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Everything posted by Hoyden

  1. Sounds a little off, but it made a huge difference in how I handled my swivel knife and how my cuts look, but I took a similar exercize like Johanna posted and practiced the movements with a calligraphy pen with a nib - not one of the marker types. I held the pen similar the knife (except that I didn't have my finger over the top bit) and practiced making the strokes on stiff paper. The excercize helped to train my hands to do it correctly with the swivel knife.
  2. I have issues with patterns (some commercial sewing patterns are too confusing for me) so I make almost all the patterns I use. Depending on the pattern and what it's for I use either the white paper with 1" grid lines that you get at the office supply store that is used for presentations. It looks like a HUGE pad of paper 24" x 36". I can't remember what it is called. If it's a pattern that is going to get milage, I trace it out onto posterboard. I have a big file that my husband made me from scrap panel board that I store them in. My best source of of paper and cardboard for patterns is a friend who works at the newspaper. He brings me the ends of the rolls of paper that they throw away and the huge cardboard spool caps 24" x 24" to use.
  3. When I get back, I'll post some stuff for you. I make all my families garb and since both my girls have to be bribed to wear a dress, they have all boys garb. I have links, patterns, pictures etc.....
  4. You are right, it is a 111-155, I typed it in wrong.
  5. In the hunt for a machine that can sew dog collars, I've been trying to stick to machines for which there is someone who can repair them within 2 hours of where I live. The two I am looking at are the Consew 206RB-5 and the TacSew 111-115w. Anyone have any experience with these or an opinion on them????
  6. Ohio Travel Bag is pretty good about responses. I have a bunch of biker friends on one of the pit bull forums I'm on, I'll ask them if they might know where you might find it.
  7. I've been searching for the right machine for what I need to do for awhile. I've been testing out several machines to see if it can sew together 2 pieces of each of the following leathers; 9 - 11 oz. latigo, 13 - 15 oz. stirrup leathers, 10/12 oz. harness leather and 11/12 oz. sole leather. So far, I've found that the Consew 206RB-5 and the TacSew 111W-155 Compound walking foot have been able to sew through with no problem. I haven't found a place where I can test out the Artisan or the Toro yet. There is a Pfaff place a couple hours away that I plan on visiting. I DID try the Tipman Boss machine and let me tell you, that bloody machine would tick off a Saint. I am patient and very machanically inclined and it was all I could do to keep from taking a dead blow hammer to it. My friend uses it to sew all kinds of leather goods that he sells at Renaissance Faires from clothing to pouches and belts, so he is familiar with it, but it's not for me. I'd rather hand sew that use that beast. I am going to look at some older singers in the new couple of weeks. These are the first ones I did and they were done by hand, but this is what I would be sewing together
  8. I really like the colored sample! I noticed you used spirit dye, is that the same as the pro dye sold by tandy? Or the Fiebings dye? You said that you diluted it with alcohol, would this be the same as using pro dye solvent?
  9. I'd love to learn that technique, especially with my knotwork! Any tips where I can find a book or tutorial?
  10. Decorative armor, but won't say no to functional as I have quite a few collar clients down south that have expressed interest in dog armor. I make cut collars for a couple of them now. I am pretty good at drafting patterns, so a decent snapshot of them would work! Somebody sent me this pictures of plastic barrel armor, so I've been looking for something similar in leather We go to Ren Faires and I take my dog Birdie with me as she is a service dog, so I've been dying to make her some dog armor for the Faire and SCA. Birdie was sporting a chain maille collar and my daughter in her play armor we made from leather scraps
  11. Oohhhh, more good info. We've been having armor workshops at my house for months now. My 5 year old daughter is even sporting leather armor now. Any one have good links to dog armor??
  12. Ohhh.... Good find! I must share with my friends that joust!!! They even have a section about the hounds!! Now if someone found some info about Dog armor, I would be one happy camper.
