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Okay so everybody that uses tiger thread let's see if you can tell me the difference between what I purchased and and the true Tiger thread which was also a verified purchase!20170415_172758_resized.jpg.4aaa0c2fa6a44d540837d332c276ccda.jpg and here's two more pix


So let's hear it if you use tiger thread please chime in!


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I just started using it myself so I don't know, but I like the idea of braided polyester with a continuous filament.

Maybe set them both outside in the sun for a month. That may or may not make a difference.

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Tiger thread on the left. I mostly use tiger thread, also use some of the Chinese stuff which doesn't have enough wax, it tends to slip off the needle easily. It's also a tiny bit smaller than the Tiger thread.

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Judging by the tiger thread sample I received, the tiger is on the left. Tighter braid, smoother surface. I would think it would present less of a possibility of snagging the thread when the second needle is put through the hole. Maybe not.

I suppose it could just be more wax on the left thread, too.

Edited by alpha2

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ok! great eyes and thanks for the replies! The tiger is on the left! I have sewn with both and the only discernible difference in performance the amount of wax Brand X has the slightest amount less. Color is more vibrant in the brand X but that could be due to  the tiger being older another and the major difference is price, also possible time of shipping I did get brand X from a US supplier. I know US availability of the tiger thread is better than it used to be and given that the supplier of the brand X may not always have it is the only and biggest tradeoff.  in my opinion Brand X is still penny for penny better $30.00 vs $4.00-282meters I will use it till it's gone 

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40 minutes ago, Tugadude said:

Where are you sourcing the brand X?

what IS this brand and the source ;)

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Hey what did we win for guessing right, just kidding thanks for showing the comparison.

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I have a question,  if you rub that thread with a bunch of pressure does it lighten the color any?  That is the major complaint of the little bit of cheap stuff I bought from China.  

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On 4/17/2017 at 10:04 PM, Brianm77 said:

I have a question,  if you rub that thread with a bunch of pressure does it lighten the color any?  That is the major complaint of the little bit of cheap stuff I bought from China.  

no. but if your worried about the thread getting rubbed through use a groover.

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Its not that, the thread I am talking about changes color pulling it through the holes

no noticeable change in color On the 1st time use.  but I did run it through a block of beeswax prior to use the 2nd time then pinched it in brown paper and pulled through it evens out the flatness and makes it easier to thread through the needle eye when locking it in.  I also have the black and would've noticed any color change on it cause I didn't wax it before use. 

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I have a question,  if you rub that thread with a bunch of pressure does it lighten the color any?  That is the major complaint of the little bit of cheap stuff I bought from China.  

not only those you mentioned.

the major problem here is that those manufacturers only have 1mm or similar thread thicknesses. which doesn't give us, craftsman, variation on in thicknesses, regular stocks etc.

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