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Everything posted by MtlBiker

  1. Good luck! I'm looking forward to your report. I'd been thinking of trying some prewound bobbins, but not if I'm also going to have to change the spring on my bobbin case. If you hadn't reported this, I would have expected transparent interchangeability between prewound and self-wound bobbins.
  2. It sounds like you're not so much talking about thread diameter as the amount of thread left on the bobbin. Is that right? But if you really are talking about thread diameter, then yes, it does usually require tension to be reset if you change to a thinner or thicker thread. I've never used pre-wound bobbin thread either, so I'm following your "thread" with interest. Are the pre-wounds on a bobbin (surely they must be) that fits into your bobbin case, right? And if that's so, I can't see that a full bobbin or partially used would need different tension adjustment. If you wind your own bobbins, doesn't the thread tension remain the same as you use up the thread? I would be surprised if a prewound bobbin behaved differently.
  3. The thin leather bunches up in "that" cutter? Which cutter (and size) are you using? The worst thing I've ever had to cut was a very thin and extremely stretchy suede. The only thing that worked well was a really sharp blade on my rotary cutter with a straight edge to guide the cut. I had weights on the straight edge. A really sharp utility knife did NOT work for this because it would pull the fabric, thus stretching it. The rotary cutter worked perfectly. IF you used a rotary cutter for that thin leather and that caused the bunching up, I'd strongly suspect you had the blade tightened way too much. It does take a bit of practice (and restraint) not to tighten the screw too much. The blade needs to turn really easily, otherwise it will pull the fabric (like the utility knife).
  4. The cutters I have are all OLFA, and there are many different models, depending on how fancy you want to get and how the tool fits your hand. But I think the blades are pretty much interchangeable so I would suggest buying the brand and handle type that you like best (and can get at the best price). And as far as blades go, the name brand blades are all surprisingly expensive, and lately I've even been buying no name brand blades off Amazon. Much much less expensive and they seem to work just as well. They may not (not sure) last as long as the name brand ones, but gee, I can get 3 no name blades for every one Olfa blade. Plus they sharpen just as well. I have both 60mm and 45mm, but seem to use the 45mm much more.
  5. I mentioned that I was super impressed with the replacement knife George Barnsley & Sons sent me, and I asked them about the sharpness of the knife, thinking that they're especially sharpened it for me. I asked them about it, and this is the reply I got back from their Global Brand Development Manager... "We have been sending the tools out "ready to use" for the past few months now, we had a Master Leathersmith come to the factory and show the tool team how to sharpen and finish the tools to a higher standard. Apologies if the first knife was not up to this higher standard, I will feed this back to the tool team. All knives should be leaving the factory super sharp ready to use, all knives are tested on 5mm leather by the tool team before dispatch. We are not increasing the price of any of the knives as we believe the customer should receive the knives ready to use." In spite of the frustration with the first knife being damaged, I am most impressed with their attitude and service. My reaction to the first knife (besides the damage) was sort of ho-hum. But this replacement knife? WOW!! They turned me from a very unhappy customer to someone who would not hesitate to buy from them again or to recommend them.
  6. I've got a couple of those sharpeners... 45mm and 60mm. They actually do work, but it's a bit of a pain. You first put the blade in one way, sharpen by twisting the small handle and turn at least 20 times. Then you turn the blade over and do it again. Then you reverse the blade in the sharpening gizmo (there is a coarser side and a fine side) and do it all again. Takes awhile to get the blade nice and sharp. I keep debating with myself whether the cost saving is worth the time/effort to resharpen the blades. The oil on new blades is to prevent rust. If you don't know about it, the best place for us Canadians to buy the sharpening thing (and needles, leather tape, zippers, interfacing, etc.) is wawak.ca. Especially when they have sales. Shipping is free if your order is $99 (Cdn) or a very reasonable flat rate if less. And the order arrives here (Montreal in my case) in 3-4 days. Never been a problem.
  7. An update: I just received the replacement round knife and extension clicker handle from George Barnsley & Sons. Perfectly (safely) packaged and it couldn't have been better. And the surprise is that the round kinfe has been sharpened... razor's edge! It is way way sharper than the first knife and if I can learn how to sharpen this well, I'll be very happy. Bottom line... Excellent service and product from George Barnsley & Sons.
