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Everything posted by Bennyleather

  1. Have you seen the vid where the guy uses a drill bit? It looks super cool, I may try it some time.
  2. *Facepalm*
  3. Oh nice! A little bit of sentimental value then?
  4. As a matter of fact, yes lol; the tip is ever changing in a pencil, while the dart still has steel in the tip. I like the looks of the scribe, but it does look a little thin and almost fragile. Hmm.
  5. Interesting; simple and effective!
  6. I tried pencils when I first started, but found I really didn't like how ergonomically inefficient it was; it just didn't feel right. I do use pen on the flesh side if its hard enough and I don't want to mark up the finished side of the leather though. Benny
  7. Hey, I'm just curious what types of scratching devices y'all are using. Most YouTubers I've seen say any scratching device is fine and I agree. I use a cheap dart as my scratch awl, but I know there are some expensive scratch awls out there that I am sure may do a better job, but I have darts at my disposal. So what type of scratching device do you use? Benny P.S. The darts I have are pink and blue, but otherwise identical.
  8. I just pulled the trigger on the knife with the fancy bolster (ring around the base of the handle). Paid $43 shipped, it was $8 shipping and $35 for the item. DC53 steel is supposed to be better than D2, but we will see how it turns out. Thanks for all the info friends! Benny
  9. Do you have experience with Crazy Cut cutlery? I like how they look, and one of his Japanese knives are made of DC53 steel which is pretty hard (or so it found on one website). I will probably try to make my own knives this summer though whether I buy one or not, just to see how it turns out.
  10. Indeed; I'm lucky in that I couldn't afford to spend much at Tandy in the beginning: I have school to concentrate on at the moment so I've just been reading up in my "spare" time. I didn't get into leather too sell stuff, and as of now I've only sold one item, albeit underpriced :/ , but hey, that's party of the experience! Benny
  11. That's what this thread is for! :D
  12. You'd be surprised how important cheerleading is though, especially concerning an activity as broad as leathercraft; it's scary when first starting out! :D Benny
  13. Hey, does anyone have any info on these two brands? I ran into them on Pinterest; Peachey has a reliable looking website, but I couldn't find much on GK. Thanks Benny
  14. Thank you, all it takes is a bit if elbow grease! I've learned a lot from your posts before I became a member here, and I'm honored to have you comment on my post!! Benny
  15. This is roughly a year old, but my story is simple. This was just under a year ago (or is it just under 2 years?) And I wanted a leather holster for my phone I could wear to work and not put it in my pocket due to much bending over, so I discovered a Tandy 45 minutes away and bought some oil tagged scraps and some Chicago-type screws; little did I know, leatherwork would be so fun. I knew it would be cheaper buying a phone holster premade, but I wanted something to do in the evenings after work and in on weekends other than video games. I ended up making the phone holster from trashy leather from Michael's, but I still have it so it may not have been too trashy... I'm graduating from Ashland University in 3 weeks, and an currently 21 so my experience is limited as are my resources, but God does provide. I came into college knowing it was the path I needed to take to grow in God, and here I am now about to enter a new chapter in my life with leatherwork in my arsenal. Benny
  16. To be fair, this is my newest project; my first stitched project was not this good. I've only been to Berea a couple times myself. Benny
  17. What part of Ohio are you from? I hail from Avon, 20 minutes west of Cleveland. Benny
  18. You've got wicked talent! Looks great, from project one to the most recent! Keep it up!! If your looking into trying new leather, I recommend www.districtkeathersupply.com they have great selections and you can get small pieces (4x18, 8x18) before going for a full/half hide. Most important thing is to have fun. Benny
  19. Hey y'all, I'm a bit of a newbie myself. I've done quite a bit if research into leather work though, and have an idea if how to go about stuff. It started last year (?) with the desire to make my own phone holster for work, and blossomed from there. I've since made several rudimentary wallets, several key fobs, a watch strap, and to card holders. Below is the pen holder, capable of holding 4 narrow pens or 3 fat pens lol.
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