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Steve Brewer

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Everything posted by Steve Brewer

  1. Tim,The numbers on the cantle are the seat length,fork width,and cantle hieght.The no. on the bar is the item no.and who it was made for.The bar no. will tell them when they made the tree for Warantry on the tree.
  2. The Hide House in Napa,Ca. carries it
  3. Josh,The Cambell has been a machine of choice for many saddle makers.They were a lease machine and can now be purchased.I would call Cambell Bosworth and price one that has been rebuilt.I think that the Cobra would be a good first machine,and Steve gives great customer support.I have a Artisan 4000 toro that I don't like very well and the support sucks.I have switched back to my needle and awl machine for all my saddle work.I still use the Artisan for some strap work.
  4. I would save my money and buy a needle and awl machine.The Cobra is OK but a Cambell will last you a lifetime and sew about any thing on a saddle. Steve
  5. Rodger,It looks great to me,I have some in my shop that are comparable to yours that I have 375 on and they sell.I think put 425 on it and you can always come down. Steve
  6. Hanson silver from Oakdale,Ca.
  7. Thanks Tim.Its a simple using rig that you could rope an elephant out of!
  8. I posted it for you to look at Bob.The horn is there and can't miss it.Can put some bruises on your forarm though
  9. I just finished this Modified Assoc. saddle It is built on a Quality 16.5' seated modified Assoc. tree,13.5" swell,4.5 x 12 x 1 1/2" dished cantle,7/8s skirt rigging,and a 4 x 3 1/4" capped dally horn
  10. Louis,Sorry that your wife is sick,but that doesn't give you the right to post others pictures and claim they are your own.Even after I sent you a message you still cliamed that you built the saddle.It is hard enough to make a living in this trade when you are honest and straight up.What you have done is commit fraud.trying to sell something you don't have,something someone alse made,and claiming that you built it.I wonder how anyone can trust you to make anything. Steve Brewer
  11. Bob,It is good to see the ASMA respond to this thread,I use old school meathod of figuring prices.Take bowdens price for a kit saddle(approx. 800),$800.00 for labor,800 for profit and you come up with 2400.That is the lest we can build a custom saddle.My material costs are more like $1100,using the same 33% materials,33% labor,and 33% profit we arrive at 3300 selling price of a base priced saddle.Any busnessman will tell you you have to make atleast 33% to keep the doors open.I build some Wholsale stuff and the seller gets the profit keeping the price the same. Good thread. Steve
  12. Thanks for all the support.To let you all know I have filed some paperwork and a letter from my Att. to ebay trying to get this guy and others like him stopped from posting someone elses pictures on there auction site.We will see if it works. Thanks Steve
  13. Ross looks like a Bowden tree,semi-quarter bars,How high is the cantleand how much dish? Steve
  14. You might need some saddle strings ,rear cinch buckles,latigos ,front cinch,glue,liners for your billets and rear cinch. Steve
  15. Looks pretty fancy to me
  16. Darc,I think we have gotten my saddle and the Wade pulled off of ebay. Thanks Steve
  17. Might be a nice saddle but he posts pictures of other peoples saddles and claims he made them.The Will James saddle that is on ebay I built last year and is setting in my shop right now.The Wade saddle was built by Robert Chavez.He claims to have built both of them,And the trees too.The will James has a Felkins tree init and I think the Chavez saddle has a Kerch tree.What he does on ebay is fraud.I am know in the process of trying to deal with his fraud on my saddle. Steve Brewer
  18. Darcy,The item no. is180474488045,The seller is listed as eltotopo
  19. These things Happen Johanna.Hope to get it resloved soon
  20. Got a call from JW Wright this afternoon telling me there was a saddle of mine on ebay.Checked it out and found it was listed for sale by someone in texas.The only thing is it's still setting in my shop.They listed it as they were the maker and offered free shipping on it.The pictures they used were copied off of this site.Now to get ebay to stop the listing and prosecute this person for fraud. Steve
  21. Gary,I have been using string latigo to line my billets and rear cinch.I se strap leather to line the rest of the saddle. Steve
  22. Nice straps Tim Steve
  23. Todd,I use mule hide,Latigo,elk hide and chap leather horn wraps,customers choice.You can get the utility splits in other colors.Greg is using pig skin wraps and swearing by them. Steve
  24. Very well said Ross,everyone prices there saddles a little different.Shop time needs to let us make a living. Steve Brewer
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