I agree the Adler is a good machine. I have 4 different Adlers in my shop. If you don't buy it I would like to know where you are at and if seller would ship? Thanks
John: I cannot coment on areostitch, have not used one. But in our shop we have 2 Adler 205-64. And 2 Adler 205-370. All but one has been in prodution use since late 80,s. One of the 205-370 is new. No problems, very happy with how the sew.
Has any one called weaver and asked Vernon about the add that says made in Germany? or are we all just guessing and making accusations without the facts?
Noah: Not sure what is in your area, but there are times when animals have to be put done for health reasons and not for meat and the hides may be available if you can do the tanning. the towns around us had to thin down the deer pop[ulation in towns for that reason was not for meat, not sure if that would be acceptable for you to use. game and fish department may know of somthing. you local vets that have to put animals down. hope you can find somthing that works for the both of you.
Art did say that both dave and jerry have been on line and i would assume reading posts. so maybe they will answer guestions, and end the confusion. one would hope.
yes but they always say the person i need to talk to is not there -leave you number and we will call back. i have had another agency working for me that also made same attempt but no call or e-mail back. glad they are helping you, and hope they answer your questions. i have just wrote it off, and life goes on