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About DV8DUG

  • Birthday 09/15/1970

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Visalia, CA
  • Interests
    Girls, Mead, Explosives, Guns, Weapons, Porn, Hunting & Outdoors...

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  • Leatherwork Specialty
    Armor, Corsets, & Historical Re-enactment
  • Interested in learning about
    Everything incl. Custom Tooling and Casing
  • How did you find leatherworker.net?

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  1. Is this a gorget?
  2. Yeah... That rooster is badass!!!
  3. Those are nice work. Just because its from an older time doesn't mean it has to look old my friend.
  4. Looks good... Nice work. How many hours?
  5. First off I'd like to ask what a noggin is. Secondly... I'd like to know what you used to anchor your sill to your cement lintels.
  6. 1/3rd of the gravestone I use for a granite tooling slab is covered with a thick piece of scrap veg-tan 12-14 oz. Contact cement REALLY holds when applied correctly.
  7. I heavily reduced the blue with denatured alcohol... Heavily. 10 to 1 and sprayed multiple coats to get it to start to even show up. But it did, and one more coat would have prolly pushed it too dark.
  8. Update.... I have found some of the basic (regular 'ol) blue from Tandy. I was able to get the baby blue I was seeking.
  9. Update.... I have found some of the basic (regular 'ol) blue from Tandy. I was able to get the baby blue I was seeking.
  10. This is bad for me since I am a Californian. Bill reads verbatim ...."AB 44 would make it unlawful to manufacture, sell, offer for sale, display for sale, trade, give, donate or otherwise distribute a fur product in the state. The bill exempts certain items, including used fur." Wonder if re-purposing is included in exemption....
  11. @battlemunky You are awesome. Doing tests like that. I totally appreciate you going the extra mile to find an answer to my question. I am a Californian and a lot of the more interesting colors of dyes are not allowed to be sold here. I'm going to travel soon, and build my color selection as well. That being said, I do have to say that the VOC compliant black dye made by Fiebings is perfectly awesome through an airbrush.
  12. I'm trying to get a lighter shade of blue out of Tandy's Eco-Flo Navy Blue waterstain. I have had luck with other colors but this one is giving me troubles. I have tried thinning with both water and denatured alcohol and a combination of the two as well. I airbrush all my stains. The color comes out too light or hardly noticeable at all or just too heavy. I have tried applying a light layer of resolene first to no avail. Any advice?
  13. So I went to my local Lowe's to pick up some denatured alcohol and wasn't able to find it on the shelf... or the spot on the shelf with price tag where it was supposed to be. I asked the paint counter girl what was up and she informed me that CA has banned denatured alcohol and several other high VOC solvents. Acetone was on the shelf as well as several very caustic and smelly paint strippers. Confused, I searched the internet for an explanation and found little to nothing about this issue. I was able to secure what I needed at a local ACE hardware store and they had piles of gallons sitting on shelves. Anyone else have similar experiences and do I need to stock up?
  14. I'll take more pix when I get a chance but here's one close up. The little rectangle tabs are lamellae with the half round tab riveted to it. The lamellar are then stitched together to make the armor.
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