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Everything posted by topazann

  1. I don't know if there is any single comprehensive book, to be honest. I can tell you, though, that the most helpful books that I have encountered thus far are all by Al Stohlman: The Art of Hand Sewing Leather, and The Art of Making Leather Cases volumes 1 and 2. I didn't find volume 3 to be quite as useful; while volumes 1 and 2 include general guides at the beginning (how to attach a zipper, instructions for different types of handles, etc.), volume 3 is composed only of projects and patterns. I'd also recommend Leatherwork School by E. Valentine and The leatherworking handbook by Valerie Michael. here free digital book
  2. If I had a choice though, I'd go for the Versa Groover by Bob Douglas. They're made brand new and sell for about $130 shipped. Much like the groover on the left but made to standards and with materials that put it at the highest echelon.
  3. I use this one Tandy edge beveler. It’s on Amazon for $11. It works decent but I wish there was a smaller one around the same price range. You have to be careful to not remove too much sometimes.
  4. I use the this Harbor Freight half ton press for everything from setting rivets to punching my stitching holes when I need to be quiet(apartment). Just needed some slight modification to accept the setter/punch/etc
  5. I set out to make a personalized journal for each member of my tabletop roleplaying group. I finished last night and started mailing them out today before our next remote session (my friends don't know yet!)
  6. Keep looking for a Landis splitter. They are great and can be found at a reasonable price if you are patient enough.
  7. I am also in predicament:) I don’t have he most elegant or convenient storage but since I have to move stuff whenever I want to work on it (bedroom, common room, different houses when dog sitting) it lets me take just what I need on the go. I have three of Stanley organizer tool boxes that clip onto each other for keeping smaller stuff organized. One holds the tools I need in every project. Knives, Japanese skiver, a couple bevelers, beeswax, scratch awl, etc. The second holds my stamps, handles, swivel knife, small thread spools, stuff like that. The third holds my large hardware. Think brass key rings and clips, D-rings, some buckles, etc. I turned an ikea bookcase into storage for craft books, spools of thread, dye, finished products. A cheap plastic rolling cart holds patterns, large scrap leather, and works in progress. Leather is rolled under my bed or against the wall.
  8. Not enough to support myself, but it pays for something I like to do. It also prevents my building up a pile of projects in the corner gathering dust. I place goods in an artisan store. This is covers for planners, wedding invitations, etc. It gets me commissions.
  9. I was a pack a day smoker for around 15 years. I quit cold turkey using the book Alan Carr's easyway to stop smoking. You are told to smoke at different points throughout the book and then have one last cigarette after you finish the whole book. Well that last cigarette happened to coincide with the last in my pack and the next morning I just wasn't motivated to buy another pack and I haven't since.
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