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  1. The International Organization for Standardization (ISO; / ˈaɪɛsoʊ /) is an international standard -setting body composed of representatives from various national standards organizations. Founded on 23 February 1947, the organization promotes worldwide proprietary, industrial, and commercial standards. It is an indicator that a business is putting a quality product out.
  2. Try Cobra Class 26 Machine – Maker's Leather Supply
  3. Jeff Cooper John Dean "Jeff" Cooper was a United States Marine, the creator of the "modern technique" of handgun shooting, and an expert on the use and history of small arms.
  4. Thank you. That does help. I had heard of the 7-33 before, but couldn't find any reviews of the 7-34. I'm thinking of buying both of them but was trying to decide if the 7-34 would be worth having shipped across the country. Thx
  5. I haqve an opportunity to buy either a Singer 7-34 or 31-15. I see a lot of posts about the 31-15 but can't find any info on the 7-34. Does anyone have this model of machine? If so, what can you tell me about it? Thx
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