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Everything posted by jbird

  1. So I have some folks wanting me to tool there leather for them, what is fair price should it be by the hour or what is the correct system. Josh
  2. Good work and now I know what to do when it comes up. Josh
  3. HOWDY there I saw your post and it remined me of me and my first post here so I threw this together last night hope this helps, this is basic basketweave. welcome and have fun post alot.
  4. Thanks Joe about the tie down and hammer lock the guy I am selling this to dosent want ethier so that accounts for that. sorry about the hide ha ha but thats the way it goes you do somthing and the next minute you wish you didnt. Josh
  5. jbird

    kangaroo whip

    Looks great I want to braid like that's some day Josh
  6. Mike I am humbled by the work I have seen on this site and even more by the help offered me here by all and by you thanks a lot for any improvments I have made are a result of your and others help and tips, I have taken in to my notes your input and will put it to my work, as always thanks and don't give up on me. Josh
  7. Thank you all for the kind words and input you are all the best helpfull and willing folks on the web. Crystal Purdy is great use it all you want. Josh It is made for a colt .357 magnum but I don't have it right now sorry. Thanks for the help and tips.
  8. I don't know why it looks that way but it's stitch groved and preety deep the rivet is for looks the tounge is stitched twice for streghth all the way around.
  9. Howdy and hello all So here it is My First Western Gun Rig its not perfect to say the least but its got my art work and my sweet and as my friend Crystal says its Josh Art. So tell me what you think please and dont hold any thing back.
  10. Thanks Justin I am trying to get some good colors in my stuff so here's hoping. Josh
  11. Howdy Chuck I am interested in making round knives and hunting knives as well as other leather knives trim knives and such. Stock to begin with but forging once I get in to it. 20 miles south west of salt lake city, herriman. Thanks so much you are all great to help. PS some wood working chisels at some point to. Josh
  12. Very nice and interesting and looks just like the first one. Josh
  13. Thank you for the kind words, the desgin is all mine he said be creative so that's what came out. Josh
  14. Thanks Sam As for the phone holster sound cool for sure my phone would love it, I can see it now LoL Josh
  15. Dave and Randy Thanks very much for the help I am once again headed down the path of a new trade and skill, Dave I will be hitting you up for help as I go yes in deed. Josh
  16. Now I know that there are some knife makers here and if you could answer some questions I would be gratefull to you, so first of i am taking a class to get a degree on knife making anyway, before this starts I want to make a few but were do get steel at this is my top question were at, and more questions are coming. Josh
  17. So here's a tool holster I made for a guy not that great but its a new design so thats it. Josh
  18. so Holly I will be 22 in a few weeks that's pretty young for this industry LOL right And ok so I over did it Clay you not that old I guess Josh
  19. Wow that old wow that's old really really old I mean goodness that is old I mean, the best years are a head Of you LOL HAPPY BIRTHDAY CLAY Josh
  20. jbird

    Sewing machine

    Mostly belts nothing lighter then 5 oz Thanks josh
  21. I called and emailed for one a month ago not a thing zero Josh
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