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Okay, So i have very limited tooling experience and I want to change that, SO I'm working on this little design I found on google, I am hoping someone can give me some feed back on things to do and change before its done, just so I can compare the differences, I am working on some pretty thin leather, maybe 3-4 oz., all I have at the moment that's not pre finished.  Anyways I'm sure that I am doing allot wrong, but the biggest issue I seem to be having is with the stems/vines, Cant seem to make them look like they are overlapping, really that seems to be the theme for the entire piece, As far as tools go I am quickly finding I need more Pics of the primary tools that I have, as I dont know what they are called.  The far right tool is pretty much the only beveller I have, and the rest I just kinda been using at random to get where I am now.  Thanks for any help!






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Looks pretty good for a start.  Mostly what I see will be taken care of with practice controlling stamp depth and placement.  3 oz leather is difficult to work with especially just starting out.  For that style of pattern you will probably want to upgrade your beveller to a steep one.  There are a couple guys on Youtube that have free tool along videos for the style of carving you are working on.  here are a couple names to search there are others also.  Joe Meling, Don Gonzales and Jim Linnell are three that carve floral patterns.  Like I said there are more out there and don't mean to slight anyone.  They also have paid content.  They also have some swivel knife exercises to get your cuts smooth which will also help your tooling.  Hope it helps.  Practice is the biggest key.  

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Ditto above

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Sweet, this is the first floral pattern I think I have ever done, just seen so much I figured I have allot to compare to, plus yeah videos on YouTube have allot of floral follow along as you stated , I do plan to get a steeper beveler for sure.. Im so bad with the swivel knife too lol.. just going to keep practicing I suppose

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I think you've done a fantastic job.  Great beginning.


  • CFM

Very nice for a first go. And I would second Don Gonzales. He usually has a free pattern you can download, and then a series of videos taking you through all the steps. One tip, when Backgrounding, twist the tool slightly as you cover the area to avoid a 'pattern'. This will give you a smoother background. Here are a couple videos on it.

using the background tool in leatherworking - YouTube

Basic Leather Working Pt. 8 - How To Use The Backgrounder Tool - YouTube


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