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Everything posted by dscott

  1. thank you that is the set up i was looking for
  2. Thank you all
  3. How to use an arbor press as a die press is this possible Thank youn
  4. thank you all so much sorry late riply
  5. thank you i got one ordered one yesterday
  6. thank you so much
  7. thank you i use 1/8' diamond spacing still using the tandy ones i need to upgrade any suggestions
  8. Thank you i make cases for cigar cutters and lighters what size you think would work for what i make was thinking the .040
  9. was thinking about getting some thread from Main thread Co has anyone used them pros and cons and what size is good for small projects like small cases thank you
  10. thank you
  11. if you are printing patterns Hobby Lobby has clear acrylic that can be printed on with ink jet
  12. nice love the carving
  13. nice looks good
  14. nice case always love your carving
  15. just saying hi got new job so i have been in school have not been able to get in shop need to pound leather

  16. just saying hi got new job so i have been in school have not been able to get in shop need to pound leather

  17. been awhile made this one for member of a local band Collins Brothers he was very happy with it Thanks for looking as always Dscott
  18. good Evening just checking to see if anyone has any pattens or dim for a drumstitck bags Thanks Dscott
  19. as always GREAT work loving the wings
  20. nice videos thanks so much for time to watch them learned a lot Dscott
  21. nice color does look good i have been wanting to try that also
  22. very nice work nice detail
  23. did you use the new edger on this one
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