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Everything posted by Tkleather1

  1. Here are the latest chinks, Tell me what you think. I know these are a little bit different but the kind of grew on me. The yokes are H.O. with a light Neetsfoot and wyoshene finish. The bodies are bucktan from the Hide House and I cant remember what color they call the pink but its from the Hide house as well. As you can see they are fillegreed with twisted fringe and I cant think of any thing else that is different. Ask any questions and tell me what you think. Thanks for lookin Tim TK-Leather
  2. I got mine from Brenda at Lasergiftcreations Dot Com. She did a great job and it was quick too Tim Worley TK-Leather
  3. This is the same stuff I use. Its called bontex and it works pretty well if you take care of it.
  4. Well you still would use water I am guessing. I add the lexol for casing because it helps with the burnish and knife cuts when tooling.
  5. Yes Casing solution is what ever you use to wey your leather. I use a water and Lexol mix. and I totally agree with K-man about the speed of the burnisher. Tim TK-Leather
  6. I dont know if it is heirloom quality but thank you very much. Tim Worley TK-Leather
  7. Personally I would get rid of the gum. Use your casing solution and wet your edge and then use your dowel method. then follow it up with wax and some canvas and use lots of elbow grease you want the heat that is what makes the burnish. as far as the speed thing I have heard lots of talk about going to fast and I have never had a problem, I use a hardwood slicker mounted direct to my 1/2 arbor grinder motor that spins aweful fast and I have good luck. Just my way not the best way but it works. Tim Worley TK-Leather
  8. Those are BEAUTIFUL Andy. Seeing work like that reminds me of how much I need to improve and how many more tools I need get. The Big Mule foot you use where did you get that?
  9. my opinion is the first one is the cleanest and most professional looking. love the looks of your mauls I am going to have to get one soon. Tim Worley TK-Leather
  10. I prefer a round knife personally.
  11. Really all the views and no more comments? Is it that bad? or is it so good that it is pure perfection. haha yeah right. Well for all of those who commented I thank you a whole lot. Tim Worley TK-Leather
  12. well Welcome aboard. Looks like you do some pretty nice stuff there. If there are any questions some of the best reside here and share everything that you can because some new ones stop by everynow and then too. Tim Worley TK-Leather
  13. I have tried to mix my own a few times, I use mine strictly for edges so I am still trying to find that magic concoction. I started with about an 80/20 beeswax/parafin and now I have wittled that down to about a 60/40. The reason I use more beeswax is the same reasons that Bruce mentioned ( I can get a darker edge or I used to but that is another story) . well I guess I will tell the story. I used to just wet my edges with water before I rubbed them and would get a decent burnish and then add my saddle soap and or wax. Now I use a lexol and water casing solution and use that on my edges and while its still pretty wet I use my grinder motor and burnishing wheel (a hardwood) then I add my 60/40 wax and run it on the wheel again. before I add the wax I now get a very dark burnished edge and with the wax it just gets shiny but not much darker, and that does not seem to change even with straight beeswax. so I like the extra shiny edge of parafin but the softness of the beeswax. Sorry to ramble but that is jsut how I am. Thanks for listening Tim Worley TK-Leather
  14. Thanks a bunch guys. The font is just off of Word 2007. I just blow it up and trace it. Keep em comin
  15. Howdy all, I posted a few pics of this before it was all done. This is a scrapbook for my 4 year old daughter and her momma. This is 8/9 oz ( i think I dont tottally remember but its close to that anyway)H.O. with a light EVOO oiling and topped with WyoShene. it is lined with just a white chap leather from the hidehouse that I had left over fron another project. The wife had bought a cheap scrap book that I cut apart and used the heavy cardboard as a stiffener. Let me know what you all think of the finished product. Thanks for lookin and tell me how it looks. Tim Worley TK-Leather
  16. Hey thanks all for the kind words now I need to decide on a finish and stamp up the back panel. I will post photos in a week or so at the rate I get to work out in the shop these days. Tim Worley TK-Leather
  17. Here is a scrapbook cover that I am building for my 4 year old daughter ( well Mommy too) it is a pattern that I modified and a Barry King Basket. there is no oil or anything on this yet but I thought it looked pretty good I still need to work on alot of things but I am getting there.(backgrounding, Decorative cuts, and many other things) The letters are handcut and the leather is 8/9 oz H.O. Let me know what you all think. Tim Worley TK-Leather
  18. Hey guys I am just curious about how much it would cost to reline some skirts. A friend of mines dog chewed off all the sheepskin from one of his saddles and want me to reline them. I just dont know what the going rate is for this. if you could help me out and shoot me some ball park rough estimates taht would be great. Thanks in advance Tim Worley TK-Leather
  19. Tkleather1


    Hello all you KNot heads. LOL I am looking for a resonably priced 5/8 to 3/4 bosal, I cant afford a whole heck of a lot but would be willing to do some trading and or just purchase one if any of you fine braiders have anything like that send me a pm. I am not looking for too much flash but mainly function. Thanks for any help Tim Worley TK-Leather
  20. Great looking rig. I love your flowers. I need to work on mine a ton I know but those are just totally different than anypatterns that I have What do you call them.
  21. I could not fing any at the local grocery store and had to go to a craft store such as micheals last time I bought any. Tim Worley TK-Leather
  22. Umm the big bobbins I cant answer that, because my little singer only takes little bobbins. The large spools of thread that is easy just mount it off of the machine. I have had no problem with that yet.
  23. Ray this is the one I have and it works great This one is at Amazon .com for 21 dollars
  24. Yes Ray I have one of the electric Bobbin Winders and it works well for me. I have an old Singer that has no Winder on it. my wife bought mine at Joannes fabrics if I recall and it works great. real time saver. Tim Worley TK-Leather
  25. Just the way I like em. Need to be able to rope the bulls and take a jerk without the horn flying off. That sould be a bad day. Tim Worley TK-Leather
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