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Everything posted by TeriYool

  1. I was reading about the dog armour but the pictures aren’t avaialble so I went looking and this is what came up. I am still laughing!! TY
  2. I have emailed without response several times. Missing my friend a great deal today. Godspeed.
  3. What's the difference between the Yamata GC 5318 and the FY 5318?  I tried Google and got nothing but FY. 

    thank you for your time!


    1. CowboyBob


      IDK,I'm almost certain they are the same machine.

  4. Excellent!!! I will check out your site after work. TY
  5. Very nice! Thanks for sharing! TY
  6. Exceptional! I love them both! TY
  7. If still available, I would love to purchase these now! TY
  8. TeriYool


    Are these still available? TY
  9. Thank you. I made a few with bling, will have to post pics later. TY
  10. I had to order the Stafford knots from the U.K. (If anyone knows where to get them in the US, please do tell!!). This collar and leash set was a rush job- they left the next day to the big Staffordshire Bull Terrier specialty in Fresno the following day and the boy wearing the collar won Reserve Winners Dog out of a bazillion of them by U.K. Judges! Awesomeness! Anyway- not my best work due to the rushed nature of things but not bad.
  11. I've made 15-15 leashes this weekend. Still cannot figure out how to shrink photos enough so I will share the one that is the most fun.
  12. Below is my latest creation made with exceptional bling from RaySouth and the outstanding stitching of my CB3500 from none other than CowboyBob! Thanks much, gentlemen, for your guidance and superior merchandise.
  13. They are lovely, and no longer available.
  14. RoamingGnome, I have several clients with mini schnauzers who love the rolled leather. It doesn't damage the coat on the neck when they are growing out and seems to be less irritating to the neck flesh when shaved. You might reconsider the rolled leather for your latest pooch! <wink>
  15. Here is another collar I made. I am SO pleased with my CB-3500 from CowboyBob. It does amazing things, I'm just along for the ride! This is my first attempt at rolled leather. I looked at an old collar I got back in the early 90s and tried to copy it as best I could. I am pleased with how it turned out. This CB-3500 makes things that look really hard as easy as cutting warm butter! Pic was before I burnished. TY
  16. Please tell me more about technique! That is a beautiful collar!!! I know absolutely nothing- I just look at things and do my best to recreate them.
  17. Hey Bob!  I tried calling but apparently you take a day off from time to time. 

    Navigating is hard from my phone, I've tried to snoop the pages listed at the top but with bad eyesight and even worse internet signal I'm coming up with nothing. Where would be the best place to find 277 thread in hot pink?  I also need to order some black. Looks like it would be a giant pain in the rear to dye enough to sew 20 feet or so but maybe better than having a big spool laying around unused for 2 years. Will most thread take a dye??

    Crazy newb question- I appreciate your time!!


  18. I am practicing some more and really enjoying experimenting. I have zero knowledge about this stuff, I just look at pictures and figure it out. Thanks for the suggestions and compliments. TY
  19. One more thing- is there a guide available for the 118?  To help stitch straight lines, that is. 


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. CowboyBob


      On the bottom of the page there's something that looks like a magnifying glass ,click on it & the page gets larger.

    3. TeriYool


      These are the available holes. 

      I will look at the website- thanks much!!!!



    4. TeriYool


      So what came with the CB-3500 is a roller guide?  They are generally called a seam guide?  I love how the one on my big machine swivels away so I can do perpendicular stitches and then come back to the exact distance on the other side. 

      Armed with new information, I will have to dig around and find a similar one that swings away for my 118. So much better to watch the fingers are safe than matching up a tiny line!!  

  20. I have been practicing a great deal

    with my new CB-3500 and I have to say I LOVE ❤️ this machine!!!  I cannot thank you enough for your guidance in purchasing it, Bob!

    Between 2+ jobs and grad school

    as well as a good case of strep, I just got around to setting up my Consew 118 head with a refurbished table and the servo motor I purchased at the same time. Also a great machine and LOVE the servo and parts for the 118 to get it going. Too sweet!!  

    I attached a pic of one of the collars I made yesterday. My pictures are too big so I can only post one but rolled leather collars are a breeze with the CB-3500!  Such a joy. 

    Thank you again for your advice and exceptional service!!!



    1. TeriYool


      Finally got the file size down (my computer skills are way low) so here is one of the rolled leather collars I made a few days ago. 

      Again, thanks so much for your guidance re the CB-3500. This machine rocks!!!



    2. CowboyBob


      The strap came out real nice too,are those hard to sew?

    3. TeriYool


      Not really. I don't know the 'right' way to do it, I just moisten the leather and sew really slow making sure everything is really tight. I cannot say enough good about the guide either. How did I make it to almost 50 without that in my life?!?!

      Thanks for the compliment. The white was my first attempt at it. All of the things I've done so far are from looking at pictures or an item in hand and making my best guess. I have had SO much fun with this machine!!

      Attached are today's big accomplishments. 



  21. Here are a few of the dog collars I have made this week. I am trying to figure out burnishing the thin accent leather so if you have a favorite way, pipe up! I'm new and don't have a lot of great techniques mastered yet. Gulp! Here are my first few collars and a few leashes for good measure. (Ok- thought I would be able to post pics in comments but that's not working)
  22. I picked up the 118 and ordered thread, needles, servo, and some missing parts from Bob. Also ordered a CB3500. Wow- was that a chore to get in the house by myself!!! I am excited to get everything put together and start using both machines, but first I have to catch up on grad school. Sewing with my new machines will be my reward for mastering Braille. Sigh- it could be a while. Thank you for your input, Jen! TY
  23. Beautiful stuff! I shall look for the tutorial(s) on YouTube. Thanks! TY
  24. What is the max leather thickness this machine will sew, Bob? I am comparing several machines and can pick up a 118 head only for $200. I saw in the PDF of the Manual what table I will have to find but I did not see anything about thickness and the current owner doesn't know. Thanks for being such an amazing resource! TY
  25. Northmount- thanks for the explanation for the AT DOT. I've often wondered. TY
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