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Hey guys I am sure that this has been asked before but since I am new around here I will ask again. What is everybodys favorite swivel knife and what is your favorite round knife or head knife? now I know alot of you profesionals have about twenty of each but if you could have just one of each what would it be?

Now me personally I only have one round knife and it is an OLD Osborne and I do like it. and I only have two swivel knives one is an elcheapo tandy and the other is an elcheapo Al Stohlman from tandy. The stohlman knife isnt bad but it isnt great either.

the reason I am asking is to learn of new toolmakers that I have not heard of or dealt with before and I want to expand my selection sooner than later.

So Tell me, what are your favorites?

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Swivel knives a have 8 and my best one is my sk-3 swivel knife from leather wrangler Paul is a great guy and very good knife maker and they come in different colors.



My favorites are the old tandy knives with the 1/2 barrel and the cast finger saddle.

I'm always looking to buy those.

Dave Theobald

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I have about 10 swivel knives, and so far my favorite is a Chuck Smith, 'Ol Smoothie...However, I have a Bob Beard knife on order, and those are supposed to be the Rolls Royce of swivel knives.

As for a head knife, I have 3, an osborne, an Al Stohlman, and a Danny Marlin... by far the Danny Marlin is my favorite...But there are several that are supposedly very good, such as Bill Buchman.

If you want an old vintage knife, contact Bob Douglas...his info is on the supplier's link.

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I have a Tandy swivel with a synthetic blade which does me just fine for my type of work.

I had this oldie head knife gifted to me. It has no maker mark on it, all I know it's a carbon blade and I got it pretty darn sharp...can't see how I could get it to cut any better.

So that's it....one of each......hard for me to imagine how one can use more than one at a time.....


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For the swivel knife it has to be something comfortable for you. Some like thicker or thinner barrels. Others like a medium knurling or a finer knurling. Different cradles feel different. Blades are the bigger difference to me. Some like a thicker blade, others thin. Longer blade, angled blade, straight blade - there are a lot of choices. One not mentioned in this thread yet is Henley. I've got a few, but my users are a Barry King, Henley, original Hackbarth, thin and thick barrel Ol Smoothies. Each has a little different blade set up and that is the bigger difference for me.

For round knives I still like my old Clydes for most stuff. I got to play with one from Bob Dozier last April. It was a very good knife, and I ended up and got one at a show the next month. No regrets there.

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Howdy; here are a few photos of the knifes that I use, I am pretty knife poor, I think I should get some more, no I need more!!

Swivel kinfes, left to right

-ellis barnes barrel with henley blade

-chuck smith "ol smoothie" with henley blade, ( I would say the henley blades are the very best blade made but they are the best blades I have ever used)

-don king barrel and blade

-old craftool with ceramic beader blade

-don king stainless barrel with a barry king beader blade


round kinfes, left to right

top row

-bill buchman knife, I have had this knife for years and it has been a great knife

-Bob Dozier knife, I have not had it for long but it may turn into my favorite knife

-LBL knife, this is a good knife that was John Kings (my first saddle mentour) so it has sentimenal value

-W. Rose Knife, good steel

bottom row L to R

-old osborne knife, this was my first round knife given to me from my grandfather, it has been a great knife over the years, it's kind of retired for now

-weinland knife, he took over LBL knifes, I don't think he is still making kinfe, to bad they were good

-danny marlin knife, this knife is just for skiving, which it does an awesome job at, but the edge does not hold up worth a damn when cutting on butcher board

-old gomph, i also use this knife to skive


straight knifes L to R

-weinland knife, been a good knife

-henckels paring kinfe, this is one of my favorite straight knifes, I like the price also

-I got the blade from lee valley, made the handle from a 2X2, not very fancy but an awsome straight knife

-lee valley knife, has a bevel on one side only, suppised to cut one direction better, but I find it kinda sucks in both directions

-bill buchman knife, he said it was for bleeding strings, I use it for that and for every thing else I can think of, it's one of my favorites

-bob jolly knife, I have had this knife for years, I decided long ago that I did not like this knife, but I started using it again and I love this knife.

-this last knife is a my utility knife, I just it for cutting boxs, and cutting rough stuff etc, this is my version of a razor knife.





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My favorite swivel knife is my Bob Beard, and I think his blades are the best around. However Paul Zalesak makes an excellent knife that I like in the small size (diameter) with the aggressive knurl and the big yolk, they are light nimble little things for intricate, tight turn work.

On the head knife it is Bill Buchman all the way for me, I have had others and his just work great for me. Of all my Buchmans, his small angled skiving knife gets the most use.