  8. Thanks for explaining that. I guess that term is common in Europe (you're in Germany and Klara in France) but within North America I'd never heard it before. But then again, 95% of our (business) purchases are from within North America and not from overseas.
  9. I don't know what DDP stands for, but I'm certain @Techsew Ron means within Canada/USA. Nothing else makes sense. Techsew must have figured out the Canada/USA issues pretty well, but my prior experience with items manufactured OUTSIDE of North America are that duty is charged when the item arrives in North America. Whether that's Canada or the USA. And in the past, when I've bought something from the USA that was NOT manufactured in North America, I've had to pay duty when it crosses the border into Canada, (based on the country of manufacture) even though a duty was already charged/paid when it arrived in the USA. So effectively my cost of the product is usually higher if I buy it via the USA than if I import it directly (because duty is only paid one time). Of course there are other factors, such as the importer in the USA may be getting bigger discounts based on volume than I would get for one-of purchases. I don't know if TechSew brings machines in directly to Canada and directly to the USA, or if there's only one North American arrival point. But I trust that they've figured out the best way and believe Ron when he says there are no additional charges (I'd say within North America).
  10. Congratulations! That seems like a terrific machine! If you like it anywhere near as much as I like my Ultrafeed LSZ-1, you will love it! We’d love to see a photo of your satchel when you finish it.
  11. Why should the presser feet raise when you turn the handwheel? Or am I not understanding what you said? The presser feet raise via the lever on the back of the machine OR by using the knee lifter (if installed).
  12. The King stone set arrived a couple of days ago. They seem fine (says he of little experience). I've only been trying the #400 so far, and learning how to properly shape my knives. But it seems I'm going to have to be very careful to use the full surface of the stone because already I can feel where it's a little worn. It might just need lots of flattening. But I also ordered (and just received) a set of Shapton Glass Stones, #320, #1000 and #4000. I'm going to keep the King set at my work (we can use them there) and take the Shaptons home where I do my sewing and leatherwork. These look really really nice but I haven't tried them yet.
  13. DMT stones? Are you talking about Dan's whetstone or something else? I just received a set of Shapton Glass Stones... #320, #1000 and #4000. They look really beautiful. Now I just have to learn how to use them properly.
  14. Just wanted to report a most satisfactory resolution from George Barnsley & Sons, regarding the damaged knives I received from them. I had not asked them for replacements, but brought the issue to their attention because I wanted them to be aware and to make sure they package sharp tools properly in the future. They thanked me and said they had never had a problem before. No matter. But they offered me a 20% discount on a future order. I replied that this purchase from them was totally unsatisfactory and that it was unlikely that I would ever buy from them again. Then a day later they asked me to send a photo of the damaged corner of the round knife, but by then I'd already tried to straighten the bend and to reshape the blade. I sent them a photo but it was really hard to photograph in a way that showed the damage. In any case, this morning I got an email from them with a tracking number... They are sending me replacements for both these damaged knives and the "Global Brand Development Manager" said she had personally packaged it all. So, a very satisfactory resolution to this. Kudos to George Barnsley & Sons for the way they handled this.
  15. Well, I didn't ask them to send me a replacement and they didn't offer. I did say that I was already attempting to straighten the tip and re-shape the blade. So unfortunately since I didn't take of photo of that, I really have nothing to show them. Especially now, since I've bent the point back and tried my best to sharpen it. But I'm a novice at sharpening (to the extent needed for leather cutting tools). They suggested that perhaps Customs had opened the package and resealed it, omitting the padding material which they claim they "always" add. I've asked them if the tape on the package (I sent them a photo of the box with the point sticking out) is the tape they use to seal boxes, and if it is, then I'm convinced it's entirely their fault. But if the tape is something else, then I'd have to say they're off the hook as somewhere along the line of transport (Customs probably) it was opened. They haven't answered that question yet. I guess that if I complain loudly enough they might do something, but it's really unlike me, especially on something so relatively inexpensive. But I really wanted them to look into their packing policies to make sure it doesn't happen again. I'd hate to see because I kept my mouth shut and didn't alert them that someone else gets seriously injured.
