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It's not the most original thing I've ever built as it's a pretty close copy of a Ruger Single Six rig I built a while back. but, that;s what the customer wanted and I am happy with how it turned out. 

11 oz HO for everything but the bullet loops, which are 4/5 HO. After tooling it got a good coat of NF oil then Fiebings black liquid antique followed by 50/50 M&G mixed with water. Once that dries I wiped it all down with saddle soap. Which doesn't change the appearance much but it does make it smell like a leather product not a floor. Here are a bunch of progress pics snapped with my cell phone and my "glamour" pics once finished.

Thanks for lookin, Josh


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Words cannot express the amount of jealousy I have. I am just M&M green over here. That is truly marvelous work.

I love the slots in the bottom to hold the holster against the skirt.

Once again, you have created a beautiful piece of work for me to aspire to. :notworthy:

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Thanks Forester & Red Bear! 

In regards to the slots, I am always happier when I include them as it keeps the skirt from pulling up through the loop when drawing the pistol. I "borrowed" the idea from fellow member "Treed".

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Great looking rig.

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Absolutely beautiful rig! I am inspired by your work.

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I think it is a cool idea, but I am still in the process of stealing your idea for the lined skirt holster and the t-nuts...

Ideas ideas ideas, must be time to make something....

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Great setup..... love the color and tooling

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Nicely executed.

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Very nice rig. What tool did you use to get that nice beading?


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Wow good work.

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I'll likely be doing an Uberti 45LC next week. What pistol do you have there, and is it what you used as a holster mold?

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Holy crap, Josh! You are absolutely knocking them out of the park. Top-notch work.

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Thanks gents, I appreciate the kind comments! 

TSes, I lightly scribe a guideline for the outside line of my bead with a set of dividers using the outside of the piece as a guide then I cut it with a swivel knife. I use that cut as a guide for the next line in and scribe it with my dividers and cut and repeat until they are all cut. Then I use one of the white nylon bevelers that go in a swivel knife handle. I bought a ceramic bead blade for a swivel knife and couldn't get good results with it so I just started hand cutting and beveling them. 

Skipper, The pistol in the pic is an Uberti. It is some sort of an NRA commemorative something or another, which is why it has the NRA on the grips. And I did use it to make the pattern. Good luck on yours!

Have a great day folks! 

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Very stunning!  I agree with what everyone has said so far.  

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Oh my! That is simply amazing!!!

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WOW Your are an artist . Great skill here . Detail is just amazing . B)

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Here's a bit that's always amazed me.  I don't find ornate leather tooling to be my style, but I still find it amazingly artful and beautiful.  That really is a piece of art.  I think I spent 10 minutes looking at those photos.  Fantastic work!!  

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Beautiful work, Josh, . . . several steps above my carving & decorating.

Always enjoy beautiful work.

May God bless,


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Forgive a noob question, but what is "M&G"?

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Hello Alpha2,

Mop & Glo. I dilute it with water in roughly equal parts and use it for my final finish. I got the idea from fellow member Katsass on here and have been very happy with the results. I also know of other members who've tried it and don't like it at all. 

All the best, Josh

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Mop and glo, I don't think I would have ever guessed that. Thanks!

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Wow! That's just awesome!


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