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Status Updates posted by LNLeather

  1. Getting a Custom Emboss Die from CustomMadeStuff at https://www.etsy.com/shop/CustomMadeStuff - should be here on Tuesday

  2. Getin' a sun Tan (leather of course)

    1. LNLeather


      Yeikes - it's Waaaay too hot here now....90 - 94 next week... Too much sun now

  3. Basket Stamp is Barry King - Border tool is Wayne Jueschke

  4. The top of my sop list Now is 1.Wash Your Hands

    1. Tugadude


      Probably a good idea before and after!

    2. LNLeather


      This is true, but I ruined a piece I was working on.... well I had to make it a different color - (darker) and I get to keep it for my self. A good reminder of my mistake.

  5. What is the Easter Bunny's favorite Restaurant?

  6. Love the internet – easy to find a Sales Tax Calcuator for your area

  7. OMG - it's Feb already and I'm making things for Valentines day! Where does the time go and Why does it go so darn fast...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. LNLeather


      Aaaaargh... you must have checked out my profile? 63 this year! Dang-it ~ wish that was 36, I'd have so much more time for leather work...

    3. hobbihorse


      ...let's just go with "we're wiser" now! Lol

    4. LNLeather


      Thank Goodness there is that... :)

  8. Wishing you All, the spirit of Christmas which is Peace, the gladness of Christmas which is Hope and the heart of Christmas which is Love.

  9. Just bought a bunch of Conchos at http://www.sdtradingco.com/index.htm and got a great deal…

  10. I'm so spoiled - it is Grreat to have my power back on... it was out for 48 hours. Nice to have hot water again... Oh, and my air compressor. Woohoo!

    1. Dwight


      Sunlight is always very special to those who have been in darkness,...

  11. Whew! Worked all thru the night! Had to finish that order!

    1. DoubleC


      Very Committed Cheryl!

    2. LNLeather


      Heheheh... Thanks Cheryl, but I bet you do the same - I bet I'm not the only one to do it occasionally...

      when needed! Cheryl

  12. I suppose there is a reason for it, but I really miss seeing how many times a picture has been downloaded.

    1. LNLeather


      BTW - Love the Hawk head on the pouch and the leaves on the side bags of the Hawk Themed Leather Motorcycle Accessories. Well Done.

  13. Come on Sun - I have leather to tan..... Next time it is out I'm gonna leave a whole hide out in the sun. Can anyone think of a reason this wont work - to “Sun Tan” it Before Tooling?

    1. Johanna


      It will make the leather harder to tool, and it might leave spots of diff color.

    2. LNLeather


      OH Shoot! I thought I'd figured a way out of this problem... Thanks so much for your input Johanna. Guess I'll go back to waiting for Mother Nature.

  14. I was expecting a couple of checks, but just found out that the PO Lost a cart of mail.............

    1. Sylvia


      Oh man... how does that happen?

    2. LNLeather


      Hey Sylvia - bummer, right?

      My best guess...... I see they move the mail around in carts, and they also have a counter in the middle of the main room with slots for recycle paper - cart underneath. I'm guessing that someone was tired and accidentally put the mail cart on the truck for the recycle paper... just a thought.

  15. Making Frames for my Clocks & also adding Custom Pictures to the leather - what ever a Customer wants. that way I can still use the same rivets etc...

    1. WScott


      I had look at them in the gallery

      Really well done!

    2. LNLeather


      Thanks so much...

      This is so much fun, especially using the custom pictures for the clocks - it really makes the clock special/


  16. Working on how to learn the serpentine border with 2 Really Good Tutorials - http://leatherworker.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=47957 by Frank and http://leatherworker.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=9884 by CitizenKate

  17. I contacted http://leatherworker.net/forum/index.php?showuser=16724 on 1/12/14 and ordered a New Custom Emboss Stamp. My New Stamps were in the mail as of 1/15/14 and delivery is expected on 1/18/14. Oh, and Yes he is sending a Free “Made in USA” stamp too! That is Awesome Customer Service! Thank You Steve!

    1. LNLeather


      BTW - Thank You So Much!

      I Really Really Appreciate how Fast you Got this job done and out the door...

    2. EmbossingDieCompany


      You're VERY welcome!!! And thanks again!

  18. I’d like to say my work is “Made in the USA”, but can I really say that when a lot of the hardware etc that I use is made in China… ?

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. EmbossingDieCompany
    3. TXAG


      On the items I sell, I make certain my buyers understand that my items are all made in the USA and are also made with ALL US-sourced materials.

    4. TXAG


      On the items I sell, I make certain my buyers understand that my items are all made in the USA and are also made with ALL US-sourced materials.

  19. Workin on Last Minute Special Christmas Custom Orders! Woo Hoo – what Fun….

    1. LNLeather


      The Santa Workshop is officially closed. I worked till 4:00 am this morning. Everything looks good and Everyone is Happy – including me!

      Happy Happy Holidays to All, and to All a Good Night…

  20. What is PU leather?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. WinterBear
    3. LNLeather


      Thank you all for your answers and for the link WiterBear. I had asked the person on ebay what it was and this is what he had said "The item is not real Genuine leather, the PU leather mean general leather"

    4. Sylvia


      I thought PU was an abbreviation for "Pull Up" leather.

  21. Last week the DVD player died, Monday the TV died, Friday the computer died. Saturday the computer got a New Hard drive. It’s been an interesting week…

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. WScott


      Your at three, it stops now.. hopefully

    3. Lavendara


      Your electronics are on strike?

    4. LNLeather


      Heheheh - yeah,they did go on strike for sure, and I really hope it stops here. I better not say any more... knocks-on-wood. ;)

  22. I just can't get used to how fast time Flys by...

    1. Sylvia


      lol The older ya get the faster it goes too!!

  23. Do you think a Facebook page helps with your sales?

    1. Show previous comments  16 more
    2. Double U Leather

      Double U Leather

      I gotta jump into this fray. My FB page has gotten me tons of orders. I've run a few advertising campaigns on it to target my exact customers. It doesn't cost much, and it goes right to the people I am selling to. I think I've got like 2400 likes, and I've probably gotten at least 50 orders from FB. That, combined with my website, combined with word of mouth, has me almost busier than I want to be. I'm quoting new orders 12 weeks turnaround time. Hope my 4 cents (calculati...

    3. LNLeather


      Thanks So Much for your comments Double U Leather. No battle here (I don’t think) just folks with different experiences and ideas. Good to hear you’ve had great success – for good reason of course… Your work is of the highest regard. We have lots to learn from you about what to do to succeed and how to conduct our business.

    4. LBennett


      most of my sales have been thanks to FB allowing me to meet more people and get my work out where more people can see it.

  24. Burnishing & Beveling with a Bone Folder - making Christmas decorations with small inside corners where a slicker wont fit.

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