  16. I received a reply from George Barnsley & Sons... They are at a loss to explain this. They claim to always use some padding material around the contents, but at least in this case, they didn't. They are offering me a 20% discount on a future order, but it's unlikely that I will take advantage of that. They also said that they did have a manufacturing problem with some small quantity of extension clicker handles where the jaws were too tight to insert a blade, but as I'd already improved the jaws by banging a screwdriver blade into the groove, there's nothing else to be done.
  17. I have emailed them, but I'm pretty sure I'll be able to fix the clicker knife handle (didn't get a chance to try last night) and using a stone I should be able to fix the damaged corner of the round knife, at least well enough that it could be used. I shouldn't have to do either of those things, but it would be more trouble to send the stuff back (Canada to the UK), especially since I had to pay some duty on the shipment as well. It's unlikely that I'll buy from these folks again though.
  18. This wasn't C.S. Osborne... It was George Barnsley & Sons.
  19. Thinking more about the packaging, I was concerned, surprised, pissed, that the sharp round knife was only wrapped with a single or double layer of brown kraft paper. But there's more to it... Even the way the knife was wrapped, if they'd added some kind of padding around the items, bubble wrap, crumpled kraft paper, etc. that would have probably prevented the contents from moving around inside the box. But there was nothing. Just the items thinly wrapped with kraft paper and then tossed into the box loose. It's because they were able to move around within the box that the sharp point pierced the box. Hard to imagine that they did this. I've emailed them but it was already evening in the UK when I did, so I don't expect to get any response until they start back at work on Monday.
  20. I saw a YouTube video where they were using Sam Browne (I think that's what they were called) posts... that's just a sort of shaft with round head. It was being used as a closure mechanism for a thick leather flap. My searching for such an item turned up some with screw in bases... the one in the video I think was just pressed or pounded in. Is one more useful than another? I only need one or two so don't want to place a large order, especially if I have to order from the US (I'm in Canada). Amazon (Canada) has only the screw in base type. I'm making a leather sheath for my new round knife and think this kind of closure would be nice. On the video, he skived the inside area around the punched hole so that the base sat really flat (maybe slightly recessed) against the inside of the leather which would prevent the blade from catching on it when it's being inserted. Any suggestions?
  21. Yes, you'd really think a company which specializes in knives and sharp tools would have a better idea of how to package the stuff safely. It's one thing for the products to arrive damaged, but an entirely different thing when people get hurt.
  22. Covid? I look at that photo I posted of the blade sticking out of the box and I can't stop hearing the theme from Jaws.
  23. Yes, even with the handle completely undone one half of the jaws are so tight that I can't get the blade in there. The other half is fine. I can't try to fix it here at work but will try tonight when I get home. I think that even prying that part open by banging a screw driver blade in would do the trick. Shouldn't have to do that though. Relatively minor, but gee, it was bloody dangerous how they packed the knife. The mailman will tell me next week when I see him what he ended up doing. I would expect he needs 3 or 4 stitches at least.
  24. I just received my knife order from George Barnsley in the UK... The mailman brought the package in and was bleeding like crazy. One of the points of the round knife had pierced the box and was sticking out a good 1/2". When he grabbed the box from his truck the blade sliced his palm open. We helped him clean it up and bandage it, but I'm pretty sure he needs stitches. But with the hospital emergency rooms being overloaded (with many turning away patients) due to the Covid surge, who wants to go there? The round knife had just been wrapped with brown kraft paper without anything at all to protect the blade, and then put into the cardboard box. Without any padding to keep the contents from banging around in the box. Shame on Barnsley for not packing more safely. And other than the injury, the point of the knife was bent at an angle and it's going to need work to get it back in shape. I also ordered an "Extension Clicker Handle" and blades, and the handle too seems to be bent. I can't insert a blade (not from either end when I unscrew it). Looks like the front "jaws" are bent far too closely together so that even the thin blade doesn't fit. I'm sure I can fix that, but gee, you'd think they would have enough experience to pack these sharp tools more safely.
  25. All I will need to do is properly sharpen and care for my new George Barnsley round knife and skiving knife. When you say 600 is as fine as you go, you're talking about sandpaper, right? The stones are finer grit than that aren't they? And just so I understand, shaping and preliminary sharpening are two different operations, right? So after shaping you go to preliminary sharpening, and progress right up to finishing with the strop for polishing. Thank you!
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