This is the most complex leather carving I have done to date. The design work took over a year to complete.
I do not draw knotwork well, so I spent a great deal of time looking at existing zoomorph designs in media ranging from manuscripts to metal castings. Once I found features in several different zoomorphs I liked, it took me awhile to blend features from the master images into composite creatures with 2 different graphics programs. The moons were easier. I based them on small half-moon castings from a pair of sterling earrings.
After multiple redrawings, the final version was scanned, and the printout transferred onto the leather.
The leather I used was a 10-12 oz reject sole bend from a shoe factory that was somewhat tan/brown to begin with. I had to remove a heavy, dark waxy coating from the flesh side. I did that with a palm sander and a "Super Skivver" prepped it by casing first in a solution of vinegar & water, then a solution of Lexol conditioner &water.
The carving was *really* tricky. I used swivel knives, X-acto, and even an old fashioned cuticle knife on the outline, and several mallets of different weights to do the stamping work.
The coloring was fun! I blended Fiebing's Tan, Lt. Brown with just a spot of Mohogany. I cut the resulting color by about 1/4 with reducer. I applied this dye to the entire project with brushes. After this dried, I applied an acrylic antique. The final color was Fiebings White Dye. I applied that in multiple layers, which gave the image a lot of depth.
I finished the white areas first with satin shene. I waited overnight for it to dry, then added 3 more coats. After another night of drying, I applied a few layers of Atom Wax to the whole thing and buffed between coats.
Finally, applied TLC Saddle conditioner to the flesh side to increase the belt's flexibility.
Please feel free to critique this piece. ( see photo compostition below)