Members JRedding Posted September 28, 2008 Members Report Posted September 28, 2008 I've read every post on this topic twice and the worst thing about it all isn't just that we're going to be stuck with McCain/Palin or Obama/whoever that guy is. The worst thing I see is the fact that no one cares for either one enough to even take sides and argue their point. It's the fact that a cross-section of Americans like ourselves all feel screwed no matter how this works out. I expected this topic to really get heated, and it should, except everyone seems to agree on the fact neither choice is a good choice and nothing will help now, I'm not sure if one is better than the other, or if things will get better or worse, but I have concluded this is the saddest state we could be in and it's not just because of our choices for the White House. When the general population is scared of what tomorrow brings, some almost feel guilty raising kids that will have this handed to them because we've worked hard enough they should be given better, our elderly aren't given back nearly what they have earned, and the beleif that money rules all, while it may be true, is the most disapointing of all. I really hope there is some sunshine going to come out of this deal in the future because this isn't the way it was meant to be. Quote
Hilly Posted September 29, 2008 Report Posted September 29, 2008 Yep, I'm voting for Ross Perot again. Oh and I agree about Hillary (spelled with 2 "L"s) being a cold hearted ruthless Be-otch. Sooooo glad she went buh bye. Hilary (spelled with ONE "L") aka Hilly Quote
ArtS Posted September 29, 2008 Report Posted September 29, 2008 (edited) I thought this could use a little humor. I got this yesterday in an email. If you get an e-mail with "Nude Photos of Sarah Palin" in the subject line, do not open it. It might contain a virus. Although, it may be worth the risk! If you get an e-mail with "Nude Photos of Hillary Clinton", do not open it. It might contain nude photos of Hillary Clinton. Art Edited September 29, 2008 by ArtS Quote
Bree Posted September 29, 2008 Report Posted September 29, 2008 Palin just out-and-out scares me. When she makes a statement like "the PALIN-Mccain ticket" I'm thinking to myself 'John, if you get elected, you'd better hire yourself your own personal food taster, just in case.'She's dumb she's clueless but she's ruthlessly ambitious, and in a position of power that combination makes her one scary person. She eats what she shoots and that is a heck of a lot more than I can say for the other side. I'm voting for her and McCain. Quote
Ian Posted September 29, 2008 Report Posted September 29, 2008 I think the bottom line (for me anyway) is in my 51 years on earth, there have been presidents come and go, and the only thing that has made a difference in my life has been my own decisions, good and bad. I really feel sorry for the poor bast__ds who are waiting for the leader who is going to make everything better for them. I have survived a hundred sticky situations in my life and never once thought to look to the government for direction or help. Personal responsibility is everything. I know most of us end up being dependant on government at some point in our lives (Social Security, etc), but with government involvement in our lives comes an erosion of personal freedom. So, I plan to fight government dependance until the moment they haul me off, kicking and screaming, to some old age home. Until then, I will always choose the candidate who is most likely to leave me the hell alone. But, if Obama wins, I'll survive that too. Quote
superchute Posted September 29, 2008 Report Posted September 29, 2008 first things first was Obama born here lets start witht that then we can go on about how he sits on the fence and duse not vote just to start with Russ Quote
Moderator Johanna Posted September 29, 2008 Moderator Report Posted September 29, 2008 On any other forum this topic would have been closed about 30 posts ago, but the sad thing is that everyone agrees that the best qualified people to lead the country cannot be persuaded to step out of the private sector. There is no incentive, unless you like taking severe pay cuts, the total loss of you and your family's privacy and having to schmooze for your entire career. My dad called me up and said, "Guess what? You're just like Sarah Palin! Except youdon't have your own float plane. You didn't win a beauty pageant. You don't know how to ski or gut a moose..." Um, Dad, I've never been to Alaska or Idaho either. Johanna Quote
Members jbird Posted September 29, 2008 Members Report Posted September 29, 2008 (edited) well I have watched and I have read and I have listend to all the garbage and crap from both sides, lies and lies you can't belive a word of any of it they don't answer the questions at all they dodge and evade please don't ask me to vote for some one with less guts than a gutter rat besides if you vote for macain your voting for palin because he will be gone before one monthes over. I am republican but I can't vote for a studering bag of look at my record since Alexander the great LoL. And so it's all crap were all pawns nobodys and these misrabale thieves on wall street are not worth the dust they were made of some one that will sell his soul to the all mighty dollar and screw the hard working back bone of this country dosent belong here. The founding fathers didn't want this and would be rolling over in there graves if they could see what self a pointed money grabing people have done to this land of the free and home of the brave. A goverment for the sickly rich by the sickly rich. God help us and save us from the cowards and spineless the blind t leading the blind. And the media they are to blame as well. That's it I was smoking and that's not the half of it were are the washingtons and the jeffersons, lincolns, rosavelts, ECT of today? Edited September 29, 2008 by jbird Quote
