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Everything posted by colttrainer

  1. Jeremy, I have to agree with you. If built on a prodution made tree, minamal tooling, you can build a saddle that will last a life time. I think that based on my supply costs it would be priced in around $2000.00. Lets face it you are paying for the time it takes to do the tooling on the high end custom saddles, along with in most cases higher end hardware. Some of these folks are not charging enough for their work ( quality of tooling & time spent) & others are being over paid.
  2. Hi All Been to busy to post since last fall. Been to busy to work leather getting back to it again. Completed this the other day, now have it in the sun, to get it to even out. Let me know what you have to say good or bad, I can take it all. I know what needs to be inproved on & what I would do different. Next one will be better, now that I am spending more time with leather,reading & looking at the great stuff here. Thanks Al
  3. Use a lot of that leather for fill in projects between custom orders, also to try new designs. I was having problems spliiting it so tried a little pro carve ( diluted 50/50 ) seemed to help alot with splitting never have to many problems with sewing. Al
  4. Nobody addressed the needle issue, use a fabric needle (it won't cut the nylon core). I sew biothane on a singer 31-20 it is a treadle so I am not dealing with heat issues. But I would think a lube pot would take care of that issue, along with slower speeds. Al
  5. Question is this. Looking for opinons on the techsew 180-2. Good & bad. Al
  6. Toss the metal, Put in an all leather ground seat. Much easier to work into a nice seat.
  7. Curious, what size needle & thread you are using? I have a 31-20 want to use it for the same thing, but I have not been able to put heavier weight yokes on without feeding it by hand. Don't think a motor & servo will help. Al
  8. Ed Awsome job, I hope that at some point my tooling will look half that good. I am with Aron you should do patterns up for sale you would make a killing. And thanks again for your in put on the saddle. Al
  9. Thanks for the pointer. I will keep it in mind for the next one, this being mine & wanting something totally mine I opted for the light & dark look. Not likely something any one else would want but I like.
  10. I was taught go big or go home LOL. Thanks for the kind word. Al
  11. This is my very first project, in all aspects of leather work. Open to all input on how to make the next one better. Horn still needs to be wraped with mule hide, but waiting for a warmer day so I can lay my tracks in it. Thanks in advance Al
  12. No comment on this photo. But there is documented history of moose being used as pack animals, as their backs stay almost level when travelling over ruff country. Al
  13. What methods do you guys use for installing an padded inlaid seat? Details needed to confirm what I think I have figured out already. Thanks Al
  14. those are awesome. look so comfy, just need a heel for riding.
  15. Packed many a horse & mules in my day, I don't see anything that would stop me from packing a criiter with that unit. Only thing I could see wrong was it is not broke in LOL. Now all you need is a good pack pad. AL
  16. Very nice work. Now tell us when you will be done translating the book for us. LOL Al
  17. Looking at those photo's I would think it would be best to figure out why he has developed in this way. No sense spending money on a saddle to fit him, only for the area to shrink at later date due to what ever reason or worse yet the other side bulk up the same way. I would think that the vet should be able to help figure this out. You may try contacting the previous owner if that is an option and see if they can give you a complete medical background (injuries etc.) this may help the vet come up with an answer.
  18. Megabit I think you are right. Tomorrow might to be soon enough. Building a cutter & beveler is not a problem,but to build that quality @ that price would be hard. Then still need the splitter, so time to take the plunge & quit doodling plans on paper. Al
  19. It was suggested to me by a friend of mine who is a saddle maker that you should stay away from their in stock trees as bowden told him they where trees that had been returned for what ever reason. With that said bowden builds all his trees to his specs and have for some time& he is very pleased. Like he says beats waiting for long periods of time for a hand built tree & he is able to stock a few of his more commonly used trees.
  20. Steve Let me know what it is & how much, I am only 4 hrs. from you see if my banker (wife) will allow me to get a machine. Al
  21. wasn't sure what it was, took it off, pulled all the nails that was adheard to, and brought it back down to the original swell. When I chipped it off reminded me of glue & saw dust. Not sure why it was put in can only guess that the customer wanted a bit more swell up front. Thanks for your replies Andy I have seen your work & I like what I have seen. Al
  22. Thanks Andy Back in 1996 or 97 Roy McCaughy looked at the saddle, said he had met me Mr. White & figured the saddle was about 60 years old at that time, but I have my doubts after uncovering the tree so that I can re do the saddle. The tree my be newer than the saddle as the pommel was built up to make a wider swell, but I don't see any signs that would indicate that it has been changed. I have attached a photo showing the build up (it is the lighter area).
  23. Hi back again with another question. What can you folks tell me about Standard Saddle Tree Co., Vernal Utah. I found this tree in a saddle built by L. White Houston Texas. I was told by several saddle makers here in Canada that where supposed to have known him that the saddle was about 75 years old, but what I found for markings on the tree I won't by the age. The tree appears to be stamped 8/69. It is a SF Bowman tree. Al
  24. I to was looking at that one on ebay & would like to see more photo's. Also would like to see pic's of that first generation one. Making a cutter and beveler is not a problem, it's coming up with a good plan to make the splitter side I am still working out that part. Have to talk with my machinist buddies. Al
  25. Thanks for that, had not thought about it as a work order #. I clean it up and see if I can make a dollar on it.
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