We have covered this extensively on the board, with a lot of pictures also, so do searches on head knife and swivel knife and you should find them.


Hey guys I am sure that this has been asked before but since I am new around here I will ask again. What is everybodys favorite swivel knife and what is your favorite round knife or head knife? now I know alot of you profesionals have about twenty of each but if you could have just one of each what would it be?

Now me personally I only have one round knife and it is an OLD Osborne and I do like it. and I only have two swivel knives one is an elcheapo tandy and the other is an elcheapo Al Stohlman from tandy. The stohlman knife isnt bad but it isnt great either.

the reason I am asking is to learn of new toolmakers that I have not heard of or dealt with before and I want to expand my selection sooner than later.

So Tell me, what are your favorites?

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My favorite swivel knife is a Henley. By far the best one I have.

My favorite cutting knife is one I made from a sawblade. I never got used to a round knife because the saddlemaker I learned from years ago showed me his knife he made. I copied that one. Here's a picture. The lighting makes the blade's edge look dark, but it isn't.



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My favorite swivel knife is a Henley. By far the best one I have.

My favorite cutting knife is one I made from a sawblade. I never got used to a round knife because the saddlemaker I learned from years ago showed me his knife he made. I copied that one. Here's a picture. The lighting makes the blade's edge look dark, but it isn't.

I like thatun Will....very practical looking and looks like it would be easy to control.....


I thought that the best knife was simply


>running off and hiding now<>giggle<

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I thought that the best knife was simply


>running off and hiding now<>giggle<

Oh Suze Suze Suze....don't ya know that 21st Century MAN has to reinvent everything??

What, a simple sharp knife???? Has to be more to it than that!!!! :red_bandana:


Oh Yeah - I forgot that part

I guess that is why God called US wo-man (so that we could tell man -- whoa -- when they got out of line)

(We really are the smarter sex don't ya know?)

>Shoves EvilSuze back in the cupboard under the stairs< Really - I have no idea how she gets out all the time. Must be a faulty lock......

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My 2 cents. I have quite a few of both round knives and swivel, mostly what matters to me is that they first, swivel smoothly without any bind, any of the bearing ones meet the need, second, fit my hand, none of them do because I have hands like catchers mitts!, and third, are very very sharp!

What I do is take a smooth action swivel knife, and add girth to the barrel, lots of girth! Most generally with electricians tape, it makes the barrel so I can hold it and makes the movement between my fingers much smoother and less exaggerated giving nice smooth flowing cuts. I suppose I could take the time to make larger smooth barrels, but; that takes time and I don't have any. Then I use a ceramic blade and polish it with a buffing wheel to keep it razor sharp. Last I like to get my leather almost to the consistancy of peanut butter with moisture, so it will cut, stamp, and mold with ease.

As for the round knife, I have lots, both antique and newer makes but; I always seem to go back to the one I started with which was an Osborn, I have been using it for about 20 years now, and while the shape is not exactly the same as it was when I started, I originally cut the handle a little to fit into my palm, and I keep it sharp. Just the way I learned in the boy scouts about 55 years ago, oh yea, most of you don't know what boy scouts were. :grouphug5vj5:

Anyway, the real deal is that they fit , are comfortable for you to use and are Sharp.

That's what works for me.

Bondo Bob

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For the last 20+ years my favorite swivel knife has been the same one David mentioned. It's big and heavy and just really feels like you have something in your hand. I like the shape of the yoke on it. Then about a month ago my wife wanted to know what to get me for my birthday. I couldn't think of anything I "needed" so I told her that I might like one of the knives Paul at Leather Wranglers makes. I had a chance to use it for more than just a little practice the last couple days and I REALLY am liking this knife. I dont know if it's the light weight (which I really didn't like at first) or the bearings that make it really turn nice. I think I'm getting some arthritis in my fingers and using the swivel knife has been causing my finger to really hurt. But, with this knife, I hardly even noticed it at all. I cut whole patterns without any pain, and I think my cuts were cleaner and smoother than normal. So today I'd have to say this fancy purple knife is now my favorite!

PS. Hey Suze, just how big is that cupboard under the stairs???? Think maybe we could rent some space under there some days?


I'm not sure Just HOW big EvilSuze's cupboard is -- the last time she had a party it seemed like the whole world was under there.

I'm suspecting a "pocket universe" under there.

She does throw one H of a party however.


Heck... I saw the thread title and thought... Oh my favorite knives are my Cold Steel fixed blade Tanto's and my CRKT M-16 Spear Point Flipper. Whoa!! the question is really about swivel knives!!

