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  1. Acha! I made one some years back. I first soak the leather "washers" in white glue + water (50/50). As you tighten the nut, you can add in more till the length of the handle is filled. Leave it for a day or so to dry. Don't know how to attach a pic here! Check this out: http://asailorsleath...ather-tool.html
  2. Good morning from Singapore!Thank you for visiting my blog. Brandon aka Opel Mok.
  3. Here are some tobacco pouches I did. The one with the pipes was given to me and i don't know how its done! http://asailorsleather.blogspot.sg/2008/08/pipe-and-tobacco-pouch.html
  4. stop by the critque post and check ouy some of my stuff and let me know what you think and any tips you might have it is posted under my stuff

  5. Acha, thank you!
  6. Looks like the whole world has the address to the site except me!
  7. Nicely done! Maybe better with five holes?
  8. Nice work! Any chance of a picture of the knife itself? The Sailor.
  9. Old man to the rescue! Something money can't buy!
  10. I do wish that your site's background music is Chinese, like "One Night In Beijin". Beautiful work !
  11. Bruce, I still have that book with me! Thank you!
  12. Thank you for sharing!
  13. I have most of his videos and I must say that yours is almost equal!
  14. Just a shot in the dark. Check on the edges of the stamps say the right of "K" and the left of "T", you may have to file those "extras" out should there be any.
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