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    Canvas, leather, singer

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  1. Good looking beast there. What fun
  2. Premium price Interesting what can be taken for granted. Other than stripping up the very occasional bovine or pig for a particular project, I don’t think I have ever used anything else. I have a suitcase full of the stuff. Sometimes you will find large amounts of it in second hand shops after a hopeful creative has abandoned the craft. Have a great weekend
  3. Good to know. I have a vague memory of a ‘kangaroo cull’ outrage in the USA media that effectively shut down the export of anything here. Thank you yep. I would have struggled too. Latin is a hellova (is that even a word) language. Takes a special kinda someone to really enjoy its modern use. Plenty of academic insults that can be funny to the sarcastically inclined. Have a great weekend
  4. Thank you. It was a very pleasing project and I am a bit excited to get back to my canvas work with this shiny new workmate tomorrow. Last week fell wholeheartedly into this reno. My justification was the tent I am supposed to be finishing had 14 leather patches that I couldn’t possibly sew with the k6. all the best
  5. Wow! What a strip down and rebuild!! It LIVES!!! *manic laughter* I have to confess to anxiety spikes. First was to read the location and weather conditions where you found these abandoned beasties. Nice rescue Second was the pile o bolts, springs and sundry. Wheew! Bless this modern age of pocket photography. If I ever stripped so far down my heart would be in my throat and images for a mile. I see what you mean about the size of the drive wheel. I had thought, from the manuals, that mine was smaller but your end on pic really makes it clear. Great work. Thanks for sharing
  6. Wow! What a travel story your 45D91 must of had. Fascinating time for the company in Prussia over the wars. Extraordinary that the factory spanned both. Oh to be a fly on the wall when all that unfolded. Safer as a fly I have found plenty of reference to the production halt in 1939 for WW2 but less for WW1 The 45k production run in 1916 that my v83 serial no. places it in was a particularly large run. Over double the output from previous years!?! I speculated that this might have been caused by extra military orders and/or in preparation for the factory to pivot towards munitions manufacturing? Fantastic! I might take some more targeted pics of the different mods you mentioned above and do just that. Well done on exploring, collecting and archiving what you have all found. Priceless All the best
  7. Thank you coming from your ear that is very encouraging. It was a privilege to bring this one back.
  8. So cool. Nice find and I could honestly read what you folks are saying just about all day long
  9. yes. I did just try to answer my own question re roo lacing by reading another thread. This forum is a dragons hoard. Thank you to all for the hard work that has made it so infinite. interesting that it has become less available in the US. Must be political??? There really are a lot of kangaroos here so no other reason than the emotional aspect for the product to not be exported?
  10. Thank you. Scroll message was my motto when I was on the joust field. Was a bit of a statement about where courage did and did not come from. the Latin is ‘virtus corde vivet’ and translates approx to ‘virtue lives in the heart’. At the time it was fairly difficult to get a fair go in the sport as a female. Not just Australian but also in many eastern block countries where comps were held and invites sent from. I had a good friend who was not only an excellent travel companion to some of these countries but was also a avid Latin enthusiast. He helped me give the motto just enough gender bias so I also felt I had a voice. long of the short
  11. Thank you lacing can be quite therapeutic with the right material kangaroo is particularly strong and flexible. The local tanneries sell it at a good price. Is it readily available your way?
  12. Nice work and wow on the time investment. Inspiring. Thanks for the view.
  13. Thank you :) Just a simple soldering iron.
  14. I made these two folios not so long ago. They have been very nice to have about and are strong and protective. The larger one is for an A4 document folder, the smaller one is for an A5 visual diary. They were both made for personal use in a creative storm. Veg tan leather, stained with an 'antique' oil then kangaroo lacing edges using a round braid. Both were then pyrographed and painted with iridescent paint. This paint is super fun. Changes in appearance depending on the direction of the light source.
  15. Thank you suzelle. It was a privilege to rejuvenate this machine and the workshop is definitely my happy place. All the best
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