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Everything posted by Jimbob

  1. Well, I be dead to riding such an ugly plastic bike...heheeee...!!
  2. ......and rightfully so!!!!....he looks like a Viking with a toilet seat as shield/////!!@#$%^@#$%^&*?????
  3. Jimbob

    312 motor.jpg

    uhhhhhaaaaa, nice!!!
  4. Jimbob


    Ahaaaaa, now this one is made in gud 'ol USA !!!
  5. Ahhhhhhh, nice...this thing is NOT made in China!!!!
  6. Jimbob

    MY OLD 77 KZ

    yhuuug, this thing is made in China!!
  7. wet leather, cheap wet leather and dull knife on wet leather......makes a huge difference to wait till all is original color, just as you knew is most important when tooling....let it dry a bit more and use sharp strobed knife.....and you will be on your way!! Guess how I know that.....hahahaaa... gud luck Jimbob
  8. super cool and interesting information, thank you very much for sharing!! I love to read info like that....!! Again, thanks... james
  9. two needles, waxed thread and a sharp knife....ohhh and some leather....then add some cool ideas, a pinch of creativity and a half a cup of willing to do good!! Done!! You be surprised how much you can do with so little..... now go and make a wallet!!! Greetings Aloha
  10. achhhhaaaaaaa.....very nice, dig the gold in the carving....soooo classy!! You are just a fine craftsman dude!! Aloha james
  11. going home in 30.....sharpen my knife and my skills, then I fall face first into my bench,,,,trying again tomorrow....szzzzz

  12. back to work...real work that is...12 hour shift...

  13. more orders for shotbags....what are these people do with em??

    1. chancey77


      Lots of stuff Jim. Great for hammering metal into shape, it keeps out the hammer dings mostly and helps support the shape. Also shot bags are great weights for holding down large pieces of leather to help keep from curling:) There are also many other uses but that is what I can type the fastest.

    2. ironhead13


      Did you ever post anymore regarding constructing these? Thought about getting one a long time ago but never did... always got by with what I got.

    3. ironhead13


      Did you ever post anymore regarding constructing these? Thought about getting one a long time ago but never did... always got by with what I got.

  14. Last try, I have a Singer 31-15 for sale in near mint condition!! Has 2 sets of new roller feet, large and small, a large assortement of needles, original wide pressure foot and extra spring. Will be shipped in wooden create.....machine is in perfect working condition, garanteed not DOA !! Pictures are original machine...lowered prize to 185 Dollar firm or trade for leather tools. This is head only and you pay shipping. Thanks call: 2 seven 6 six 9 0 five 0 eight 4 or email me @ berkheim1atembarqmaildotcom
  15. leather has been oil tanned or hot waxed, could be 50/50 veg tan chrome tan...dye is clearly resisted from leather....try other veg tan leather and you will see a difference!! (airbrushing has same effect, but since you have tried to brush it on....I am sure its the leather!) James
  16. finished wallet...with real looking deer horns...cool!

  17. Free Singer 31-15?? Well, now you have some greens left and get a servo motor, then u mount.....big smile.....then u sew with utter control...biggest smile....then u buy later bigger machine and put servo motor on it....its all well, and u will smile from then on.....believe me....if you could see my face....!!! I am still smiling....bought two from Toledo Bob!! Smile James
  18. That odd to be the coolest toolbox in a while.....all it needs now is some pinstripes and gold leaf on the inside!! Good work!!
  19. are these tooled panels glued to the metal tool box??? I did not see any stitching lines...just wondering....looks real cool!! Thanks for sharing... James
  20. Jimbob


    You are an especially talented artist, woderful work !!
  21. made 3 shot bags...all sold!

    1. tnawrot2


      Did you use lead or sand, and what, was the finished weight

    2. Jimbob


      customer will decide what to put into it....made it with short funnel, sealed bend and Chicago screws....so customer can fill it him self!!

  22. Pretty sick, bro....that is a awesome seat!! Your braiding is so tight and even...looks like a machine done it! on ur carving I noticed it is not as deep and three dimensional... that works great with the floral scroll design, sort off Italien looking,,,....love it....the colors as always...stunning. Guess its time to step up front for u.....these seats are no hobby Projects anymore....1450cc rock.....haha....but 276cc by all means too!! Great work...keep it coming!! Jimbob
  23. Airbrush finish...easy to apply...but eventually will rubb off. Dye can't penetrate, so it just sits on top of grain...but shure looks cool!! Aloha James
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