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About JimmyFTW

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  • Interested in learning about
    tooling and detailing
  • How did you find leatherworker.net?
    Jockey Journal
  1. Great work Im with Beeza on the feather work.
  2. I would wear the wristband very well done and a killer idea.
  3. Nice work like the color too.Is it for your bike or customer?
  4. JimmyFTW


    Thanks!Great site and forum and Alex I have seen some of the seat gurru's work over the years like Beeza and Anvil and hope to follow in the footsteps of great craftman ship.
  5. Looks good a lot better then a stock for sure.
  6. Nice work ,like the green with the good luck clover.The old timers believe green bikes are bad luck.Good play on that.
  7. Looks killer as always Beezachoppa!
  8. Those sheaths are cool!Great job
  9. JimmyFTW


    Im interested it tooling and creating out of leather.Going to be making my first attempt at a motorcycle seat.Ill keep you posted with pictures and alot of questions.Great Forum
  10. Does anybody have a picture of their patterns they dont mind showing
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