OK so here is the deal, I have been using H.O. tooling leather for about 2 years now and I was very happy with it for quite a while, but the past three hides that I have got have been hard as a rock. I have heard a few others on here and Leatherpros talk about this problem as well. I have tried just about everything that I can think of. The first one I thought that maybe my knife was dull so I sharpened it and tried again but to the same problem takes way to much effort to cut 8 oz leather. so then I tried 2 other knives and had the same problems.
one of the hides I sent back to weaver and they sent me a different one and this one was a little better. Once I get the patterns I want chiseled out of the hide and case them up they are still hard to carve but color up nice. Well after a lot of this trouble and I get to the center of the hide then I run into a chunk of rawhide, and this has happened on all of the last three hides. So I am thinking about switching to something else and I dont know wich way to go. As you all know I dont do saddles but a lot of chinks and chaps as well as other misc. gear. if any of you could point me in a direction of a quality tooling leather I sure would appreciate it and if its a dealer that does not require a tax number that would be the best.
Thanks for dealing with my rant and any info that I receive.
Tim Worley