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Don Gonzales has just completed a 4 part series on his YouTube channel. It includes a free PDF pattern for you to download and follow along with him. He seems like a very down to earth teacher and really comes across well in his own style.

I don't do any tooling yet myself, but I sure enjoyed the videos.



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I have also watched all four of the videos in the series. He gives some excellent information. I've been trying  my hand at some tooling and this video series showed me some things I'm doing wrong. He also gives recommendations on which tools to buy if you want to accomplish this type of tooling. All of his videos are worth watching.

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Excellent video, I have been tooling for a lot of years and Dons videos are very helpful and full of information no matter what your experience level is.  You seem to always learn or re-learn something in his videos.

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I did see one of his videos before about coloring leather, or dyeing leather, whatever he called it. Lost me when he threw acrylic stuff at an otherwise great lookin' belt.  Each his own, I suppose.  This one here, just fast forward a couple of times for the hi-lites, I see he calls a flower center a "one hit tool" 3 times, then hits 2 of them 3 times and 3 of them 2 times :crazy:  Few minutes later, he goes back over those same centers, bops 'em a couple more times .. so , they're "one hit again"? ;)  ETA:  I see in V4 he goes back over the "undercuts", though he made a point of saying he doesn't like to go back over anything.

Still, at a glance - I do like that he's showing how to firmly tap the tool into the leather.  This is why I sometimes have moved to calling it "bop" the leather - since SO MANY people you see almost look like they're afraid to hit it.  BOP maybe relays the idea you supposed to HIT it.

No question there's some info here worth seeing.  He backgrounds WAY before I would .... just shows more 'n' one way to skin a cow.


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Gosh JLS leather I must have missed all those good utube videos that you put out that were so helpful!  I am sure they are there because of all your expertise!  Sorry but negative people tend to piss me off!

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I'm with you Rhale.  Don is spending his time to deliver something some of us [ at least me]  can certainly use for free.  If you don't like don't watch it. Thank you Don, great videos.

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Negative? Did I say something that wasn't true?

I would have thought that 

5 hours ago, JLSleather said:

I do like that he's showing how to firmly tap the tool


5 hours ago, JLSleather said:

No question there's some info here worth seeing. 

were something other than negative. But, I suppose if I continue on that idea it begins to look like someone's opinion matters to me ...

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I am sure none of it matters to you what anyone thinks but if someone is putting info out there to help others some of us appreciate not only the content but the effort involved to give us that info free of charge!  People like you and your negative comments make those giving that free info tend to think why bother, so for those of us who don’t know everything we would like to see that info that people like Don Gonzales and others are kind enough to put out there for us to learn and enjoy.  In other words if you can’t say something good you should keep your mouth shut!!

33 minutes ago, Rhale said:

Gosh JLS leather I must have missed all those good utube videos that you put out that were so helpful!  I am sure they are there because of all your expertise!  Sorry but negative people tend to piss me off!

You may well have missed the huge opus of good he has given free of charge on this forum and through his website.

I've never commented on any YouTube videos, as they seem to polarize people, and they some folk comment without all of the available information.

Different strokes for different folks.

AND this is NOT a comment on the quality of Don's nor anyone's videos.

Does Don ever comment on this forum? Just a query, never seen it.


16 minutes ago, Rhale said:

In other words if you can’t say something good you should keep your mouth shut!! 

As an unbiased and somewhat uninterested observer, did you read what you put immediately before this?

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May I plead - lets cool it folks, before this may escalate into personal attacks

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Posted (edited)

Got to say. JLS has supplied and continues supply free patterns for his work and gives freely of his time and advice. When I first started leather work JLS was a huge and positive influence for me on this site and in the chat room when it was operational. 

Edited by kiwican
5 minutes ago, fredk said:

May I plead - lets cool it folks, before this may escalate into personal attacks

Okay Fredk good call

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If I was out of line I apologize!  I just get a little upset when people start knocking other people’s work or efforts.  Some of us just appreciate others efforts.  So JLS I apologize to you for being out of line.  I am sure JLS is a very talented and nice person, so please forgive me 


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20 hours ago, bikermutt07 said:

Don Gonzales has just completed a 4 part series on his YouTube channel

I have watched a number of his videos, but had not seen this one yet.  Just watched the first one on 1.5x speed, and I can GUARANTEE he just took my tooling to the next level.   Might be simple stuff for some, but for those of us who haven't really seen great tooling in action, this stuff is gold.  Thanks for putting this out there!


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41 minutes ago, YinTx said:

and I can GUARANTEE he just took my tooling to the next level.  

Actually, I thought of you when I watched part of it.  He got some great examples of "not here" goin on there.  Check out his scrolls -- on the left and right, about vertical center...


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2 hours ago, JLSleather said:

Actually, I thought of you when I watched part of it.

Yeah, I imagine so, lol.

I also imagine Barry King is going to sell out of some of his tools on account of this video. 


3 minutes ago, YinTx said:

Yeah, I imagine so, lol.

I also imagine Barry King is going to sell out of some of his tools on account of this video. 


Nothing wrong with Craftsmen endorsing Craftsmen. :whistle:

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Posted (edited)

I'm not a carver, I'm a stamper! Haven't done any carving at all, but did watch Don's videos and thought I'm bored, hey why not give it a try? I don't have half the tools he recommends, don't even have a flower center, lol. I have been doing leather for many years and consider myself fairly good. Any way just for a laugh here is my take on this pattern. I'm not going to buy any more carving tools because I don't really enjoy carving. Not looking for corrective criticism because I won't be doing this again for a while. That all said Don's a pretty good teacher.


Don Gonzolas Pattern sharp..jpg

Edited by Bigfoote
Better picture
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yeah, like I can see you're no good at this 'ere stamping & carving work,   :lol:

ah, it looks grand anyhows  :yes:

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14 hours ago, JLSleather said:

... I see he calls a flower center a "one hit tool" 3 times, then hits 2 of them 3 times and 3 of them 2 times :crazy:  Few minutes later, he goes back over those same centers, bops 'em a couple more times .. so , they're "one hit again"?....


What Don means when  he says "one hit tool", you hold it in place and not "walking it" as you would with a beveler. Where you would hit the beveler multiple times, you only need to hold the flower center in one spot.

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Yup, Barry King may be making some money off a few of us...lol!

I just got over 100 tools and stamps, mostly Tandy and IvanTaiwan tools, and here I thought I'd be totally done buying tools for a long time to come. Then Don shows us how to use a crowner, which Tandy NO LONGER MAKES! :(

One nice thing about the new tools I got, is that the people in Taiwan have realized people still want some of the older Tandy tools, and are making things like acorn caps, etc. The numbers are even the same as the discontinued Tandy tools!


@Bigfoote, I'd be proud of that.

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@Bigfoote, I like that :) . 

@Sheilajeanne, I don't really know how many tools I have ( I should do a  count) , most of which  are S/H and have come from searching through the classifieds, ( pre- internet)  and some  from a  ' lil'  ol'  shop '  in Perth (WA)  run by a lil' ol' lady .  Some are Craftools , some Taiwanese some Boss buttons, and a few  Kelly tools, ( NZ  ) Some have simply been donated to me  from ' former leather crafters'. 

One   downside of carving is ' carvers cramp' ....ouch!! But I still enjoy it, even when my right hand seizes up from time to time.   :)This arvo ,  two of my fingers on my left hand totally 'locked up '   in a closed position  for a minute or two  while cutting  a hole in a belt. That hurt.

My tooling experiences have   mostly come courtesy of our local library,  Al Stohlman  and this web site, and simply by just experimenting    :thumbsup:

When I get time, I will check out that vid . 


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