I am not a great carver so my opiniuon isn't going to be worth much on this question. I have a few swivel knives now and I like the one I got from Barry King with a thin shaft. Feels good and allows nice tight turns for cutting smooth curved lines. The blade stays sharp and cuts very nicely without binding on the leather.


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I've been using mostly just ordinary Craftool swivel knives for years. I don't subscribe to the theory that better tools necessarily make for better work. So I have focused more on improving the part that holds the knife.

I did get one 3/8" Magnum with a 1/4" angle blade on sale from Hidecrafter a few years ago to do more intricate carving, and it has worked very well for that. (That's the one on the right in the photo.)

Recently, I just decided I wanted something nice for my hands as a reward for all the work they do, and ordered a Henley 1/2" with a hollow-cut blade. It is really a pleasure to use this knife, because of how smoothly it turns, and the hollow-cut blade makes a very nice stroke in the leather. These blades really hold their edge, too, so I don't spend as much time stropping. Of all the knives I have personally used, this one is my favorite.

I also ordered a 3/8" stainless steel knife with a hollow-cut angle blade from Springfield Leather. I think this must be a knock-off of the Henley, because it's almost identical in appearance, except not quite as well-made. Even so, it also is very nice to use. It's what I use for decorative cuts. I have no idea who actually made this knife, but I understand they are no longer made.




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Here is my collection so far...

From left to right:

LeatherWrangler, the smallest barrel and blade in an angle

Craftool with an angled Ryby blade

From Springfield Leather with hollow blade

Craftool wit a ceramic beeder blade

The one knife I grab without even thinking is my red one from Paul. I have to say, with the blade I have and the type of carving I'm doing, this knife Does makes it all much, much easier. It dances throu curbs and bends almost as it had a brain of it's own. I only have to strop it a few times during a big job and the blade don't drag. The narrow barrel also lets me do them tricky bends and curbs very easy, I can very easy go backwards and even "upp-side-down" I simply love my little red knife:-)



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There are a few of you guys talking about Henley knives. Where are they sold? ive searched around on the web and cant seem to locate anything.

Does anyone know where a guy can get a rube tipped blade anymore for a swivel knife?

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There are a few of you guys talking about Henley knives. Where are they sold? ive searched around on the web and cant seem to locate anything.

Does anyone know where a guy can get a rube tipped blade anymore for a swivel knife?

Every now and again the ruby tips shows up on Ebay :-)

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There are a few of you guys talking about Henley knives. Where are they sold? ive searched around on the web and cant seem to locate anything.

You can order them straight from the manufacturer. They are very nice to deal with. You can find product and contact information at this site: http://gemosphere.tripod.com/GEMOSPHERE/Swivel_Knivesx.html.


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The one knife I grab without even thinking is my red one from Paul. I have to say, with the blade I have and the type of carving I'm doing, this knife Does makes it all much, much easier.

True, a better swivel knife does take a lot of the effort out of carving. Still doesn't fix the problem (which I still have been known to have on occasion) of not knowing where to steer it. Heheh!

I've been admiring those Wrangler knives. I may end up adding one of those to my collection yet.


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You can order them straight from the manufacturer. They are very nice to deal with. You can find product and contact information at this site: http://gemosphere.tripod.com/GEMOSPHERE/Swivel_Knivesx.html.


I'm not sure if the pricing is the same Kate.. I can't remember, but I have two henley's one fat and one thin barrel. I don't like the fat barrel much, my hands aren't big enough for it I guess, so it doesn't get much use, but I like the thin barrel a lot. I haven't played with the L. wrangler yet, but know someone who has one... He says he likes the barrel and yoke, but not quite sold on the blade yet... He still likes the ceramics. I may have to add one of those to the collection.. :rolleyes2:

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I would like to know your thought on the Barry King as opposed to the Ol Smoothie. I know that the Ol Smoothie is good, but i never tried the Barry King. $100 compared to $45. What are the votes?


For the swivel knife it has to be something comfortable for you. Some like thicker or thinner barrels. Others like a medium knurling or a finer knurling. Different cradles feel different. Blades are the bigger difference to me. Some like a thicker blade, others thin. Longer blade, angled blade, straight blade - there are a lot of choices. One not mentioned in this thread yet is Henley. I've got a few, but my users are a Barry King, Henley, original Hackbarth, thin and thick barrel Ol Smoothies. Each has a little different blade set up and that is the bigger difference for me.

For round knives I still like my old Clydes for most stuff. I got to play with one from Bob Dozier last April. It was a very good knife, and I ended up and got one at a show the next month. No regrets there.

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