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Everything posted by kfiretwo

  1. bob If im not mistaken american saddlery of rossville ga is making a lesser quaility saddle with billly cooks name on them, I have rode in one it was like riding a fence post that wasnt debarked lol it had more high low places in the seat, i have also found many fence post with the billy cook tag on the cantle that was imported also billy cook is no longer an american name saddle buyer be ware ride before u buy this saddle
  2. i use shammy towels, i make a bag out of them n put in oil dry or any other osberbent material the towels will suck the oil out of the leather the oil dry will capture n keeps it from leaching back in from the other side u can wrap ur leather in the towel if its a flat piece ur trying to clean
  3. msd these guys can make any style of buckle, snap or ring u desire. only catch is you have to order a certian number for the first time buyer keystone mfg. & supply co 4696 springside court allentown pa 18104 tel # (610) 366-8818 fax# (610) 366-8825 email address (info@kmsinc.net) web address (www.kmsinc.net)
  4. dag have u tried a direct flame to ur copper n brass it produces some awsome blueing affects
  5. i myself like my gun lower to the belt n fastened with the grip titled slightly up for more of a natural draw sight n squee motion, good luck with ur adventure
  6. check in ur area for someone that mounts animal heads they can send ur skin out to be tanned or tan it in house
  7. u need to keep a roll of black electrical tape handy, wash cut with antibacterial soap, dry completely an butterfly the cut shut with the tape than wrap a piece around to hold butterfly in place the glue from the tape will seal the cut no stitches required (old mechanic trick for battle wounds lol )
  8. kfiretwo


    the base is just a barber chair base, check around ur local hair salons or on ebay
  9. renee put a little glue on the threads of the screw, make sure the screw is slightly shorter than the thickness of the leather it will counter sink its self, make sure there is no burrs on the slot , if there is take a small file n take them off, you can put a back on the bridle to cover the heads but that would require taking the sewing out n restitching it to the back leather dont try to just glue it, it will look shoty n come apart if the bridle is use often
  10. I have seen that braide before i believe it was in an old cowboy gear making series there were different variation of it
  11. I have had the light weight punches, stay away from them unless ur looking for a head ache, got the pro 4 yrs ago, I punch an advage of 60 to 100 holes a day with it on double layered 8 to 10 never had a failure to go thur. keep the punches sharp an respect the punch and remember that all leather punches different. If you hit a hard spot in the leather it will dull the punch much easier
  12. Johanna I'm new to this site, and think its a wonderful place to learn new tricks to an old craft. thank you and your crew for making it all possible. As for the youngsters get them involved, we have 4 kids also 14 13 10 and an 18mnt old, the 18mnt old sets in my lap while I try to crave lol but i wouldnt change it or stop it for the world. the next time your slipping thru central pa tell everyone hello, I miss the hills also thank you again, god bless everyone the child for were all children at heart
  13. atx there is a lay out of a stitching horse that hangs on your dinning room chair, its an one of al stohlman stitchin and lacing books
  14. has any one ever used saddle grade shearing from hide house
  15. looking for blue prints to convert a press into a clicker, cutting rifle slings need large cutting surface any suggestion that will cut to the ends of die
  16. tiffany i believe u can order a whole hide from w&c there pa tannery, not sure of the number but if u go to there web site it will give it to u
  17. kfiretwo


    the material ur looking for is made in england i got a set of english training reins with muliti color for hand postion, check around with ur english distur they might have a link for u
  18. the cheapest mixture i found was hot water n a strong vingar mixture it takes some rubing but works great plus no mess on saddle skirts or rigging just wash off when done with clean water another thing i found works great is tooth paste, a little messy but cheap n smells great lol
  19. doug, look higher up in the hip area, had a cutting mare that would do what your describing, we got the mare after the fact, so we didnt no her complete history, chased the pain for a yr before an old time vet seen her work, and pointed out it was her hip giving against the pressure once the pressure was taken away she was fine, but it made her feet touchy, from shifting her weight on her back feet from one to the other. they used cortizone shots i believe to ease her pain
  20. try fresh beans just crack them open, boil in very little water, makes a like a paste form, then you can add as much water as needed to get the color ur looking at. buring the beans a little, while cooking them down makes it even darker.
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