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Everything posted by Kustomizer

  1. Great Looking Seat! I love all the detail "under" the seat!!
  2. Love the design layout! Very Nice looking seat!
  3. Love that image, great looking seat.
  4. Fantastic looking strap!!!!
  5. Looks great, I really like the contrast between the leather and lacing!!
  6. Love the colors! Great looking seat!
  7. Thanks Troy, that means a lot coming from someone who's been doing this for awhile.
  8. The underside is looking great! Can't wait to see the rest. I like those hidden details also.
  9. Thanks Troy, and you're the second person who said that I "tamp" or "settle" my lacing, but I don't, that's just how I lace. I try very hard to work the lace every time through to keep things as tight and even as I can. Hopefully I'm doing things right.
  10. Nothing huge, but I will use satin sheen next time, not super sheen. I ended up adding a couple of coats of satin over the super and it took some of the glossy away, but not exactly the way I'd like it.
  11. Seems like I learn something new with every seat I make. This time it was with sealing the seat up. I really liked the way this seat turned out. Here are a few pics: I took these inside as the sun reflects too much off of it outside. But this is a pic of the bottom I took outside that gives a better feel for the color. Well, it's on to the next project!
  12. Thanks for the replies so far. Is there anyway to "scuff" the finish up?
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