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    New Jersey USA

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  1. Going deeper will weaken the leather more ( it burns away the grain ) You only want to mark it.
  2. I see a lot of talk about SOOT. If you have a good exhaust system and air assist This is not a problem.
  3. I can cut 10 oz leather in one pass with my 80 watt laser ! Something is not right with your laser.
  4. I bought a Cobra class 14 and am very happy with it. Was looking at cowboy but decided not to.
  5. I use a Wicked Edge knife sharpening system. I sharpened my blade for my Cobra class 14 leather splitter and it came out better than new. I sharpen all my kitchen knives with it. Under a 50 power microscope I get edges better than a new single edge razor blade and sharper
  6. Did you find your stamp, if not you could find a leather worker with a laser it is easy to burn in any image then you could some relief work on it.
  7. Lightburn software is the best out there for controlling the laser but does not work on ALL lasers. Free 30 day trail. I HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH THE COMPANY, I just think it is great software!
  8. To all people who are thinking about a glow forge go to any laser forum that is not affiliated with glow forge and see what they say about it. It is easy but!
  9. I got a 80 watt laser it cuts 10 oz. leather easy. I sold my clicker ( it was manual and weighted 100 lbs,small work area so had move it when I wanted to use it), sold my steel rule die bender ( also heavy) and my Tandy foiler, the laser is much easier and better to use! It takes a little while to set things up but when you do get them set up it is much easier and accurate!
  10. For all lasers users that have a honeycomb bed and wavy leather. Everything is made from stainless steel except the spring. Make sure you make the hold down LOW enough so the laser head does not hit it!
  11. Don't use steel rule, cut the leather with the laser! I have a 80 watt laser (overkill) and I cut 10 oz. leather with ease, very sharp cuts and accurate. Burn marks on edges come off easily with light sanding.
  12. Did you get a laser yet?
  13. Prestige 593 I would NOT buy a Glowforge you need to be connected to the internet for it to work. I had a 40 watt CO-2 laser (Chinese brand ) for $ 325.00 and it worked well except for cutting. I upgraded to a 80 watt CO-2 laser (Chinese brand ) for $ 2019.00 and I just cut 9 oz veg tan leather at about 1//2 power! I am learning Lightburn now and it seems to be a GREAT program. 0
  14. olddogTim


  15. olddogTim


    LSZ‑1 PLUS with carrying case, monster wheel, table and servo motor. Also bobbins and needles etc. excellent condition. Many extras, Must pick up $700.00 call 732-495-2718 ask for Tim
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