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Everything posted by gtwister09

  1. I know Troy West and Jeremiah Watt went through there.
  2. Here's another thread... http://leatherworker.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=37488entry231893 Regards, Ben
  3. Julia, A lot of people use pigskin for the lining of fenders. In asking around I have heard weights from 2-6 ounce. Many of the older saddlemakers that I have talked to used it exclusively for that purpose rather than latigo. Regards, Ben
  4. Here's some additional links about workbenches, materials, heights, etc. Hope that they help. http://leatherworker.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=7316&hl= http://leatherworker.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=11770&st=0&p=82514&hl=workbench&fromsearch=1entry82514 http://leatherworker.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=19365&st=0&p=125957&hl=workbench&fromsearch=1entry125957 http://leatherworker.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=22687&st=0&p=145195&hl=workbench&fromsearch=1entry145195 http://leatherworker.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=12317&st=0&p=13088&hl=workbench&fromsearch=1entry13088 http://leatherworker.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=22394&st=0&p=143563&hl=workbench&fromsearch=1entry143563 Regards, Ben
  5. Here are some past threads on work shops, work stations and so forth. Hope it gives you some ideas. http://leatherworker.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=826&st=80&p=99455&hl=work&fromsearch=1entry99455 http://leatherworker.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=6482&st=0&p=73697&hl=shop&fromsearch=1entry73697 http://leatherworker.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=27319&st=0&p=172074&hl=workbench&fromsearch=1entry172074 http://leatherworker.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=11770&st=0&p=82514&hl=workbench&fromsearch=1entry82514 Regards, Ben
  6. Keith, Somehow I missed this one...WOW! That is certainly a very nice piece...as others have said lots of inspiration there. You did a great job with this one. Regards, Ben
  7. Lynn, Here's some threads on the subject.... Hope it helps. http://leatherworker.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=34171&view=findpost&p=211818 Regards, Ben
  8. Ed, They are nice looking as always. You certainly are keeping busy for sure. Regards, Ben
  9. Very nice as always. That is a lot of work! What are these used for...? Are they going to be hung on a wall, used as panels or some other thing? Regards, Ben
  10. Cheryl, Tried it with three different browsers and all of them bring up the PDFs. Do you allow viewing of PDFs inside your browser. You can always right click and save them. Regards, Ben
  11. There are two different versions of the Knurlmaster...standard and deluxe. I have tried some of the knockoffs and they generally don't work as well. These are generally made to touch up existing knurling but I have used them to cut new ones as well. Here's one place that sells both versions but there are plenty of others that sell them. It also lists the additional sets of pattern knurls for the deluxe kit. http://mdmetric.com/prod/meda/medatoolsupply/columnar8018.html?cat_id=1612&&category_site=MEDATOOL Regards, Ben
  12. Here's my recommendation.... http://leatherworker.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=26758&st=0&p=168551&hl=maul&fromsearch=1entry168551 Regards, Ben
  13. Trox, You are quite welcome. I am really glad that you found the thread, needle and material information inside. It helped me greatly as I compiled it years ago and has helped some other people over the years even those who didn't have an Adler. Regards, Ben
  14. Here are some older ones that have been sent offline from DiVelbiss, Hackbarth, Ken Rich and Bob Brown. Bob Brown DiVelbliss Hackbarth Ken Rich Regards, Ben
  15. You have already been given some great information for this but here's a compiled document that I put together sometime back for Adlers. However the needle system is the same and should give you some good general guidelines for selection by types of products, size/thickness of material, needle selection charts as well as a chart based on recommendations compiled from various vendors. Go to this thread and get the PDF. It should help guide you on your decisions for guidelines from many different sources. http://leatherworker...ndpost&p=231011 Hope that helps answer a bunch of your questions. I would have strongly suggested that you would have talked with your machine vendor (Steve in this case) and told him what you were trying to do. He would have been most helpful in guiding you as to the decision of needles and thread required. Regards, Ben
  16. I would imagine they are gone from eBay since they posted that message in November 2011. Regards, Ben
  17. Congratulations Darc! Well deserved. Regards, Ben.
  18. Bill, You are certainly full of it and in rare form. Thanks for the levity. Regards, Ben
  19. Looks very nice.. Great job. Not much left to say after the other comments. Regards, Ben
  20. Tina, Nice as always! Regards, Ben
  21. Sorry it did not help you. I thought that they gave some answers on right sizing with height, thickness, finger positions, rolling and so forth, The other thread had lots of descriptions of many different swivel knives/blades and why people liked/disliked them. Keith is answering some of the ways to use a swivel knife and their blades in another thread. Regards, Ben
  22. Tom, If Elton is prototyping the Prairie Rose then I would wait for that. I imagine that there aren't a lot of people that would be willing to part with theirs but there may be someone.. Steve and several others like Bruce Johnson can attest to Elton's skills with making tools for sure. Regards, Ben
  23. Ironpounder, There are a couple of threads in this link that talk about it from an ergonomic standpoint and also some gotchas on other aspects. You can follow the links in these threads to the original discussions. The first link describes some of the various knives and peoples preferences and the second link is more from a guideline/starting point for ergonomics. We never got the original post back after the crash even though it says it was linked....it is only linked on a duplicate entry. The original had a lot more examples and so forth in it. Hope that helps. http://leatherworker...ndpost&p=181866 Regards, Ben
  24. Sam, Thanks for the picture of the collection. You are swivel knife poor for sure! Thanks again. Regards, Ben
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