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Everything posted by gregintenn

  1. Would you be so kind as to explain the dangers of a thumb break retention strap on an IWB holster? I realize it wouldn't be as fast, but is there something else I'm missing? Thanks, Greg
  2. I use 7/8 oz with a reinforced mouth.
  3. Those sights aren't meant to be holstered. I don't know why in the world Ruger makes them that shape.
  4. Take a piece of posterboard, or a manilla file folder, and draw a 1-1/2" belt through the middle of it. Make a dot in the middle of the lower belt line. put the bottom center of the protractor on that dot. At the top of the protractor is 90 degrees. To get a 15 degree cant, you'll make a mark at the 75 degree place for right hand, or 105 degree for left hand. Using a straightedge, draw a line from this mark to the mark you made on the bottom line of the belt you drew. This line is the correct plane for the top of your pistol slide or barrel. Now you can lay your pistol on the drawn belt where you'd like it to ride, with the top of the slide/barrel on this line. draw an outline of the pistol. Now you simply draw your holster around the pistol's outline. Hope this helps.
  5. Very classy and unique rigs.
  6. I like it a lot. I made a couple of holsters for Ruger 22s, and I had a hard time with the front sight. That stinking thing is tall! It's also shaped like a hawk's beak, and wants to hang on everything.
  7. I wanted to make myself a sheath, so I just decided to make a knife to use as a pattern. Anyone else use this logic? I sure gained an appreciation for the knifemakers out there.
  8. Here's how I make a pattern. I lay an inch and a half belt on a manilla file folder or piece of posterboard and trace it. Next I position the handgun on the belt in the position which I'd like it to ride in the finished holster, and trace it onto the posterboard. After that, I just draw the holster aroun the outline of the gun. It sounds simple, but it works.
  9. Great tutorial! That's as simple, yet as thorough as anything I've seen so far. Very nice of you to share your knowledge with others. You've sure taught me a lot.
  10. Probably not the best of methods, but I attached it to the bottom of the belt loop, and pulled it through the holster via a slit I cut into the back of the holster. If I do another one, I'll probably just sew ot to the back of the holster.The customer was very happy with it. Hope this helps. Let's see it when you get it finished.
  11. Between the hammer and the firing pin would be the correct place to put it.
  12. That design would make a good range holster without the thong. It isn't suited for conceal carry in my opinion.
  13. In my opinion, no. I see several potential issues with the tie down lace that would prevent me from putting my stamp on it. Hope this helps.
  14. Looks great! I'll bet it would fit a hi point pistol as well.
  15. I prefer to buy the real guns. Please don't tell my wife about the molds!
  16. http://www.lasergiftcreations.com/catalog/product_info.php?products_id=165 Mine came from here.
  17. I understand. Holsters are fun to make.
  18. I'm not trying to be funny, but why would you want a holster in Singapore? You wouldn't have any use for it, and I don't know how you'd sell many.
  19. That would be a M1916 USGI holster for a 1911; an A-1 I guess. According to the marking, it was manfactured by: BOYT (Walter Boyt Saddlery Co., Des Moines, Iowa). The 43 on it was an issue date. I believe it should probably be brown and has been redyed black. Someone else can probably either confirm or debunk that.
  20. Yeah, the wooden board keeps the awl from going too far into my leather. If it went all the way through, you'd definitely have too big a hole. I started out making holse with a fid, bit it wouldn't hold an edge.
  21. You are able to remove it without taking off your belt. It's what the constomer wanted.
  22. I have this 4-in-1 set, and use the diamond shaped blade. http://www.tandyleatherfactory.com/search/searchresults/3209-00.aspx?feature=Product_1&kw=awl I lay the item on a wood board, and hit the top of the awl handle with a rubber hammer to make the holes. The holes seem about right to me, and seem to draw up around the stitches when you pull the thread tight.
  23. I prefer real guns. Shhhhhh, My wife doesn't know about "blue guns".
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