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Everything posted by BIGGUNDOCTOR


    Vw Stamps

    I live in Southern Nevada, not too far from Arizona. Just thinking I may be able to help you out forwarding your mail. How did she forward it too you; US Mail, UPS, DHL, FedEx??
  2. The one my Mom made back in the 50's is similar but instead of the rounded edge buck stitching it has a laced edge which forms ridges along the top. The bottom is also one piece that wraps halfway up the sides.
  3. Latest news I heard is that people are cutting credit card use way back , and trying to get out of debt, so checks may come back into fashion. One company I worked for lived on their daily planners. I was issued one, but generally left it alone except when I HAD to bring it with me. They don't suit type B go with the flow personalities like myself. I prefer solid brass over chromed hardware, now if you are talking silver then it has its place too.

    Vw Stamps

    Gunter, how much mail do you generate on average a month?
  5. Easiest cover for a bow saw is a length of old garden hose split down the length on one side. 23 years with Troop 252, Fairfield CA

    Vw Stamps

    Watch E-paY, The guy I bought a ton of tools from had 3 of the 4 you are looking for listed at the time _last year.
  7. You may end up starting at the round end, and working towards the blade finishing with a Turk's head. For a solid type, you could mold both halves,trim, and use a baseball stitch to sew it up .
  8. It would take some digging, but I may have the patterns from that bag Mom made around 1952. It was a Tandy kit, but it is not like the current one.
  9. At 46 I don't consider myself old. I still use a check for some transactions. In some cases it is to buy a little extra time ; if the payment is considered on time if postmarked by the due date. The time the PO takes to get it there has given me the cushion to make sure the money was actually in the account on lean months. Some folks live in rural areas where the internet is sketchy , but the mail service isn't. I just paid the property taxes on some property in upper Michigan. I called and asked if I could pay by phone , or on a website because I was close to the due date. The answer was "No, we are not set up for electronic payments." Sent a check off, and she said that she would not penalize me if it was a day late. I use a debit card for things like fuel,since it is over $100 to fill my truck up, and I do not have any credit cards. With stories of big companies getting hacked, I am still leery about some internet transactions, or going totally paperless. This may come as a shock to you, but there are still people on a dial up internet service!
  10. You mentioned that beaver tail is easily molded, but is it stretchy like buckskin? I like the surface texture that it has, and I can see where it could be used for several projects. Are all of the tails split to tan, or can you get one that is complete?
  11. I believe everyone suffers from C.R.S. (can't remember ) at times. $15 for some tail doesn't sound too bad. There are guys advertising it for a lot more down on the Strip in Las Vegas.
  12. Thanks, that is what I was looking for. I am looking to do some stitching here in the future, and I am trying to get a grasp on what size thread, and types of machines are used, if any at all. In the past I have just done lacing to assemble items. I have a couple of Adler patchers now, and a big Singer flat bed that I plan on using for some projects. Have them, but haven't used them yet, work keeps getting in the way, and I need the manuals to learn how to thread, and adjust them.
  13. My post office will hold for a longer time if they know I am out of town. I live in a smaller community of around 7,200 between the two towns, and I stress the term community. It is nice to have folks around you that are willing to work with you at times. make sure the PO there knows that he is out of town.
  14. That looks similar to one I picked up last summer. Ed is correct, find the one that works best for you. Lots of people ask me which handgun they should buy, and I have to ask "What are you using it for?" Then I suggest going and renting several to see which one fits them best, and is easiest for them to use. What works for me may not be what works best for them. Personally I have yet to use a maul, and have always used mallets- it's just what I was taught on. Once I get a chance to actually do some work again, I will try a maul to see if it works any better for me. I have never felt at a disadvantage using a mallet , and that could be due to my machinist , and blacksmithing background where hammers are used often.
  15. What did you use to sew it up, and what size thread is that?
  16. When I was younger and making some knife sheaths, my Mom used her 1950 Singer to sew them up for me. The sheathes were around 1/4" thick at the seam, and it did fine. I believe that she used her hand to spin the flywheel on the back for some of the sections being done. As to them slipping, try tacking them with doubleback tape, or gluing them first. A drop of Super Glue would hold them fast, and be quick.
  17. I still say that you can make your own from pieces of tubing. You can oval it, leave it round, and make them any size you want. Cut to length, and then remove the backside to leave the scale shape that you want.
  18. Yea, leather working isn't like blacksmithing where everyone thinks of an anvil. I had never used, nor really heard of a round knife till I got on LW. My Mom, the one who taught me, used a razor knife. She did a lot of tooling, so I always think of a swivel knife when I think leather. I also chose the mallet, as that is what Mom used , as opposed to a maul. It probably just comes down to what you do the most. Tooled items use different tools than say cut, and stitched items. I would say the most iconic item in leather working is the leather itself, a stretched out hide perhaps would be better.
  19. Are they removable? The reason I ask is that I had a magnetic sign for my shop on the door of my ambulance for awhile. When I removed it, the paint was lifting in spots. I could see where a leather wrap would hold moisture against the surface that could lead to rust, or paint problems. My other concern would be paint damage from the leather scuffing due to vibrations. I don't own a bike, so that is why I am asking.
  20. I still think a better way would be to machine a Vee in the front of the ram, and make a clamp to hold the punch, stamp, etc. With the Vee it doesn't matter what the diameter is, it will hold it, so no bushings are needed. I use Vee blocks at work for machining parts fairly regularly.
  21. Having a resale license allows you to buy without paying sales tax. The tax is paid by the customer on the completed item, or whoever buys the materials from you. Now if you use some the items yourself , you are supposed to pay a use tax on that. It isn't as easy as getting a license, and not paying taxes since Uncle Sam will get you one way or another.
  22. Nice clean work there. What did you use for the backgrounder?
  23. Yep, when you live where we do you learn to adapt. I can sun dry Roma tomatoes in one day outside, and cosmolene is easier to remove after setting the item outside in the sun for a bit. I am always looking for ways to use El Sol. the clothe s dryer doesn't get used in the summer, as it takes longer than outside-blue jeans are dry in about 10 mins on the line. It was 113 yesterday, and even after midnight it was still 99. My question is what happens to a hardened item if it is exposed to high temps again,like being left in a car during summer?
  24. My American Harvest food dehydrator has an adjustable heat knob that will go down to what you want. The hair dryer is another good option. Right now down here if it was left in a car it would get hotter than you need. With the windows up interiors can hit 160 easily when it is 110-115 outside. A hot plate with a container on top to hold the holster. A space heater with a fan. Lots of options.
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