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Everything posted by gregintenn

  1. I've been happy with this one so far. I agree that the same amount of retention for a conventional holster should be used on a pocket holster, but i have no research data or anything else to back my statement up. It is only my opinion. I finished mine just like any other holster.
  2. Hand stitch only. I only do it as a hobby, and I have zero interest in learning how to use a sewing machine.
  3. I'd suggest you bend the holster to fit the contour of one's body when molding it, as it looks straight in the photo. I think it looks great for a first attempt. It looks pretty good for a 50th attempt!!!
  4. That was a great article about an extremely interesting man. I had no knowledge of who he was. A very good read indeed. I would challenge each of you to join the NRA and receive that fine periodical, as well as support the future of our second amendment right.
  5. I have two sons about the same ages as yours. They are what makes life great.
  6. Update: So far, I've made three of these; two full size, and one Commander length. The only problem I've run into thus far is that you end up with a lot of scrap when cutting out this pattern because of the attached belt loops. Other than that, I really like the design. These require less work to make than other styles I've tried. I'm not yet sure if the savings in labor offsets the waste in material. Here's the Commander length holster.
  7. Nice work. I find the whip very impressive. Those are two beautiful children in your avatar as well.
  8. It seems that I learn something with every holster I make....and I've made several now.
  9. I think it looks great! A h3ll of a lot better than the picture I had in my mind while opening the thread.
  10. Hey...it's going to be hidden in your pants anyway, does the color matter that much?
  11. I was thinking sailboat or Methodist Church symbol. Sorry, but I didn't get it either.
  12. I just had a guy ask about a G.I. style flap holster for a Desert Eagle. That would take nearly an entire shoulder. Two more have asked about belt holsters for large revolvers with scopes. How do you delicately tell them that there is a reason why they can't find these? I've resorted to telling them that I could make one, but I'm fairly sure that they wouldn't be happy with the result. There's only so much a man can hang from his pants without suspenders.
  13. I tried making holes with a fid l I got at Tandy. It worked for a while, but I often had to sharpen it. I went back and got a diamond shaped awl, and it works great. I haven't sharpened it, and have used it a lot. I mark my holse with a overstitch wheel. If you bear down on it and run it back and forth, it will make visible marks. Then I punch each hole with a rubber hammer and a diamond shaped awl while the holster lays on a pine board. This works well for me, and if you turn all the diamonds the same way, it is quite attractive. I burnish with Gum Traganth and a deer antler.
  14. I wish I could claime credit for this design, but i found it flipping through internet photos of IWB holsters on the web. I have no idea who to credit it to, bit this seems to me like a no brainer as far as belt loops for IWBs go. I'm surprised I've not seen it before. I thought I'd try a similar design, and to my surprise, it turned out really well. I like these straps better than others I've seen, and they're way easier to make. What do you think of this type belt loops? Do you see any potential trouble with them? Have you seen them before and I'm just late to the game? Why aren't they more popular?
  15. I'm making holsters as a hobby. If I were making holsters for a living, $66 for a 1-1/2" slot punch would be a bargain, as it would save several minutes of labor on each holster.
  16. I use a 3/16" hole punch for either end, draw straight lines between the edges of the two holes, and cut along the lines with a hobby knife. Then I burnish the slots with gum trag and the end tip of a deer antler. A slot punch would be nice, but daaaaaaaang those things are expensive!!!!!!!!
  17. It appears very well done. I really like the looks of that style as well. I do believe I'd prefer a belt loop sewn onto the back as opposed to the loops cut into the back, but that's purely a personal preference.
  18. That's exactly why I started. I wanted a left hand holster for a 51 Remington. One didn't exist, and I couldn't find a maker who'd agree to make one.
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