Contributing Member TwinOaks Posted September 29, 2008 Contributing Member Report Posted September 29, 2008 All I choose to say, without getting into toe stomping, and roof raising, is I'm WORRIED. Quote
Contributing Member Jordan Posted September 29, 2008 Contributing Member Report Posted September 29, 2008 Tina Fey for VP She seems to do a better Palin than Palin. Quote
Members WVTriker Posted September 29, 2008 Members Report Posted September 29, 2008 The only thing I can say is read the book of Ezekiel and see if it doesn't remind, just a bit, of our country's current course and possible future one, too. Our values and morales have fall completely to the way-side. We are a nation of greedy me,me,me peoples. And we are terrible idolaters, worshiping everything (money, career, sports, Hollywood, etc.) except for the One we should be turning to in faith for guidance and help. God help and save us all. Quote
Members hiloboy Posted September 30, 2008 Members Report Posted September 30, 2008 (edited) She eats what she shoots and that is a heck of a lot more than I can say for the other side. I'm voting for her and McCain. you know i'm with Bree on me (Palin) is the only REAL person out of the whole bunch running..because she thinks she can really make a differants.(but that will never happen)The peaple on the tube ..and the peaple in our GOV. won't let it happen..thats how they think of all of us dumb, and clueless. and that we will take what ever they what us to hear and what ever they want to give us..and we'll be happy about it..maybe one day when they(both parties) run this country in to the ground(coming soon if not already here) we will all take our heads out of our (you know what) and take our country back. until then good luck to everyone..we are going to need it..this is just my two cents. good stuff WVTriker!!! God help us... Edited September 30, 2008 by hiloboy Quote
Ian Posted September 30, 2008 Report Posted September 30, 2008 you know i'm with Bree on me (Palin) is the only REAL person out of the whole bunch running..because she thinks she can really make a differants.(but that will never happen)T.thats how they think of all of us dumb, and clueless. and that we will take what ever they what us to hear and what ever they want to give us.. It's stunning the contempt that the Internet elite show for average working people. When it comes to treating middle America as a voting block, the blue-blood, ivy league educated elite are happy to don hunting vests, swill a couple of whiskeys with the good ole boys and mingle in small town diners. But, if one of the people who actually do America's work dares to assume a position of power, then all stops are pulled out to rip them to shreds and put them back in their place. It's a tradgedy that hero status is heaped on the inventors of the next 'MySpace' )or some equally mindless pursuit) and the useless drug addicts in Hollywood, while the men and women who are setting their alarms for 5am to keep this country running are denegrated as "white trash", "rednecks" and "morons". Try living in Massachusetts, you'll pull your hair out to see the arrogant snobbery that's rampant here. Quote
Members bustedlifter Posted October 3, 2008 Members Report Posted October 3, 2008 (edited) Government is WAY too big and, in it's current state, not what the founding fathers had in mind. I'm still waiting for the candidate that says" I will uphold the Constitution of the United States and govern within the confines of it." There hasn't been a decent presidential candidate since Ronald Reagan,imho. I like Sarah Palin,too bad she's running with McCain. I thank Sen. McCain for his service to our country, he certainly sacrificed more than most can comprehend, but I don't agree with a lot of his positions. I think Palin/Nugent(as in Ted) would be a good ticket in 2012! Edited October 3, 2008 by bustedlifter Quote
Hilly Posted October 3, 2008 Report Posted October 3, 2008 (edited) IMHO, Ted Nugent is a putz! Edited October 3, 2008 by Hilly Quote
Members bustedlifter Posted October 4, 2008 Members Report Posted October 4, 2008 IMHO, Ted Nugent is a putz! At least he's not a socialist. Quote
Members paris3200 Posted October 4, 2008 Members Report Posted October 4, 2008 I would just like to see a candidate that at least acts like they've read the Constitution. I've voting McCain & Palin so I can at least keep my guns, how else would I mold holsters. Quote
Members greg gomersall Posted October 4, 2008 Members Report Posted October 4, 2008 Heck i have as much us for rock an roll as I do for commie's but a good ticket would be Ted Nuggent/ Newt Gingrich ted understands the second admendment and Newt understands history and it will repeat itself. Greg Quote
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