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About LNLeather

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  • Birthday 07/29/1952

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  • Location
    Vashon Island, Wa

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    Continuing L/W Skills
  • How did you find leatherworker.net?
    Googled a pic for tooling & I found leatherworker.net

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  1. Amazon keeps shipping pkgs by FedEx Smartpost. While ordering “FedEx” requires my physical address – then the pkg sits in Seattle for 3 to 5 days

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    2. LNLeather


      back the pkg go’s to the Vashon Post Office and they either try to charge me (which I refuse to do) extra $ to deliver the package to my PO Box (which is in the same building) that was supposed to have Free Shipping, or they return the package due to an incorrect address. I used to be able to receive packages in 2 or 3 days from Amazon and now it takes 2 – 3 weeks and a lot of wasted handling. My packages ride the Ferry more than I do.

    3. Sylvia


      File complaint(s) with Federal Express and Amazon and the postal service. Clearly there is a break down with the agreement between these 3. If they get enough complaints... maybe it will get fixed.

    4. LNLeather


      I have explained All this to Amazon - Every time it happens. The Post office here is Fed Up with Fed ex... Fedex is saving way too much $$ to listen to me... :)

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