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Everything posted by Simplejack1985

  1. @rhetorice any update?
  2. Simplejack1985


    Nice work
  3. Super cool. Nice work
  4. W&C will sell you directly. Just cut the middle men out of the equation. Honestly I'm about done with HO. Everyone that sends me A sides are B grade
  5. Those are nice
  6. Nice work
  7. Everytime I see his tools on your site they are gone almost automatically.
  8. It is one. I'm pretty excited for it. Alot of coin though.
  9. It's a robert beard
  10. Bought this off ebay this morning. While still on the search for the perfect swivel knife. Are they worth the hype?
  11. Add the following stamps to my pile please Heart,diamomd,club and spade, clover, cow skull, 4 leaf clover, both flying eagles, cowboy hat, and anchor
  12. I cannot draw a stick figure. That's a craftaid from tandy. The sheridan corner one.
  13. Your right. I figure all practice carving and tooling a few then experiment some things I've seen and read.
  14. I'm waiting on my leather to be delivered.
  15. Just toolin around before bed lol.
  16. Are they still in business?
  17. Sounds like a scammer
  18. Nice work
  19. Great work
  20. Great work as always
  21. Caleb cox is the man
  22. It's a design from the early 90s. Has multiple blades for different things. Hatchet, a quarter round almost like a hook and a draw blade. Some people like them some people hate them. I'll jump one in my ruck into the Alaskan winters. Makes shelter and fire prep pretty easy if you know what your doing.
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