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Everything posted by Horsewhishper

  1. Very nice, is it lined? Is that natural leather or dyed? Other than those questions very clean and professional.
  2. Hello, I am having a hard time figuring out how to price my stuff, I normally take material cost and times it by three but on some recent projects where there is alot of time and detail put in on my part it feels like I am charging to little. Kinda in a pickle on what to do I don't want to gouge poeple with high prices and them not want to buy from me, in the turn about don't want to to sell my work and not make a proper profit. I make everything from start to finish by hand and think that is worth something. Any help would be appreciated
  3. If it helps I attached a picture of my own strap and radio, this is how they connect. I used Chicago screws I prefer them for most projects, I think they are stronger and won't come undone with lock tight.thank you for the reply
  4. Thanks for the feedback, yeah the white stitching does have that possibility but poeple really like it, gotta do what the customer asks. Yeah the clasps are nickel plated steel, they have to be strong when a 5 pound radio is attached to it for 24 and 48 hours at a time. They have to hold when doing some of the rough stuff we do. I really appreciate the feedback keep it coming!
  5. Hey fellas, just finished a radio strap for a coworker, any advice and criticism welcome. Had alot of fun and hope he likes it next shift.
  6. Hey guys , So my question is pretty straight forward, how do you draw Western floral designs for belt, holster, purses, etc. Any help would be appreciated look forward to learning.
  7. Tooling looks great. Did you hand draw or use a pre fabricated pattern?
  8. Wow just wow it looks amazing thank you for the reply. Any brand of lacing chisels you would recommend
  9. Hey guys, I am looking for some advice. I have spent alot of time perfecting my saddle stitch and have gotten to where I am pleased with my work, now comes time to delve into lacing I have never really done lacing and have no tools for it. So any advice on tools to get and techniques and tips. Thanks
  10. Here is the inside of the wallet. Thank you for the compliment, the dyeing was done with a airbrush of feiblings chocolate, dark brown and saddle tan, the stitching was done with a bob Douglas awl and 1 mm linen thread and is a saddle stitch.
  11. Hey guys, new to the forum I have been into leather for 3 years and still have alot to learn. Love this as a hobby and a part time business. Looking forward to learning on this forum. This is a wallet I made as a gift, any criticism and tips is appreciated.
  12. Hey guys, new to the forum I have been into leather for 3 years and still have alot to learn. Love this as a hobby and a part time business. Looking forward to learning on this forum. This is a wallet I made as a gift, any criticism and tips is appreciated.
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