these photos any better looking. Tina Kate what do you think Josh
  20. Tina Thanks a lot. Kate Thank you. Josh I will try my hand at it.
  21. Tina Wow how did you do that my goodness that's a lot better Josh
  22. Thank you Mike for the kind words, I just can't get a break with the borders I got remeber to wright it down LOL Josh PS it's burned in my brain Josh
  23. I will try to remeber that. LOL Josh
  24. Thanks a lot it was a lot of fun Josh Thanks Art She does like it and if she ever gets mad I will send it your way LOL Josh
  25. Thanks for the kind words and input All Shirley, LOL I will remeber that PS I shaved with this knife to see if it was sharp enough Josh
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