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Everything posted by Tkleather1

  1. I honestly dont know the dates of the Rodeo. A gal Named Brielle Noah is the queen this year. Thanks for the look and the kind words. Tim Thanks for all of the looks and all the kind words everyone.
  2. Here is a set of chaps I jsut finished up for the Moses Lake Roundup queen. Black bodies with Turquoise and silver trim and overlays. Let me know what you think Thanks for stopping by. Tim TK-Leather
  3. I have been looking for the same thing for about two months now.
  4. haha that is kind of a funny coincidence. I just found an old saddle that is in about the same shape. Tore it all down and found that the tree was never covered except in some sort of mesh. ( I am not a saddle builder) my plan was to attempt to build a saddle for my daughter and learn how to at least get started in the process. My problem is when I tore it all down the wood is cracked like crazy and full of "dry rot" and one of the bars is broken off way down low. so now I wont be doing anything with it anyway except hang the tree up in the shop. Post up some pictures so I can see how it is going. Tim
  5. I cut out wedges so the fringe will follow the corect lines. Thanks for looking Tim TK-Leather
  6. I agree mark, there is no right or wrong way, and as far as sitting on the buckles I have never had that problem either its just the way I was taught to do them and the reasoning made sense so that is how I continue to do them. There are a million ways to do things and some work better for certain people. Tim TK-Leather
  7. I do mine just the opposite. I put the buckles on the Side panels and the straps on the inseam. I find that then you are for sure not going to be sitting on the buckles at any time. Just my opinions and I know a lot of people do them so the straps are attached to the side panel and I am probably the minority here. Tim Worley TK-Leather
  8. yup got em from TK-Leather, that guy is so good to deal with, he is just amazing. Thanks I like to run a long fringe. Tim Worley TK-Leather
  9. It is just thumbprints and pear shaders stamped in random. and thank you for all the input
  10. Hello everyone, here is a pair of square bottom buckskin chinks with 9" fringe. Let me know what you think. These are a vrey straightforward and basic set. Sorry the picture isnt real great, they are too small to fit on my chap stand so I took the picture outside and the wind is howling here. Tim Worley TK-Leather
  11. Hello everyone, I am looking for a set of Jerimiah Watt saddle making dvd's, If you have a set you dont use anymore I would like to buy them, or even a set I could just borrow to watch to see if I can pick anything up and then purchase my own from him. I am not trying to cut him out by any means but if I can get a set that you are not using it would save me some money . Thanks Tim Worley
  12. Well here is a day planner or photo album ( has a ring binder in it) and a bible cover, these are both fairly recent. Let me know what you all think. Thanks Tim Worley
  13. I dont know about everyone but I dont have this option "* Profile Customization" I am not a paid member however and this might be why.
  14. haha thanks CarvedOn These ones are sold to a good friend of mine and of course that means that I bid the job WAY TO LOW. I am pretty sure I could get half again as much to someone else.
  15. I use the deft aerosol when I know I will have a problem with the dye lifting. I works pretty darn good and I think it is the same as neatlac. FYI I do quite a few light coats with the aerosol.
  16. where are the announcements?

    1. Johanna


      No, there are announcements at the top of every forum page, and one in the Announcements & Administrivia section.

  17. Well thanks all, Wyndelle these are 5/6 bodies with 8/9 yokes and sides. The back belt is real simple just lace it through like you are lacing shoes and then pull the loose ends back under the wraps you made, that seems to secure it just fine. And I am with you Chris I like the more natural colors. I think sometimes less is more. Thanks again and if anyone has any suggestions or questions let em fly.
  18. Well I havent fallen off the face of the earth, Just been real busy and havent done much worth posting. Mainly been doin some plain headstalls and hobbles and other just plain using gear, but then I finally got an order for a pair of rodeo chaps. These are a pair of buckskin bodies with black trim, and black accents,two layers of fringe. These are fairly straight forward with full floral yokes and side panels. Let me know what you all think. Sorry I havent been around to chat with everyone lately just busy with school and the shop stuff. Hope everyone is having a great day.
  19. I personally wouldnt like it that way mainly because it appears as though the strap could disengage the safety which can be a problem on its own. Look at a Milt Sparks holster. He makes the best for a 1911 that I have seen yet.
  20. The site is SOOOOO SLLOOOOOWWW and its not my computer because this is the only one giving me fits

  21. Shoot I dont know how I missed this one. Those look great, You have a great start now just keep after em and you will just get better and better. The fringe cutting gets faster and easier the more you do. Tim TK-Leather
  22. Thanks everyone. I like to keep em simple
  23. Hey everyone, Well I have been busy but havent posted anything for a long time, Had a free moment so figured I would post this one. Let me know what you think. Hope everyone is still doin good and have a happy holiday season Tim TK-Leather
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