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Everything posted by Des804

  1. I did use some of my Leather Tools on a flat Sculpy Piece so yeah it makes sense that you can use it.
  2. Think one of those Kodak AiO printers would work ?
  3. Des804

    Turkshead Formula

    Thats what I was refering to they dont do that here.
  4. Des804

    Turkshead Formula

    No books on anything to do with Leatherworking at my library and they arent connected to any other librarys to see about loaning books from them I found out long ago that my library was the worst place to go to try and learn stuff cause they basically have nothing there. I guess thats what happens when you have no funding and your in a ghost town. Yeah I need to practice more..
  5. Des804

    Turkshead Formula

    Sadly even though I have the Rawhide and leather Encyclopedia I've only been able to do (in leather) the one that Drac has in his tutorial on them. It just Barely was to small but I do like the idea of being able to use the same type of lace for everything ( I Only have 1 kind at the moment ). I used electical tape on my first knot that I just finished I just need more practice and stuff.
  6. Ok I searched and didnt find anything. Does anyone know the Formula to tell by the Diameter what size lace to get to completly make a tight turkshead over an item. I made my first Turkshead end wrap for practice but only had a few supplies and the weave was just a tad loose but not loose enough to double it.
  7. I use a Little bit of Gum Tragacanth and then rub my bone Folder up and down it it makes it really smooth then I seal it with satin Shean once it dries.
  8. Has anyone ever bought their Veg Tanned sides ? If so what was the quality.
  9. Ok what kind of compressor should someone buy is the cheap Compressor from Harbor Freight good enought ?
  10. I've already got one of those thanks I'll check out the tutorial. You cut the eyes out afterwards ? may I ask what your best method of doing that is I used an exacto blade on my first one.
  11. Templates I find online dont seem to work the bridge between the nose is to short and the eyes are to small so Im asking for all of those who have made masks anyone got any template online that can be printed and then worked on to create a better mask or any ideas of how to make the distances between the bridge of the nose and how to make the actual piece of the eyes ( btw Marking it with a piece of paper on my own face doesnt work for me already tried it ). Any help would be greatly apprecaited
  12. Looking for a D ring plates. 5/8 D Ring is the D ring I think I bought ( Accidently left it at Tandy need to pick them up next time I go ) going on a 1 inch collar I dont want the thing to be bigger then the 5/8 ring.
  13. * Smacks Forehead * you mean I've been making countless plait 6's thinking I was doing something wrong and I was actually doing it right.... As for the wihps book soon as I can start affording to buy things ( still laid off from work and unemployment ends here soon can barely afford to feed myself along with paying off my bills ) I'll add that to my list of things.
  14. Ok wouldn't let me edit my lats reply so I have to make another one Update is I used the U2 over 1 without a core and man it made a huge difference. I used String to do it though I'll have to look at how well it works with Lace. Might have to ask you guys what the formula is for Plait 8 and Plait 12 then and try to do plait 6 with a core. Ok looking at it closely I still get the same looking thing on the front it looks like \/ but on the back its more tightly done it would seem. This was the same effect I was getting with the other thing as well. How do I even this out ? I dont think Im pulling to hard on one way or the other but yeah I am getting the same effect no matter what I do the u1 o1 the u2 over 1 and the u4 o2 Ok another edit I just added photos of the front and the back to show what I am talking about... Hopefully I can get some help to fix this.
  15. Ok and this is using the upper most left and the upper most Right going around back ?
  16. Thanks Jerry The Whip I was looking at to make was the one that goes from 12 down to 4 in the Encyclopedia so I'm trying to get up to being able to do all of them up to 12 efficiently. I'll keep working at it.
  17. Jerry Im looking at the book itself right now in the Lacing and Braiding for Fun book that is where it states that it is Under 4 over 2 The Encylopedia doesnt have directions for a Coreless one but states the u1 o1 or u2 over 1 setup. Also What is a Lock Jaw pattern if I may ask ? Also HorseHairbraider I was pondering doing that with the cotton thread I have here I was going to ask later on if it would work. I made a bunch of 4 strand lanyards to the point I can make those in my sleep now lol. Thanks for the tips guys The fact of the u4 o2 is probably because its going from behind and 3 of those 4 would be on the front part if there was a core and wouldnt be counted.
  18. Well the lacing for fun mentions no core the Encyclopedia one mentions that you should use a core... Thing is what do I use for a core with 1/8 plastic lace which is what Im practicing on as getting my brain to work right thats not a problem I can easily follow the under 4 over 2 it just doesnt look like I think it should. If i can figure out what kind of core to use with this thread I'll try that and take some photos it also mentioned a U1O1 Thing in the encyclopedia along with the U4O2. Also it stated that some things with Plait 6 didn't need cores but yeah Since Overall I am learning this in the long run to do a Plait Style Whip I'll be using cores anyways.
  19. I'm using the book braiding and lacing for fun along with Encyclopedia of Rawhide and Leather lacing book to try and learn plaiting. I have 4 down easily enough but trying to do 6 and each time I do it it never turns out correctly. I'm following the books instructions of going under 4 and over 2 and the front and back look completly different from each other I was wondering if anyone had any ideas or Tips ( I dont have any photos of the pieces cause I keep disassembling them to try and work them again and get it right )
  20. I've been doing it for 11 years I've had pieces in Movies as well ( yes B Class horror movies But still Counts ) I have a Site along with a DA page with all of the stuff I've made... PM me what your looking for and I can give you quotes.
  21. Uk YOu arent the only one who likes Harry's Idea... Btw I broke my marble piece up its not that wide anyways so it being longer really didnt do much for me. Now have a piece Ic an easily take with me.
  22. There we go for some odd reason it wasnt letting me Post on here... I have two quick questions if I could please get some answers.. I'm heading out over the weekend to an event of great minds... Ok its mostly people who do jewelery like I do and we mostly just goof off eat food and drink mead... But anyways here are my two questsions 1. Are Plastic Cutting boards a substitute for marble this marble piece is rather long and its going to be a pain to try and take it with me... 2. Craft Aides I have one with multiple flowers on it and was wondering do people cut these up or just try and make it so you dont have another flower get on the finished piece.
  23. Do you mix the Alum in water if so how much to two Cans of Alum... Also does this work with other hides as well or just Deerskin ( like Rabbit or other furs )
  24. Anyone know maybe a way a person can make a fold over card case that holds about 10 cards ( I saw something in Tandy Kit wise that is a Card Case but I dont know how many cards it can hold )
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