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Everything posted by jbird

  1. Were are you geting the molds. Josh
  2. Thanks for the comment Josh Thanks a lot Bruce, That's is very helpfull input thanks I am going to correct that. Josh
  3. thanks Tom your input is always wanted. Josh
  4. Very nice work Mark thanks for posting. Josh
  5. Thanks Art Always glad to here from you. Josh Thanks Crystal you like the that name it's kind of catchy ha. Josh Ha David thanks I am trying and with every bodys help I might get better. Josh Thanks on the tip I agree and I am changing the patteren some. Josh
  6. Thanks Art May god go with you hope all is well. Josh
  7. Thanks Mark For the input and help take care. Josh
  8. Howdy all My fellow leatherworkers so here is another holster from me and my company Dusty Chap LeatherWorks, hope you like it and if not spout off thanks . Josh m
  9. Thanks Crystal I will drink that with you a nice cold milk. Josh
  10. Thank you all And I am having a very nice day, any day I can log on here with all you is a good day thanks again. Josh
  11. Great work Crystal You are very good and I think you are doing more stuff lately ? Josh
  12. What 29 I would have thought that you were a lot younger than that, well Happy Birthday and thanks for the good tips and help. Josh PS I am posting this just minutes from my Birthday so send some cake my way LOL
  13. Thanks all for your input and help. Josh
  14. Great stuff Tom thanks for posting. Josh
  15. I feel for you and I am sorry hope you can work out with the wife. Josh
  16. WoW wonderfull thanks for posting. Josh
  17. Holly I think if I was buying one I would pay upwards of $60 for it. Josh
  18. talk to Bruce Johnson he has a book Josh
  19. Bob what are those mauls made of wood raw hide. Josh
  20. thanks all for your input very helpfull, and chuck I use those punches all the tim in fact I made some out of pipe. Josh
  21. well that must be it to much downward thrust. But I still am wondering with that small amount of force how do judge if you have cut all the threw the leather. Josh
  22. Howdy all and good day So after using and using the round knife my bone is this I don't have any trouble geting it sharp but its the grab of the surface below I have poked around this question and I am wondering is there a surface I can cut on that dosent grab or do I just muscle throw this any and all input is wanted thanks all Josh
  23. Very nice work on that braided one. PS funny I am working on one at the moment with a braid through the middle 1 1/4 wide Josh
  24. Well for me it's a system the same every time plugin my iPod and turn on some classic country or western some cowboy songs and every now and then some Celtic music, I don't drink so it's usally a coke or grape juice but never by were I am working got a spot all layed out for beverages and they stay there and every now and again I put on a aduio book and drink that in, most of the time I am sittin or standing in front of a massive window that looks in to the open plains and mountains passing by are some rabbits wild turkey, some hundred deer and other wildlife keeps me relaxed. Josh
  25. First off that belt in the picture is thick very thick and as such I would notbe worried about making it weak how ever the problem with sewing across is with time as the belt bends it's not normal and over time becomes a week spot. Josh
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