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Everything posted by Fredo

  1. Does anyone have a S&W 629 / 4" bbl? Return customer want's a holster for this short barreled monster. However he is in CT and I'm on the west coast so I can't use his pistol to form the rig. Thanks in advance. Fredo San Diego CA
  2. Now that this is settled, I'll add my thoughts on small of the back carry. DON'T DO IT! I know more then one cop that were medically retired due to injury when falling on his piece while rastlin' bad guys.
  3. Well here's an update. I received a reply from the gent who tried the Micro Holster with his EMP. His response is that it fits perfectly! He liked it so much he asked if he can keep the holster I sent for the test and ordered the holster for his EMP with the requested art work in a different color (Brown) so it looks like the Micro blue gun will work for the EMP. I will add that the holster I made for the Micro was tight, real tight on the Micro blue gun. I made it that way to give it the required retention since it does not have a strap or thumb break retention system. Since the EMP in .9mm or 40 is a slight bit thinner then the Micro in.45 ACP the added tightness turns out to be the best option to insure a good fit. YAY ME! Fredo San Diego CA
  4. That's what I'm thinking too. I'm hoping that I will be able to address any looseness with the stich line and or by adding a Chicago screw tensioner. Thanks for the feed back
  5. Hi Dwight, I have a sample holster for the Micro that I've sent to the customer for a "Fit test" we will have a definitive answer in a few days and I'll post it here. Then we will all know. Thank you (and everyone) for the feedback. I love this forum. Fredo San Diego CA
  6. Hi folks, I usually don't post much but I read almost every day and can find the answers. In this case no such luck. I have an order for a paddle holster (I know I know) for a Springfield EMP 1911 however I can not find one in any of the blue/red gun suppliers I normally use. Has anyone encountered this before. By looking at the specs on the Springfield web site they look to be very close to size and shape. I "THINK" the EMP is a nicer version with stainless vs. gun blue finish on the Micro. I have the Micro and I'm wondering if I can make it work for the EMP. The customer does not want any retention other than friction from the molding/boning. Thanks in advance Fredo San Diego CA
  7. Does your Dad know you're making a collar? If he does have him tie a string around the dogs neck about how he wants it to fit on the pup and. once he does that have him cut the string (NOT UNTIE IT) and mail it to you. his will give you the distance to the center hole. I use this system a lot with folks not local to me.
  8. I have good luck with the local Tandy (in Chula Vista). However it means I have to go and sort through to find the better pieces. I had to learn to walk away if they didn't have anything worth buying. They get a new shipment about once a week so I can always go back. Of course they have different qualities and price reflects it.
  9. Looking at the photos I think it might not be that hard to come up with a pattern for it as long as you have either a 1911 or a mold for one. The pics you posted seem to show a excess of moisture used during the molding process and since it showed up still damp I'm surprised it still held as much detail as it shows. I like the design but there sure is a lot happening on the back panel, cross draw, ambi-left or right wear, small of back?
  10. I use a 1.25" round punch and a 1.00" wood chisel. First I punch my end holes with the round punch and then the chisel between. If I need a longer belt slot I use a wider chisel. Since I already had the chisels it made sense for me to go that route.
  11. I had the same issue, I overcame it by removing the safety from the blue gun and drilled for the pin on a cheapo after market safety. I use a bit of RTV to hold it in place but can still spin it down for safety off.
  12. No, "I" try, "YOU" accomplish
  13. I really like this design, the color and floral looks great. I wonder how well the clip will keep a 1911 from flopping around though.
  14. Thanks Troy, I'll keep the thumb print moving on the next try
  15. Hard for me to not see only mistakes. I'd love to hear some input. Give it to me straight Doc, I can take it..
  16. Thanks Biglew, I forgot to answer that
  17. VanDutch, sorry I didn't see this right away. No the straps are not glued down, at the very ends not visible in the pictures I stitched and rivited the straps to the body of the bag. They are lose from there up.
  18. Mato, I used a piece of PCV pipe as a forming buck, held it in place with a large hose clamp. It took me a few tries to remember to leave enough fold over to account for the thickness of the leather. Better to leave it big and trim after I have the end caps sewed in.
  19. That is a lot of frabrication, nice work. I'll look for it if ti ever makes the Calif shows
  20. I don't see a kick stand so I'm guessing air ride, up when riding
  21. It's been a while since I posted, mostly just kept trying to learn. So now I think I have the basics and would appreciate your input/critique. Here's a few I've done in the last year or so.
  22. Or "The Cobbler Has No Shoes" You all know how it is, you never seem to have time for your own projects. On and off I guess this has been set aside for about a year now. Not quite done and the belt is one I made about 3 yrs ago. 1911 full size, hand stitched holster and belt with liner and stiffiner.
  23. I was asked to make a larger bag in dark saddle tan with a floral design here's my take on what I think would fit the bill. Customer was happy so I'm happy. Set up for Harley Wide Glide, 5.5 inch diameter.
  24. I use the Tandy clips since there is a store very close to the house. Like Dwight said they are pretty secure over the seam of my pants. With the smaller framed side arms like my LC9 it carries very well and tight with no flopping around. My LC9 is fitted with a laser/
  25. Thanks gents, it was fun doing the job with freedom to make it work. A lot of times a client will be so "particular" about what they would like that I have to tell them it won't work.
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