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Everything posted by LakeHavasuLeather

  1. Why is a leather knife called a Head Knife ?? Who came up with this and why a "Head" Knife. I understand the round knife, as the blade is round or half round. In French it's a Demi Lune or Half Moon (moon is round) knife ??
  2. Think I am ready to take your leather tooling class Bruce..lol
  3. Great idea and beautiful work, Peter. Hope you are doing well. Miss our little chats on the Leather Tool History FB group...
  4. Good day to you Kevin.

    I have a newbie question for you Sir.  I know you are very knowledgeable about Herman Oak leather.  Was wondering if you could add a page on your website to differentiate the types of Tooling leather grades.  Never understand the difference between all the ines you sell ?  What is grade  A, B, C, or Calcutta or  all the different types,  like Imported, Craftman, etc.   Thanks you for your time and help


  5. I have a couple of Duane Watts SK. They are awesome to say the least. https://www.etsy.com/shop/DWLeatherworks
  6.   On 7/12/2011 at 6:21 PM, WyomingSlick said:

    And then there are the other stamps. Some 150+ of them with no identifying name. In this group there are some that will look like they were probably made by the same maker. If you place them next to one another, the tool shafts will match - same length, knurling, shaft taper, etc. There is one group that seems to be made of 2 differant metals in that the head is not magnetic while the shaft are. These are suppposebly made with a brass head swedged to a steel shaft, and then the whole thing plated with chromium. These have been identified as tools sold by Apache Leather Company in Phoenix,AZ.

    Hello SIr, I am looking for any information, or pictures you have of "Apache Leather Company", Tooling stamps.

    I have started a Facebook group called, "Leather Tools History".  Please stop by, if you are on Facebook.

    Thank you,


  7. Hello SIr, I am looking for any information, or pictures you have of "Apache Leather Company", Tooling stamps. I have started a Facebook group called, "Leather Tools History". Please stop by, if you are on Facebook. Thank you, John
  9. i have done a few stamps myself. they are not as purdeeee as some of these other ones, but they work really great. here is 20 something of them. i have about 35 now. still doing more, lil at a time. with a dremel, a reg had drill, and a bench grinder.
  10. Hello, doing a little research about stamping tools. i have most infornation on Craftools i need. if anyone knows a website, please give me link about anything craftools ? does anyone know who owns US STAMPS. they are cheaply made stamps. when did they start making them, where. and are they still making them ?? HideCrafter was owned by George Hurst, but was bought out by HideCo, LLC in 8/22/07. how long was Hide crafter in business ?? anyone got any dates ?? thank you John
  11. Hello, I am looking to buy any CRAFTOOL CO Leather tooling stamps, with no letter prefix. one to three numbers. pre-63' OR any RBS stamps Please contact me on Facebook or Etsy, under Lake Havasu Leather. (I dont check this site to much). Thank you very much John
  12. Looking for and want to buy any Craftool CO stamps with no letter prefix. only one to three digits ? do you have any ? if so please contact me either on Facebook or Etsy, under Lake Havasu Leather. thank you very much. John
  13. if you find 2 let me know. want one also. thanks howie 696, got a picture ??
  14. amazing. got a Leather Wrangler SK3 and I couldnt stand it. sold that sucker. went back to my Craftool Pro. it was way better. I just got and Old Midas with a Ruby blade. havent used it yet. cant wait :-)
  15. your Tangle BOss Knife still available ??
  16. New at this (3 months into it). Never done art in my life. the flag skull is an arm rest for my jeep, so my lil dog can walk from her cage in the back to the front The Eagle is a biker wallet.
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