  13. I don't know if this will help you any, but I've found that this works for me. Once I have carved and beveled my project, I oil it with neets foot oil on BOTH sides and leave it overnight. I also thin my dyes ahead of time. I keep the old bottles when I finish a color, I have four mixes on hand: 25% dye, 75% dye reducer, 50%/50% mix, 75% dye /25% reducer and full strength. I mark the bottles & the lids with a silver sharpie so I know the mixture. I never put a different color dye into a bottle, even after cleaning it. I start with the 25% /75% mixture, then move to 50/50 mixture or 75/25 mixture. I dye around all the edges where color will meet color first using a 000 sable brush, then I fill in the larger areas with a larger brush. I swipe off the extra dye on the lip of the bottle, then touch the tip of the brush to a piece of scrap leather, then work the dye in towards the "Line of demarkation" where the colors meet with a partially loaded brush. Hope this helps a bit.
  14. Yes, I most certainly do have an interest in period foot wear! That's my winter project. I've got an awesome design in mind so as soon as the snow hits and I'm grounded, I'll be starting on that project.
  15. I do a TON of that sort of detail work and the only method that I've found is a 000 sable brush, locking the door to keep table bumpers out of the room and patience.
  16. What kind of glue would you suggest?? I have Contact Cement and Barge Cement, are either of those two okay? Here is an exampe of the abuse my collars get put through. watch half way through the video and keep an eye for Rumble, a little red pitbull. That dog is extreme and so far, other than a little leeching dye he hasn't been able to kill them yet. http://www.madmaine.com/mikeshouse/
  17. This has become the bane of my dog collars lately. Leeching dye!!! I always finish the back of the collars with a complementary color and then I seal it - or try to - and nothing has seemed to prevent the dye from coloring the dog. I am using the Tandy and Feibings dyes. I've used Satin sheen, Super Sheen, Leather balm with atom wax and mink oil. Nothing seems to keep the dye off the dog once the collar gets wet and Super Sheen makes the leather stiff when applied to the back side. No amount of neets foot oil or mink oil workedin by hand seems to soften it. I'm having the same problem with the washable velvet pigskin suede. I washed the black suede first, let it dry and then used it to line a polypropylene collar. Not the dog is blue. I had also washed the polypro first. Any suggestions??? Thanks
  18. I'll have to look into these machines. I am going to be in the market for a machine to sew leather agitation dog collars soon and I'm not quite sure what kind of machine that I need. Can you make some suggestions for me? Here is what I need to sew. These were sewn by hand:
  19. I know Larry and Leenie too! I think I started them on making quivers. My daughter wanted one for her birthday and I sketched out the design I had in mind while my husband was flying up I84 like a bat out of hell on our way to the faire. I've bought quite a bit from them Want a bodice, but I want to carve the front panel myself. Larry has given me some tips on setting rivets on my collars.
  20. I know Brian too. I was the media coordinator last year. My daughter is in the cast, she's the King's trumpeter.
  21. Just popping in to introduce myself. My name is Noel, my nickname is Hoyden. I live in the northeast. I work for an advertising agency, but HATE the media. My hobbies are Renaissance Faires, sewing, leatherworking, gardening and my dogs. I just started working with leather this year in January. I started making decorative sturdy nylon dog collars for large breed dogs last year and decided that I wanted make leather collars too. Needless to say - I'm in love with leather. I love carving leather. I am still experimenting and learning and I'm very eager to learn more. Here are a few of the things that I've done, please feel free to point out things that need work or that I did incorrectly - I'm always looking for constructive criticism. First leather collar - a martingale with a buckle. Learned how to skiv leather so that it didn't crack at the folds: Black & green leather martingale Black & green leather martingale front Second collar - celtic knotwork martingale with a buckle - Celtic Knotwork Martingale Celtic Knotwork Martingale 2 Third collar - the gargoyle experiment: Gargoyle Collar 1 Gargoyle Collar 2 Another with Celtic knotwork. I love knotwork. I've been drawing it for years and recently received the clanbadge software as a gift. Celtic Knotwork & Shamrock Celtic knotwork & Shamrock 2 Front of Celtic knotwork & shamrock The purple acrylic paint experiment - paint is still sticking to the leather despite the best efforts of the hyperactive pitpull puppy who is attempting to trash it for me. Purple Paint Experiment 1 Purple Paint Experiment 2 Rumble's Collar. This was an experiment and I hate the collar. Looks nice, is pretty sturdy, but all the little imperfections drive me insane. Rumbles' owner loves it though. Rumble's collar flat Rumble's collar 2
  22. Ohhh another Rennie. My home faire is CTRF
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